Anyone here celebrate Halloween?
I used to trick or treat when I was little, but don't anymore. If I still did it, my costume would be Bigby Wolf. What about you?
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I used to trick or treat when I was little, but don't anymore. If I still did it, my costume would be Bigby Wolf. What about you?
I go to parties now
but... the people I know make them costume parties so I still pick up something to wear... still not sure what I'll do yet...
I trick or treat because candy, and this year I'm Doc Brown.
I celebrate by sleeping all day and playing games. If I could go trick or treating I would go as Michael Myers or The Green Arrow
I don't do any trick or treating anymore. It gets old after a while, just like all of us. I know, deep right?
But I still go to parties and dress up. I love to stay young at heart and will almost never pass up an opportunity to dress up! This year I'm gonna re-wear an actual 1940s Navy uniform that I bought off Ebay in the 8th grade (Yes it somehow still fits me). I'm scared of how much money I might spend on Halloween when I'm older, though!
Ah who am I kidding Halloween is the best
Too old to go trick or treating and I don't have kids, but I do go out sometimes and party. I'll be working but afterward I'll probably end up wearing a costume purchased a few years ago. I'll be a generic green beer bottle. Before people use to call me a Henekein bottle, but I'd prefer Dos Equis.
I buy a shit load of candy and watch Netflix...That's celebrating Halloween. (I guess)
I party with friends, which is way more fun than trick or treating!
I like Halloween. My tradition is to post a bunch of monster reviews on my blog in October and watch The Simpsons Halloween special (I haven't watched this year's yet, though. I intend to watch it tonight).
On Halloween night, I stay at home to give out candy to the trick or treaters, but I live on a dead end, so not many kids come here.
I miss Telltale's Halloween contest and their blog posts of costumes that people wore into work on Halloween. That's the drawbacks of them getting big, I suppose.
At least Dave Grossman (a Telltale writer, director and designer from their foundation up until The Wolf Among Us) still adds new creations to his Pumpkin House of Horrors.
I liked the new Treehouse of Horror. It's pretty funny.
Halloween is not a big of a deal where I come from, so no. But I'd love to go trick or treating
I don't celebrate it at all. After all, it's not popular here.
Nah, it's not that popular here. I would like to celebrate though.
Halloween parties of course!
I haven't drank in months, should be interesting.
Nope. We don't celebrate it around here. There are many Halloween-themed parties and stuff, but it's a modern thing.
This is such an odd way to phrase a question.
If you're asking if I get drunk on Halloween while wearing a costume, then yes, I celebrate Halloween.
I'm not very interested in trick or treating. Even if I wanted to, it's banned in my area. I don't know the details, but apparently a kid was kidnapped
that really sucks. I edited my profile picture anyway :P
I'm gettin' shwasty faced as Health Ledger's Joker in his nurse costume this year.
I sit outside all night uns waiting for someone to try to fuck with my house, then i sick my dogs on them.
Hell yes!! Off to a family party this Halloween, so it should be fun. My family celebrates every year. Nothing will beat when we were kids and would go out trick or treating though and play games like duck apple, t'was the best! So I hope you guys all have a wonderful Halloween day too, and if you don't celebrate, I hope today is a great day anyway.
I wish... but I live in a country where almost everyone is against it. I used to go trick&treating but I don't anymore. It's not fun when people try to make you feel like shit because you try to have fun.
We celebrate it, but it's illegal for anyone past the age of 12 to go trick-or-treating.
In Minnesota I like to go Trick-Or-Treating with my friends. I think the age limit is until like 10th grade or something.
Oh, yeah. Going with a group of friends later tonight. We're going trick or treating as the animal mafia.
Wait wait...a-against Halloween?
Coz they think that Halloween is all about worshiping Satan and demons, willing to kill other people and it's a bad thing to do if you're a kid or teenager, because you're sinning and having fun anyway. Also, they say that it's not our national holiday, which is bullshit because Valentine's Day isn't our national holiday also, but everyone wants presents. It's just sad. I wish I had more friends who like Halloween so I could make even a little party at my house, but most of my friends are against Halloween as well or just not interested. :c
Go as a mime. Then you can just say you're in character!
Happy Halloween, everyone! Halloween has a special meaning for me, because it's also the anniversary of my engagement! That's right, I proposed on Halloween, 'cause love is kinda crazy with a spooky little girl like her.
Anyway, I've got a ton of candy to hand out tonight, and I give it out no matter old you are, so everyone show up!
Not that I'm going to tell you all where I live.
Happy 2spooky4me day telltale
Hallowe'en is kinda bad in England because it's always cold or raining outside so we all just stay in and watch movies and hand out sweeties to freezing toddlers ^-^
If I lost a few pounds, I'd definitely dress up as Ruvik from The Evil Within (played the game for Halloween, finished it, it was good!). Thing is no one goes to our street for candy, and my feet aches after a long walk, plus I'm too old to trick or treat. But Halloween is still a cool holiday for me.
It's okay. You don't have to. I already know.
P.S. Keep the window open please.
I don't celebrate Halloween. I above sticks up my ass and play call of duty
Bad sarcasm aside, I do celebrate Halloween. Even though I'm a diabetic it won't stop me from eating razor blades and poison koolaid
I sometimes do depending on if I feel like it or not. Next year I plan to go as Fiona from TFTB or Nisha from BL:TPS.
Got tons of candy, so much fun.
It's my favorite holiday, of course I celebrate. I held a Halloween party with my aunt and uncle, we just invited everyone on the street. Here's my costume:
In spite of living where I do (Australia), Yes, but not traditionally. I do not go trick or treating, but have a party with friends, whereby we dress up in a costume of our choice (not necessarily a spooky one) and sit around a television, watching horror movies or taking turns playing horror games. Not a bad time at all.
P.S. This year, I went as Jacob Frye from AC: Syndicate (because I had the clothes for it, so why the fuck not?). I may upload an image of it later.
Nice. Gives me an Eastern European vibe.
I like your outfit. What are you dressed as?
awww is that theGreatLeoDio you look awesome great outfit
Modern Liberalism in action Folks. If that is true that is hilarious.