Is there a reason..

Is there a reason as to why the ones who don't like this game, and have long since expressed their dislike for it, keep coming to the Minecraft: SM forums, joining threads/making threads to bitch and moan about how much they don't like it? I mean, personally I don't like Call of Duty but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go onto their forums and videos to talk shit about it. Seriously, it's really petty. In fact it's getting worse than petty. These people have started complaining because of the position of the fucking forums. Expressing your opinion is fine. But if you don't like it, why do you keep coming back? It's not gonna make Telltale suddenly stop making the game and it's not gonna stop Telltale from making any further games set in the universe (It's up to the reception which has been pretty positive so far), it's not gonna change anything.


  • Because they're children, and children complain about everything.

  • edited October 2015

    Because people are dumb and have the best logic in the world.

  • I am surprised that some people who dislike the game, actually play the game and then complain here.

  • Or watch it instead of playing, then complain, despite not spending any money on the product.

    I guess it wouldn't be any fun playing the game without complaining.

    I am surprised that some people who dislike the game, actually play the game and then complain here.

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