Bug? Or Easter-Egg?!

I was watching gameplays of the game, when I realized something. At the scene, that Ivor is walking in the middle of the crow (Gabriel's fans), other people's mouth moves, even when it's Ivor speaking. I thought it was pretty weird, but yeah, I'm still curious. Is that a bug, or just a easter-egg? (I'll leave the link and time of a Brazillian Youtube Video of the gameplay that I realized that) By the way, sorry about my english, I'm from Brazil :/

Time: 15:36

Watch it, and tell me what you think. Just need to pay attention on other people's mouth.


  • lol, thats a glitch, but its also kinda creepy

  • I know this is old, but a few days ago when i was replaying all the episodes including Order Up, at the beggining while introducing the Order of the Stone, in magnus's room you will see a cat pic in the top left.

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