yawn tell us when he turns 12 twelvie parties are always the best you know 12 year olds thinking they are cool starting fights oh and them 12 year old sluts man it does not get better than that....
yawn tell us when he turns 12 twelvie parties are always the best you know 12 year olds thinking they are cool starting fights oh and them 12 year old sluts man it does not get better than that....
I'd make him swab the decks or be a cabin boy, the little swabbie. I'd get the cool jobs, like hang out in the bird's nest near the mast and make people walk the plank. I'd be an awesome pirate, my crew would bow to my feet.
yawn tell us when he turns 12 twelvie parties are always the best you know 12 year olds thinking they are cool starting fights oh and them 12 year old sluts man it does not get better than that....
He'd look adorable in a sailor costume! ^-^
I'd make him swab the decks or be a cabin boy, the little swabbie. I'd get the cool jobs, lik… moree hang out in the bird's nest near the mast and make people walk the plank. I'd be an awesome pirate, my crew would bow to my feet.
He'd look adorable in a sailor costume! ^-^
I'd make him swab the decks or be a cabin boy, the little swabbie. I'd get the cool jobs, lik… moree hang out in the bird's nest near the mast and make people walk the plank. I'd be an awesome pirate, my crew would bow to my feet.
obai mark
How did you act when you were 12? xD
When you're in my dreams you tend to be dressed as a carrot.
like i was 18 drinking, starting fights, drugs, sex you know the usual
12 year old sluts xDDDDDDD
He'd look adorable in a sailor costume! ^-^
I'd make him swab the decks or be a cabin boy, the little swabbie. I'd get the cool jobs, like hang out in the bird's nest near the mast and make people walk the plank. I'd be an awesome pirate, my crew would bow to my feet.
i'm getting there... i'm getting there good things take practice
Funnily enough, in my dreams you're dressed as Davy Jones.
And I would like to mention just how adept Simon is at swabbing the poop deck.
Btw, thanks for getting me addicted to ToS, Noncy xD
I just came out from the woods even though it's 9:15pm and Dayum... some scary shiet out there.
"Oooooh, Ok"
One of us
I wore a sailor costume for Halloween when I was in Canada. I did not look adorable.
It all makes sense now...
Does he now?
Story of my life in two sentences.
I had them like 5 years ago. They're somewhere around here... The picture of me as a kid that I posted earlier is all that remains.
Hell to the yeah it is.
Yes. The cabin boys love him.
You were talking about it the other day and I got curious
Btw I'm pretty sure I sent you a request, if you'd accept it.
The peoples dance moves at ATR's party^
Stay alive.
I'm not going to bed, but I'm getting off for the night
Maybe I'll stop by again, but who knows.
This is why I don't go outside. Freaking sea bears be sneakin up on my ass.
So done with outside. Who needs that shiet.
You are under contractual obligation to share them with us.
lol, nope. If I found them I would burn them.
Sky Lions are worse.
Flappy Birds will cause Global Thermonuclear War.
Motherfuckers died in this shit.
Random gif because I can.
My sisters dogs:
One's quick at retrieving the football:

The other's not so quick:

yaaaaaass finally did good with serial killer in ToS
Guardians Of The Galaxy is fucking great, I laughed my ass off.