Is he dead?

So in my game jessie told the group gabe died but he can't be can he?


  • That's not confirmed. Neither is him dying, I think either an idea got scrapped or Jesse saw something we didn't o_o

    LilSpade posted: »


  • edited October 2015

    No, at least I hope not. If we need the Order of the Stone, we need all of them. If we're planning on finding Petra, she might be with him. Now that I think of it, we need Magnus and Ellegaard to find Soren too.... (Also, I just noticed that Soren was the leader. We obviously need him now...)

  • Fuck. Hopefully nothing will remind of Lee in twds1ep5

  • You know despite being a legendary warrior he needed saving quite a lot

  • edited October 2015

    I think he died. If you try to save him the blue light wont appear in the amulet.

  • edited October 2015

    They are both fine 'cause if you save Gabriel, Ivor still telling you that he saw a Petra running in opposite direction.

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