Recommend me an episode

edited August 2009 in Sam & Max
Hi! I'm a big fan of all of the old LucasArts adventure games and pre-ordered Tales of Monkey Island. With said pre-order, I can donwload an episode for free, and I'll be downloading a Sam & Max episode as I loved Hit the Road.

Which do you recommend for someone new to the Telltale Sam & Max series? Should I just get the first one, or is there any concensus at all on the funniest/most fun to play/best-executed episode? Personal opinion very welcome.
Thank you!


  • edited July 2009
    Season One has a free episode. After that, I would reccomend going to the beginning.

    Season Two is a big improvement.
  • edited July 2009
    The Sam & Max episodes really began to hit their stride in episode 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die!, so that might be the best one to play. It's free though, so you don't have to use your free episode on it.

    The first one I played was Ice Station Santa, the first episode of the second season. I was a little confused because none of the returning characters were reintroduced, but it didn't really detract from the game or make it harder to play.

    I wouldn't advise playing Bright Side of the Moon first, since it's a season finale and makes more sense if you know who all these characters are. Also, it spoils a lot. Chariots of the Dogs also has a lot of callbacks, and you can't even get past the opening of What's New Beelzebub? without playing Chariots of the Dogs first, unless you try things at random.

    I think Culture Shock, the first episode, is pretty good, but it's pretty small in scope compared to later episodes. Also, it introduces the Soda Poppers, who everyone seems to hate for some reason. They're in the other episodes I mentioned, though.
  • edited July 2009
    Sam & Max 105: Reality 2.0
    Sam & Max 104: Abe Lincoln Must Die is free so play this one first and get 105 after.

    The most clever thing would be to try 104, buy the first season, play through that,
    get Ice Station Santa as your free Episode and then buy a season Upgrade for Season 2 (27$ instead of 35$)
  • edited July 2009
    try abe lincoln must die.. a classic. The song and dance routine is my opinion.
  • edited July 2009
    Season 2 chariots of the dogs is the best Sam and max episode IMHO
  • edited July 2009
    haha yeah loved the wackyness of episode 105 reality 2.0 one of the best imo.
  • edited July 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Season 2 chariots of the dogs is the best Sam and max episode IMHO

    I can second that. I wouldn't recommend it as an introduction episode, though.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2009
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Season 2 chariots of the dogs is the best Sam and max episode IMHO

    I think that's true but it also hinges on knowing a lot of past Sam & Max things.

    My recommendation would be getting Ice Station Santa, the first episode from Season Two.

    That way you can play Sam & Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die for free (as its always free!) and then follow it up with Ice Station Santa. You'll be familiar with most all of the main cast and then can go right into Season Two if you'd like.
  • edited July 2009
    A definite third on not playing Chariots of the Dogs first. In fact, if possible, I'd go for starting at the beginning if you can. I think I missed a bit starting with Abe Lincoln Must Die when it went free. It's not the worst idea, but you'll definitely be fuzzy on the attributes of secondary characters(which made a couple puzzles in 104 unintentionally difficult for me).
  • edited July 2009
    for episode 104, all you really need to know is that
    that in episode 3, sam and max bought a cockroach that can double as a listening device, theres a guy named bosco that sells you ridicously expensive crap, play 105 and buy his "ultimate weapon of mass destruction" to see what I mean. and that there's a girl named sybil that changes her job every month and this month, she has a dating service, also that there are 3 celebritys called the soda poppers that now govern south dakota north dakota and the new state, west dakota.
    That is all you need to know to play episode 104, speaking of which, if its free, I should download it myself now that my computer sortof works again.
  • edited July 2009
    Thanks everyone!
  • edited July 2009
    Jake wrote: »
    My recommendation would be getting Ice Station Santa, the first episode from Season Two.

    That way you can play Sam & Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die for free (as its always free!) and then follow it up with Ice Station Santa. You'll be familiar with most all of the main cast and then can go right into Season Two if you'd like.

    I'm going to go with Jake on this. But for the love of God, don't look in Sam & Max's closet unless you want Season 1 spoiled. ;)
  • edited July 2009
    I think "the Mole the mob and the meatball" was my favorite, because its about a mafia.
  • edited July 2009
    natlinxz wrote: »
    I think "the Mole the mob and the meatball" was my favorite, because its about a mafia.

    What mafia? There is just you and me (and Ted E. Bear)
  • edited July 2009
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    What mafia? There is just you and me (and Ted E. Bear)

    I love that song!
  • edited July 2009
    I love that song!

    Greatest Song i´ve heard so far. And i´m just about to play "Abe Lincoln Must Die" :) "Culture Shock" was a pretty good episode too.
  • edited July 2009
    stoney1981 wrote: »
    Greatest Song i´ve heard so far. And i´m just about to play "Abe Lincoln Must Die" :) "Culture Shock" was a pretty good episode too.

    Yeah, I think that season one as a whole far outweighs season two. But the single best episode is probably 204: Chariot of the Dogs.
  • edited July 2009
    I haven´t played Season 2 yet, just about to play Season 1 - Reality 2.0

    In "Abe Lincoln Must Die" they have upped the puzzle level quite a bit, it was a joy to play through this episode aswell. The War Song was pretty nice too.
  • edited July 2009
    From the begining. I played some chapters at random and I finish with a great confusion... so, you can play the first episode and them upgrade, and then go to the second season. It's more enjoyable in order, trust me, trust me...

    (No, really, playing the complete season 2 without playing Reality 2.0 and go to Pimp le Car?)
  • edited July 2009
    I haven't played Season 2 yet, but I recommend 104. It's free and smells like a new car.
  • edited August 2009
    I recommend you get Culture Shock, and then you can get the rest of the great season one at a discount.
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