couldn't agree more the worst part of starting to read this though is like the walking dead comics I have to buy them off amazon cause there is no comic book shops in my area and it takes 2-3 weeks for each package to arrive there better not be too many cliffhangers
Well it essentially means that under no circumstance we can ever be alone together in a house, but we tend to ignore that. She doesn't trust me at all.
Well it essentially means that under no circumstance we can ever be alone together in a house, but we tend to ignore that. She doesn't trust me at all.
volume 1 is $8.21 volume 2 is $9.48 and volume 3 is $11.37 plus shipping which from america to australia was like $20 but I don't think you would have that issue overall it cost me around $50 for all three still cheaper than me using petrol to drive to the city and buying them from a shop
At least you're not missing anyone... hopefully... because men (if you can really call them that) in your school sound dumb and shallow as hell and if they're anything like the ones I know, stay away from them, that's my advice.
volume 1 is $8.21 volume 2 is $9.48 and volume 3 is $11.37 plus shipping which from america to australia was like $20 but I don't think you … morewould have that issue overall it cost me around $50 for all three still cheaper than me using petrol to drive to the city and buying them from a shop
volume 1 is $8.21 volume 2 is $9.48 and volume 3 is $11.37 plus shipping which from america to australia was like $20 but I don't think you … morewould have that issue overall it cost me around $50 for all three still cheaper than me using petrol to drive to the city and buying them from a shop
At least you're not missing anyone... hopefully... because men (if you can really call them that) in your school sound dumb and shallow as hell and if they're anything like the ones I know, stay away from them, that's my advice.
Lol, yup and probably more screen time. Now that we have like 31 people in the mansion, a lot more people aren't going to talk, but I have something planned for that.
I need to read it, I always forget.
couldn't agree more the worst part of starting to read this though is like the walking dead comics I have to buy them off amazon cause there is no comic book shops in my area and it takes 2-3 weeks for each package to arrive
there better not be too many cliffhangers 
Well it essentially means that under no circumstance we can ever be alone together in a house, but we tend to ignore that. She doesn't trust me at all.
yea I think now is the perfect time to start since twau has just ended and the series itself is going to end next year but so far it is pretty good
Lol, that must suck.
Seriously, when I first met her mom it felt like I had to get permission to be her friend.
How much do these cost?
Shit, that sucks...
Religious women in Israel are too closed into the medieval times, so you can't really befriend them in the first place.
They're free if you know how to use the internet
volume 1 is $8.21 volume 2 is $9.48 and volume 3 is $11.37 plus shipping which from america to australia was like $20 but I don't think you would have that issue overall it cost me around $50 for all three still cheaper than me using petrol to drive to the city and buying them from a shop
Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh possibly illegal way of reading comics
Nothing usually.
Oh yeah, her dad and brother hated me for the better part of a year and I couldn't even enter their house.
Her parents are divorced fyi
but....but that is the scrub way of getting them......
Even if your dad is the chief of police, he won't do shit about it, and I have almost no comics stores where I live, so I don't really have choice.
I have no choice.
Yeah..... my mum doesn't allow guys to be in the house unless she's home and can watch them. Also she doesn't want me to date anyone until i'm 18.
I knooooooooooooooooooowwwww
At least you're not missing anyone... hopefully... because men (if you can really call them that) in your school sound dumb and shallow as hell and if they're anything like the ones I know, stay away from them, that's my advice.
Your mom and Amber's mom could have a "uptight religious mother who hate boys" party!
Ew that's kinda expensive.
Oh God...... I'd hate to see what those parties are like..
Well, I can get a deluxe version of books 1-10 for like $30.... I'll consider it.
Meh, none of the guys at my school are good enough to sneak behind my mother's back with anyway, lol.
Maybe they'll lynch random boys?
I'll assume they'll burn an effigy of me.
Can' longer! u_u
stab voodoo dolls of your local high-school male students.
But you're an owl. And it's night.
Night. B]
That sounds like something my mum would do..... she's a witch x___x
Voodoo dolls are fun.
k imma sleep baaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
And of course die alot will die