Been gone for 23 hours....736 new comments.
And everyone gets a ton of likes. Was it because I was gone....?
I see how it is.
… more
Also, I was committed to reading all 736 comments. Until CiD posted a snapchat and shared about his first sexual experience. That was like, the 8th comment.
Oh Lounge....
But you're just too awesome ^-^
Been gone for 23 hours....736 new comments.
And everyone gets a ton of likes. Was it because I was gone....?
I see how it is.
… more
Also, I was committed to reading all 736 comments. Until CiD posted a snapchat and shared about his first sexual experience. That was like, the 8th comment.
Oh Lounge....
But you're just too awesome ^-^
NOOOOOOOOOO u are one of my favorites and a really good person and friend
i just wont save you so you don't suffer jeffs death (But if it WAS a choice I WOULD PICK YOU)
Been gone for 23 hours....736 new comments.
And everyone gets a ton of likes. Was it because I was gone....?
I see how it is.
… more
Also, I was committed to reading all 736 comments. Until CiD posted a snapchat and shared about his first sexual experience. That was like, the 8th comment.
Oh Lounge....
But you're just too awesome ^-^
Been gone for 23 hours....736 new comments.
And everyone gets a ton of likes. Was it because I was gone....?
I see how it is.
… more
Also, I was committed to reading all 736 comments. Until CiD posted a snapchat and shared about his first sexual experience. That was like, the 8th comment.
Oh Lounge....
But you're just too awesome ^-^
You're gonna be here forever
Guess all you have to do is look at women and they'll be begging to marry you.
Story of my life.
No matter how hard I try...
I end up here.
You're lucky that I have such a kind and forgiving heart.
Holy!... WtW, wth?! It's not working at all!
If that were the case I wouldn't be in my current predicament.
fair enough
Well obviously I smell and only take a shower once a year.... that's reason enough, isn't it?
for what? Lol, no need to apologize. B]
luv u bae
Yeah, lots of people love Mark...
I just get too excited sometimes lol
One of your INFINATE Beutifull qualities we mortal's can comprehend (as most are TOO great to notice by our mortal minds)
Lmao! Nope. Not really. B]
but you ARE one of my favs
His first sexual experience..?????
My shit brown eyes attract women like flies to shit.
that is disgusting and not true.
that explains so many of my problems
brown eyes lyf
Ok i know it's nooS but i HAVE to ask
Umm, to be honest.... Um.... Deceptio. I forgot about him xD
Oh, boy. They've done it again...
Because I don't exist yet.
I walked right into it.
Close enough.
You are more awesome that this lounge
Yes true
She walked right into it...
Lol, okay, I'm done. B]
laughing my ass off off
Mark is Love Mark is Life
So you don't count........................... YET
we should start a club we would get all the ladies and everyone with blue eyes will be forced to wear brown contacts
brown eyes lyf
I'm with you bro, but we're already getting them, we just need to make it official.
i did too............................Wait i'snt he alive?
He's Twdfan's brother right? or am i confusing him
That gif literally freaks me out. o_O
YOU KNOW IT WORKS >.< That's more than can be said for you.... you don't even know HOW to bathe.
Yeah, he's Fan's bro.
Yeah. I'm not in a very good place right now.