When Loyalties Conflict

Who would you put your trust in?

Axel, Petra, Lukas, Gabriel the Warrior, or Olivia?

Personally, I'd go with Axel, he is my homie.


  • Lukas, because his aura of pure goodness will always be with me.

  • It depends on the situation entirely.

  • Feel like Olivia is the most consistent and reliable.

  • Gabriel, because Lee and he's a badass.

  • If not taking account personality traits that much, then it would be Axel.

    Now if it would be a character I actually like, probably Petra.

  • I've been calling Gabriel "Gabirlee."

    Gabriel, because Lee and he's a badass.

  • She's a good thinker too.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Feel like Olivia is the most consistent and reliable.

  • Probably Ivor, my gut tells me the guys a good guy at heart :)

  • Petra, Olivia and Reuben seem to be the most trustworthy.

    Lukas showed cowardice, and while I don't fault him for it (at all, I mean seriously how would you react to a tentacle invasion), I still don't fully trust him to have my back in a fight.

    Axel is Jesse's friend, but is very confrontational, and I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to leave due to his dislike of Lukas or his constant need for Jesse to side with him.(he acts really grumpy whenever you don't)

    Gabriel seems cool (and is voiced by Lee!) but he's part of a group that's been lying to the world. Until the story of what truly happened is known I'm going to keep an eye on him.

    Ivor, while possibly having good intentions (assuming he was the one betrayed and not the reverse), is still a screw-up who acts selfishly and rashly.

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