Wouldn't it be better if TellTale started releasing games as ONE BIG GAME

I just think that it would be much more convenient if TT games were released as one big game, not short 2 monthly episodes. and to just release them all at once. Hell, even get rid of the whole "EPISODE" thing. If they wanted to make a tv show, they can make one


  • No thank you.
  • But you wouldn't have to wait between episodes. You would get it all at once

  • edited October 2015

    I think at least Episode 2 should be mostly complete before releasing Episode 1, but I don't want to get rid of the episodic concept altogether.

  • edited October 2015
    As with everyone else, no thanks. Personally, I really enjoy the 2-3 hours we get here and there to come back to a series we've been waiting for and the waiting itself can be fun too. Plus, if you're social here of the forums, the in-between can be a lot of fun as well; theories are always popping up with every episode, you get to hear new/different opinions and thoughts you may never have come up with yourself, and generally it's just fun.

    If you're wanting all the episodes at once, just wait for the final episode then or the retail copy to hit.
  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Nah, i like they way they release episodes.

    Without the episodic releases this forum would likely be less active, the reason it's alive with discussion nearly all the time is because people like to talk about or theorise about episodes between releases, it also gives Telltale the opportunity to make small changes based on fan feedback to improve future episodes and possibly add jokes releated to fan speculation which has happened with Tales from the Borderlands and other games.

  • But you'd have to wait really long for all the episodes to come out at once

    Icewolf2002 posted: »

    But you wouldn't have to wait between episodes. You would get it all at once

  • Having just one big game literally removes all the mystery this forum is known for having. And it would be spoiler central for the people that can't play every episode in one go.

  • Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't TTG say that one of the reasons that they make their games episodic was to receive player's feedback and take suggestions? I remember when everyone in the TWD forums complained about there never being hubs in TWDS2 and in Ep 4 they listened and implemented a hub! Unless that was already planned... d:

  • Yes, that is pretty much their main reason - and a good one, at that. There are other examples of fan feedback affecting their other games.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't TTG say that one of the reasons that they make their games episodic was to receive player's feed

  • Nah, I love the fact that the storyline is in episodes because it adds the cinematic feeling but I do Agree we need a TWD trilogy with all 3 seasons and episodes and full games I hate the fact that I buy a game and then have to buy more shit to play the GAME I bought -_-

  • Waiting is what teases you more, besides remember that telltale did this to watch the community feedback among the episode so they can analise better the choises for the next episode, think in all of this like an actual tv show which I think the interactive ''games'' are becoming more entertainning than the tv shows

  • You could just wait till all of the episodes are out. I wouldn't be able to do that but if you have the will power to force yourself to not play till it's all out then be my guest.

  • Yes. If more time and care was placed into their games they'd be just as good if not better than TWD S1

  • Their games are already just as good if not better than The Walking Dead Season 1. I'm pretty sure a lot of people could back me up on that.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Yes. If more time and care was placed into their games they'd be just as good if not better than TWD S1

  • I like the episodic releases but I don't like the amount of time we have to wait in between episodes.

    I would love it if Telltale were to create one big game over a normal development period (3-4 years). 5-7 Episodes ready to go on day one, but they don't release them all at once because that would destroy the Telltale model. What they could do is actually transition into what television is like and make the entire season and release episodes bi-weekly. It would give us enough time in between episodes to be cringing at the wait and would still keep the forums active most of the time.

    As with everyone else, no thanks. Personally, I really enjoy the 2-3 hours we get here and there to come back to a series we've been waiting

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    Yep. They've done that ever since the beginning. They already took fan and critic feedback into consideration way back in their second episodic episode, Bone: The Great Cow Race (they made it longer, changed the action sequences to puzzles to fit the rest of the game mechanics, and made a joke about the first game being too short, plus they added new dialog that wasn't in the book they adapted the episode from, rather than a straight adaptation like the first episode).

    This is the number one reason that Telltale's system of episodic releases works so well. The games that didn't have fan feedback because they were released all at once were arguably their weakest (the CSI games and Jurassic Park).

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't TTG say that one of the reasons that they make their games episodic was to receive player's feed

  • I can totally agree with that. While I don't think we'd see the episodes come out that early, I think we'd all like them to stop leaving us guessing for when the next episode is coming out. Like if they just stuck to making them release on the 2nd Tuesday of every month that'd be great instead of waiting a couple months or longer... looking at you Wolf episode 2.

    Wigams posted: »

    I like the episodic releases but I don't like the amount of time we have to wait in between episodes. I would love it if Telltale were to

  • What I mean is they're not as long and aren't given the individual care they deserve. A common grievance with Game of Thrones (especially episode 5) is that it wasn't given a lot of attention. The same could be said about the last few episodes of TWD S2. Michonne Series, Minecraft, Game of Thrones and TFTB is too much to put out in one year and it shows imo. However I would put the TWAU on par with TWD S1 in several areas however it was very short and due to simultaneously working on Season 2 both games did suffer

    Their games are already just as good if not better than The Walking Dead Season 1. I'm pretty sure a lot of people could back me up on that.

  • edited October 2015

    I yelled at my brother last week for saying that!

    It simply wouldn't be a telltale game without episodes

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