Axel or Lukas?

I don't like Axel anymore. Not to mention he is such a jerk to Lukas. I mean i know Lukas is team with guys who wins every year and talks crap to Jesse and the gang. But Lukas is not like them.
Which is why i sided with Lukas.

Who did you side with? Axel or Lukas?


  • Axel, that fat bastard.

  • edited October 2015

    I like Axel, but everytime he goes ageist Lukas, I gotta side with that little perfect square known as Lukas.

  • Ya i guess Axel isn't so bad. But still i gotta side with Lukas.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I like Axel, but everytime he goes ageist Lukas, I gotta side with that little perfect square known as Lukas.

  • Well in my play through I'm trying to be the biggest asshole to everyone who isn't Reuben. So I sided with axel just because it seemed like the asshole thing to do

  • NOPE! JUST Join Them all!

  • I sided with Lukas. I know that Axel comes off as unfriendly right now but I have hope that he'll turn around

  • Claptrap says:Nobody will be wreck their friendship!!! Yo hooo


    Axel, that fat bastard.

  • edited October 2015

    If you Keep Both lukas and axel that is a badass XD

  • I will side them both! so im happy to jesse :D

  • Axel. Don't get me wrong, I stopped him when he wanted to throw Lukas out of the group and I shared my cookie because it was the right thing to do but I really prefere Axel over Lukas. I'm so fed up of 'perfect little men', at least Axel makes me laugh.

  • I liked Axel more than Lukas.

  • I will go with Lukas, because Axel is fat :P

  • Axel was being unreasonable. I don't hate him, but trying to get someone to leave in the middle of the night like that is absurd, especially since Lukas wasn't doing anything bad. Lukas had no weapons, he literally could have died out there.

  • I like both, but prefer Lukas, he's just too damn nice.

  • Lukas.

    Honestly, from the very start I hated Axel.

  • Lukas. Axel is being needlessly cantankerous in a time of crisis. I hope to make them both friends though.

  • Ya. I kinda hope Axel will be nice to Lukas in the later episodes.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    Lukas. Axel is being needlessly cantankerous in a time of crisis. I hope to make them both friends though.

  • Yeah me too. I think they do have the potential to at least tolerate each other's presence, if not to become friends. Even though Axel tried to throw Lukas out in the middle of a monsters-filled night, if you actually let Lukas leave, Axel seems to feel bad about it. He says he didn't know it was going to rain, and he seems to be uncomfortable or maybe ashamed when Lukas gives him an apple on the next day. He is not such a bad guy, I think, he is just kinda immature and short-sighted.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Ya. I kinda hope Axel will be nice to Lukas in the later episodes.

  • I prefer Axel but I don't let him bully Lukas

  • I can understand Axel's behavior, but if I'd been playing I would've told him to chill out.

  • I like Axel, but I'm starting not too as much. He is making too big of a deal out of everything and acting crabby. Lukas is more kind, so I prefer Lukas.

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