Plothole, anyone?

When the gang goes down into Ivor's dungeon, Lukas alerts everyone to the fact that all of the ingredients to craft a Wither are present and in place to be crafted. Lukas evidently knows a thing or two about Withers, and Petra had to KILL one in order to get the Ocelotes their Wither Star for their build. Two people in the group know how dangerous Withers are, and they don't bother to mess with Ivor's setup. They could take a Wither Skull from the chest! So, why don't they?


  • Hmm... I think that most likely is a plot hole. I didn't think of it though, so good job. However, I'm glad this particular one happened, because the Wither Storm was badass and easily my favorite part of the episode.

  • So episode 2 - 5 can happen.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited October 2015

    I was actually wondering why they didn't take a wither skull either. I chalked it up to them wanting to get out of there without him noticing anything being out of place (which is why they tried to be sneaky in replacing the potion), so that they could bring it to the attention of everyone at EnderCon and be thought of as heroes for stopping it before it happened.

    They do seem really bent on being seen as heroes, so that wouldn't be completely out of the question. If that is the case, they'll probably be remorseful for not stopping it when they could in future episodes. Not to mention the fact that it seems like Ivor did what he did because he resents the fact that he's not seen as a hero, so it would be a really good story point if they compared the actions of Jesse and friends and Ivor, as both put innocent lives at risk to try to make themselves look good (although in the case of Jesse's group, it's a mistake by omission, rather than actually causing it to happen).

  • Good theory.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I was actually wondering why they didn't take a wither skull either. I chalked it up to them wanting to get out of there without him notici

  • Another theory is that they were just freaked out and weren't thinking straight. A big part of the story is that Jesse and co. aren't heroes at first, so they have little to no experience with this kind of thing. In hindsight they probably regret their actions, but they were scared and freaked out by the possibility they were dealing with a crazed villain. Just an idea. I actually prefer Jennifer's theory, because it could lead to really neat plot points, I'm just giving another possibility.

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