An explanation for new users - What certain things mean in the "News" section of waiting threads

Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
edited October 2015 in Minecraft: Story Mode

When Telltale finishes an episode, you can come to the Telltale Community and check out waiting threads for news about the next episode.

You can usually come back a few weeks after the previous episode to check for information about the next episode.

About the News section in Episode Waiting Threads:

Unofficial Updates to look for when an Episode is still being created

  • When you see us posting that "the Episode has been rated by (a game/media rating board)" (like the ESRB, AU Classification, etc), it means that the episode could possibly be released in a few weeks.

  • When you see us posting that we have seen "Episode activity on the Steam Database," it means that Telltale is still working on the episode but have made progress on some parts of it. This is not an official update from Telltale.

Official Updates to look for when Telltale will release the episode soon

  • When Telltale is about ready to release a new episode, they will finally show us new screenshots for the episode, a new trailer, and some game art over a couple of days. These new updates usually come the week before an episode is released. If Telltale Staff members post that we will get screenshots or a trailer soon, the episode is not very far off.

  • A few days after we get screenshots and a trailer, we usually get release dates around the Thursday or Friday before an Episode releases.

  • We will sometimes post updates from Job Stauffer, Laura Perusco (aka puzzlebox), and/or Nathan Ortega (aka kenjisalk). These are the Telltale Staff members that post information about the next Episode on the Telltale Blog, Twitter, and Facebook.

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