I had a guy friend who would regularly shave his legs. I asked him why, and he said that he likes the smoothness and that when he's laying down it makes him feel like a girl is next to him xD
Okay…embarrassing story time…
So...I was in second grade. I was just taking a shower, like normal. Except I got curious, took one of the … moreshavers from the bathroom, and shaved all the hair off of my left arm. I also got cut from the razor. Long story short: don't do it.
I had a guy friend who would regularly shave his legs. I asked him why, and he said that he likes the smoothness and that when he's laying down it makes him feel like a girl is next to him xD
I had a guy friend who would regularly shave his legs. I asked him why, and he said that he likes the smoothness and that when he's laying down it makes him feel like a girl is next to him xD
Lol, music just isn't music anymore. Hell yeah, "Graduation" Had some of his best songs. It's like as soon as they get some money and fame, they just make anything up and call it music.
Most Rappers are shit now a days, I dislike Kayne now, but I used to like him . His last good album was probably "Graduation". But that song is good though.
I had a guy friend who would regularly shave his legs. I asked him why, and he said that he likes the smoothness and that when he's laying down it makes him feel like a girl is next to him xD
I'm going to see it in a couple days, but last time I went there they blocked the entrance, since 9/11 or some shit, and now they want you to male an appointment and everything, so well just go to the island.
I've also been to the Bronx for a little while, and I'll try be around NYC a lot, it's not too far from the town I'm staying in.
lol yeah, and when rappers form groups and shit, its so dumb. All of them just rap about the same shit, "weed, alchohol, sex, driving" its sad that they get money from rapping about that.
I only like a few rappers now a days, I listen to whatever sounds good I guess but I usually follow, Kendrick Lamar, Tech nyne, Hopsin, Tupac, Biggie,Tyler the Creator, sometimes I listen to the more mainstream stuff, though I dont mind it sometimes although most of it pisses me off. I do listen to Drake though, because being born and living in Toronto, he is shoved down our throats. but some of the stuff on his newest album is actually pretty good, besides he is helping giving Toronto Raptors a good rep, so thats good.
Lol, music just isn't music anymore. Hell yeah, "Graduation" Had some of his best songs. It's like as soon as they get some money and fame, they just make anything up and call it music.
I'm going to see it in a couple days, but last time I went there they blocked the entrance, since 9/11 or some shit, and now they want you t… moreo male an appointment and everything, so well just go to the island.
I've also been to the Bronx for a little while, and I'll try be around NYC a lot, it's not too far from the town I'm staying in.
I had a guy friend who would regularly shave his legs. I asked him why, and he said that he likes the smoothness and that when he's laying down it makes him feel like a girl is next to him xD
Nunna ur bizznus >.>
o.o I...don't know what to think.
Like you always say
"I want to know, cause I'm nosy!" xD
I've shaved before, but my legs.... NEVER
I'm not telling you. c:
@Awesomeo have you seen The Statue Of Liberty yet?
Oh my god no. This lady scares me.
I've told you stuff before >.<
**Best Rap Battle Ever.
Raindrop is love, Raindrop is law, Raindrop is life.
Animal Boom
Lol, music just isn't music anymore. Hell yeah, "Graduation" Had some of his best songs. It's like as soon as they get some money and fame, they just make anything up and call it music.
This... XD
Totally legit
Probably shirtless pics of River Phoenix, Kit Harington, and Tom Hiddleston.
Damn, at the beginning he looks like a horse xD
omg, the closeups on that guy's face had me dying xD
Oh my god
I like how the kid with glasses adds "Yo" at the end xD
I'm going to see it in a couple days, but last time I went there they blocked the entrance, since 9/11 or some shit, and now they want you to male an appointment and everything, so well just go to the island.
I've also been to the Bronx for a little while, and I'll try be around NYC a lot, it's not too far from the town I'm staying in.
Sorry :x
Why do they have to tell each other that they're gay? xD
Lmfao! Oh, man, that was bad! Lol! This is still the best rap battle ever...
The. He looks like fish. Watch the whole thing? His rhymes are mesmerizing.
Jk I cry of laughter each time I watch this X'D
Lmao the camera man needs to BACK THE FUCK UP.
Your comments are killing me XDDDD
Jesus, is it really that bad o.o
Ik they get me every time X"D
Well.... I'm in a hospital.
lol yeah, and when rappers form groups and shit, its so dumb. All of them just rap about the same shit, "weed, alchohol, sex, driving" its sad that they get money from rapping about that.
I only like a few rappers now a days, I listen to whatever sounds good I guess but I usually follow, Kendrick Lamar, Tech nyne, Hopsin, Tupac, Biggie,Tyler the Creator, sometimes I listen to the more mainstream stuff, though I dont mind it sometimes although most of it pisses me off. I do listen to Drake though, because being born and living in Toronto, he is shoved down our throats. but some of the stuff on his newest album is actually pretty good, besides he is helping giving Toronto Raptors a good rep, so thats good.
xD I don't know what's going through her head.
wait what
Lol, nah. Just weird pictures of me and my friends and.... shirtless dudes. >.>
"I'm not a rapper"
What did i tell you man?
Damn you was at the BX 718 bra where you at?