Okay...Where the **** is Soren?! And my Theory...

Okay my friends and I came to the conclusion that Soren could only be in three places:
1) The Far Lands
2) The End
3) The Nether

The most likely is the end because if you look at episode 3's title and screenshot it is possible that you and Lukas might venture out to the end and the others looking for Soren, could have wanted to stay in the end? To protect the over world? Study it? I have no idea. The nether is the least likely Because Petra and Mabye the other members of the order of the stone have all explored it. Now here comes the tricky part for those that are fellow minecrafters you would know that the Far lands is a (now fixed) glitched biome where if I'm not mistaken a lake was surrounded by weirdly shaped mountains but whats weird is that the far lands would show up on the map WHICH IS CLEARLY NOT ON THE STORY WORLD MAP! I don't know how this is going to work but oh well...

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