Catastrofic Spanish translation

The Spanish translation of Episode 2 is catastrofic. It is clearly google translated and adapted afterwards, it ignores every rule of spanish sentence building, it keeps the english structure in lots of sentences while translating the words (in "fansub" style, as traduced by an amateur). Also it's got lots of sentences in portuguese and some in english. Even some haf in portugese and half in english. It also has got localisms from specific south american countries, making it alienating for every other spanish speaking country in the world. When translating to Spanish, you have to use either "neutral (or latin) spanish" (A southamerican mix without localisms) or "castillian Spanish" (the standard), which are the worldwide accepted dialects. I think this is mexican.

I haven't been able to change the game back to english nor in the game, nor from steam. I'd prefer to play it in spanish, but in real spanish, not in this form. I hope you didn't pay for that translation.


  • You are not the only one who suffers from bad translations now. Lets hope that we will get a new patch with Episode 3 soon that will fix it back to english.

  • edited October 2015

    I myself played it in English, but I watched someone on YouTube play it in German, and it was just as terrible as the spanish translation seems to be. When I first watched the Video, I thought he installed a badly done Fan Patch...

  • Oh well, TTG rarely translate their games to other languages, it was too good to be true.

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