Opinions for Episode 2. + My review.



  • Are they doing short quick episodes to keep childrens attention? Or is it because it's almost two games depending on your decisions on episode 1? I've not bought this yet.

  • Abeille, you have way too much hope.

    The wither, and especially the Wither Storm is not something you come back from easily. I was trying to not make that personal, I just fought the wither in my Minecraft world and I'm annoyed at how many arrows I used to kill it, I survived with just half a heart. :P

    Abeille posted: »

    I still have hope for Gabriel. Maybe the Wither Storm doesn't kill people. Maybe it warps them to the End (and if Gabriel is in the End, the amulet can't track him). Please let it be so ;-;

  • They are only doing this with this episode, because this episode 1 and 2 is kinda like one episode. So in other way, minecraft story mode has 4 episodes.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Are they doing short quick episodes to keep childrens attention? Or is it because it's almost two games depending on your decisions on episode 1? I've not bought this yet.

  • Four episodes for £25?!

    Smellmeh posted: »

    They are only doing this with this episode, because this episode 1 and 2 is kinda like one episode. So in other way, minecraft story mode has 4 episodes.

  • I know how bad the wither is, but I'm hoping for some kind of storytelling device here :P

    Kateis posted: »

    Abeille, you have way too much hope. The wither, and especially the Wither Storm is not something you come back from easily. I was trying

  • Oh ha-ha.

    Jake360 posted: »

    Four episodes for £25?!

  • I know, hence this part:

    (but not really this time, though it seems that he thinks it is)

    I know it is not incurable, but Gabriel seems to think it is.

  • Well, yeah the wither infection would be easy to take care of normally, but that was wither infection. This is wither storm infection. The way Gabriel described it, it's an advanced version of the infection, just like how the monster is an advanced version of the wither.

    Not bad, not bad at all. I could complain about the time, but I honestly thought the 60 minutes thing was fitting. Loved the episode, their

  • It's funny, until I battled it again, I forgot how hard it was. XD

    But, I guess the only thing that could save them is the command block. Maybe Ivor put in a third insurance policy (first being telling it to retreat, second being the potion) in which he put a command in so when the wither kills someone they are teleported to the end. But then again even with the Ender dragon being dead, the end is the worst place to go, all those endermen... Shivers

    Abeille posted: »

    I know how bad the wither is, but I'm hoping for some kind of storytelling device here :P

  • Well looks like thats where we are going next.

    Kateis posted: »

    It's funny, until I battled it again, I forgot how hard it was. XD But, I guess the only thing that could save them is the command block.

  • edited October 2015

    While I thought Episode One was a great start, I feel this clip summarizes how I feel about this video quite nicely:

    enter link description here

    It's a shame, really. This series was promising but I found episode 2 boring. So what if choices have an effect? The episode was short and not very fun. Right now, this might end up my least favorite post TWD Telltale game.

  • I enjoyed the episode and I thought it was cute. However, it's the first time I've ever felt like I didn't get my money's worth from a Telltale game. I payed £5 for something I completed in a little over an hour. I hope this isn't going to be a regular thing, and I'm now reluctant to buy the next episode in case it is just as short. I'd rate this episode a 6/10, just because it was so short.

  • It's my opinion. I dislike what I've seen of the game thus far and I'm not impressed with the story or length of the episodes. Are you going to insult everyone who has issues with it?

    You're not exactly the most open minded human being, are you?

  • No, of course not. I haven't insulted anybody (except for Cope) who has had a problem with the series at all, In fact, if their opinion is that they dislike it, good to them, they have their own opinion, not my place to judge. But maybe you could give, i don't know, Some reasoning? As to why it's bad? Because even Cope gave decent reasons, So far it's just been sour comments from you. So I asked a simple question, that wasn't meant to be offensive in the least bit.

    Clemenem posted: »

    It's my opinion. I dislike what I've seen of the game thus far and I'm not impressed with the story or length of the episodes. Are you going to insult everyone who has issues with it?

  • Almost didn't recognice with that good looking avatar. I see you like Steven Universe. :P

    Well, you've gotta understand that the Minecraft animation, while difficult to put together, is extremely simple with the art style it's in.

  • Yep. I'm a huge fan actually.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Almost didn't recognice with that good looking avatar. I see you like Steven Universe. :P

  • enter image description here

    Yep. I'm a huge fan actually.

  • Who could hate that face? It's the face of a main character who's so adorable and cares for others!

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