NO ! That's not what im saying! he can say my secret, its out there a page back, same for yours. TWDfan could see it any moment, all he has to do is go a page back. its out in the open. So its not exactly "secret" if you pm'ed him, then its more secret...
BUT if he made fun of you because of your secret, then id me like, really mad.
you know its really hard trying to tell if your serious or not!
NO ! That's not what im saying! he can say my secret, its out there a page back, same for yours. TWDfan could see it any moment, all he has … moreto do is go a page back. its out in the open. So its not exactly "secret" if you pm'ed him, then its more secret...
BUT if he made fun of you because of your secret, then id me like, really mad.
you know its really hard trying to tell if your serious or not!
Very unlikely.
If I tackled you while you were in the ground? How?xD
Tu sabe i speak a bit of it mostly spanglish if im really mad then i curse in spanish lmfaoo the famous mamaguevo and puta is all i know how to say.
No....... ugh nevermind. -.-
I knew no one could beat the power of poutine! Poutine montage!

You would of died if TWDFan found out? :P
Freaking douche canoes. That's the last time I tell any of you anything about me ever. >.<
Not my fault, all I ever did is make fun of stupid girls acting like their uterus imploding on itself made them superior somehow. >_>
you callin me a DOUCHE CANOE?! blame TDM, he's the one who said it!
I swear If he says my secret... x_x
WHERE DID HE EVEN GET GLASSES IN THE APOCALYPSE?? there's literally no explanation for the glasses except 'carl wanted to be a hipster' omg
Just.... go away.
hides face in shame
But I changed it! You know what, I'm leaving!
I'll Come back in an hour or so....
I'm not really mad at you! xD
unless you spread my secret..... im watching you. o__o
They always come back.
I read this thread hoping it would be interesting but everyone is talking about periods so..
Oh okay I get it
"Tell anyone about Rachelle's secret, but tell DLB's secret and YOU DIE".
I'M SORRY ;-; I brought you some food, though
I just called for a refund some lady picked up this what she said...

Damn. That was a wash.
I don't see any food.
NO ! That's not what im saying! he can say my secret, its out there a page back, same for yours. TWDfan could see it any moment, all he has to do is go a page back. its out in the open. So its not exactly "secret" if you pm'ed him, then its more secret...
BUT if he made fun of you because of your secret, then id me like, really mad.
you know its really hard trying to tell if your serious or not!
Gif wont load... Eh, be right back
What does that even mean?
I'm talking about poutine if that helps.
Nice thought you was white then again the same shit happens to me people think im white until they hear the accent lmfao.
I see this guys name and im like "Who the hell is this" ?!
He probably would have never seen it unless it was commented right to him, like TDM did.
Eh, whatever. I'm not that mad. I just realized how stupid my story was. v_v
I think someone needs a very detailed and intricate explanation on exactly what happens during the menstrual cycle. With pictures, of course.
Are you a character in LeeTheProfessional's story? No? Okay. Then you don't belong here.
Your secret.
we were talking about her secret:
SO, I was 13. I met WhatTheDuck and I died. The end
xD .... o_o
Seem to have struck a nerve here/

Come on. Your secret. What was it?
I don't think that was it :P
ahem Yeah. That's it.