"He thinks because he's a shadow he can steal people's food and no one will care. That because he's blue it'll magically go away. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
"He thinks because he's a shadow he can steal people's food and no one will care. That because he's blue it'll magically go away. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
It's great, thanks. Just got back today from the cross country camp. Ran 7 miles as a part of a 10 mile challenge. Man, even though I'd been training all week it was tough. >o<
"He thinks because he's a shadow he can steal people's food and no one will care. That because he's blue it'll magically go away. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
It's great, thanks. Just got back today from the cross country camp. Ran 7 miles as a part of a 10 mile challenge. Man, even though I'd been training all week it was tough. >o<
It's just that some people are here and comment more than others, like Rachelle, Rachel, Ana, and I. Azlyn and Devyn don't seem to comment as much as they used to (not that that makes us better than them, it's just that they aren't on here as much).
Ooo and I just remembered that Juice_Box (Marissa?) is in the Lounge now ^-^
I didn't get to check the weather, but it was 8-10 am, so probably 85 degrees out or something. I'm proud I made it that far. It sucks because my right leg's all cramped up. It hasn't gotten completely better yet and it sure felt like an eternity.
I didn't get to check the weather, but it was 8-10 am, so probably 85 degrees out or something. I'm proud I made it that far. It sucks because my right leg's all cramped up. It hasn't gotten completely better yet and it sure felt like an eternity.
It's moments like these I can't help but read it in Kenny's voice...
If anyone here plays Town of Salem, add me. Same name as here.
It wouldn't be as fun otherwise, right?
How's your vacation going? Hope you're having a good one.
My name is also same as here....
It's funny, because it was suppost to be Shadow, but I pressed enter too early, so ya know.
That moment where you don't quite know the quote to follow up on that.
"He thinks because he's a shadow he can steal people's food and no one will care. That because he's blue it'll magically go away. THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
Mines BBQ
That's weird XD
"Eat up, eat up, eat the fuck up."
"You know how it feels like to eat Doritos, almost to death? Delicious. It feels delicious."
Noncy has found a new obsession.
It's great, thanks. Just got back today from the cross country camp. Ran 7 miles as a part of a 10 mile challenge. Man, even though I'd been training all week it was tough. >o<
You're welcome for my mind powers. xD
"He should just get THE FUCK OUT of here and just leave us alone"
It also really sucks x___x All the juice in the house is sugar-free now. I can't even chew gum unless it's sugar-free.
"Why didn't Doritos just finish me off...obviously I ain't helping anyone by being here..."
You should try it
7 miles ain't a piece of pie. Was it really hot outside when you were running? If so, it probably felt like 14.
" Lays needs your help" (Like we give a shit about Lays-Doritos are better)
"Like it or not, Doritos didn't kill you. You have Chips Ahoy, Lays, Chocolate Almonds, Sprite. They're family."
Alright, sorry
It's just that some people are here and comment more than others, like Rachelle, Rachel, Ana, and I. Azlyn and Devyn don't seem to comment as much as they used to (not that that makes us better than them, it's just that they aren't on here as much).
Ooo and I just remembered that Juice_Box (Marissa?) is in the Lounge now ^-^
I didn't get to check the weather, but it was 8-10 am, so probably 85 degrees out or something. I'm proud I made it that far. It sucks because my right leg's all cramped up. It hasn't gotten completely better yet
and it sure felt like an eternity.
You're teasing me so bad right now. x_x
Oreo: "You help me all the time. I need you, Sprite."
Sprite: "I've seen you take care of yourself more than 3 Lays combined. But uh, thanks."
" I had to eat Oreos, so don't be fatass and act like you're the only one that's consumed things!"
See ya tommorow guys, it's 12:22 where I am, so I'm going to sleep...
She should! It's fun
"Oh yeah, guess I should be celebrating. It seems that my shopping list is getting a bit shorter lately."
"Lambs to the Lays. No Doritos to guide you."
Yeah, I'm addicted to it a little....
"Let the Lays outta the shopping cart, we'll see how long it lasts."
I haven't chewed gum in more than a year, it's hell.
You don't like gum?
I run every afternoon and the weather is between 90-100 degrees. Florida is pretty damn hot. Maybe I'm just used to it, though. Hope you feel better.
I find it ironic Salt, your first one was Larry, Now it's Carver, their relationship with Kenny, not so good...
Saltlick knows what I mean, Wait Salt? Don't go, you know you wanna see the dinner... I know you..
"You take care of my Lays, I get the feeling it's gonna be a Lay."
We're close, I don't mind sharing. Or, maybe I can send it by UPS.
We haven't had a food pun in a few minutes.
I don't like it.
"What do you say, Pepsi? Should we just kill these folks and take all their food?" Gorked eyes