I'm going to bed now. Goodnight all!
@TDMShadowCP show them the screenshot, I don't really care if I'm asleep. I might regret it tomorrow though. But meh.
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight all!
@TDMShadowCP show them the screenshot, I don't really care if I'm asleep. I might regret it tomorrow though. But meh.
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight all!
@TDMShadowCP show them the screenshot, I don't really care if I'm asleep. I might regret it tomorrow though. But meh.
Yeah, I stopped watching after both Brock and Misty left, I just couldn't get attached to the new companions. I've seen a few new episodes here and there, but for me it's as though that special quality that captivated me so much isn't there anymore. I might be being a little dramatic, but I feel it's lost the soul the show once had. And that's just ridiculous for a Pikachu to lose against a Magikarp, those things are so easy to take out, even at high levels. I still play the games though, I just got soul silver for my DS, I'm excited to play it again, it's been so long lol.
I've heard a lot of good things about Origins, I'll definitely have to watch it! I've always been a bit interested in Red, since playing Red version.
Don't blame you. I've watched every season so far, even the Japanese episodes of Poke'mon XY. They're just not as good as the original, and … moreI hate how the writers made Ash an idiot and incompetent when it comes to Poke'mon battling in the later seasons (like his Pikachu loosing to a Magikarp in Diamond and Pearl, and a Snivy in Black and White).
If you get the chance, you should check out Poke'mon the Origins. It's basically an OVA (movie) of the original Poke'mon Red & Green games but with Red as the main character portraying the start of his journey all the way to where he catches Mewtwo.
I know what you mean, I get insomnia all the time from stress.;-; That gif has got me cracking up though rn, I've gotten high by accident before when my sleeping meds don't work. XD
I know what you mean, I get insomnia all the time from stress.;-; That gif has got me cracking up though rn, I've gotten high by accident before when my sleeping meds don't work. XD
sweats nervously
Best song ever XD
This is why I kill you in GTA 5
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight all!
@TDMShadowCP show them the screenshot, I don't really care if I'm asleep. I might regret it tomorrow though. But meh.
Mom's Spaghetti
My son is such a gossip.
I approve.
Dude, it's no a big deal, I'm pretty sure A LOT of guys here feel the same way as you.
I wonder where I got that from >B^)
Omg I read that as "I'm sure a lot of guys feel the same way about you." lmfao
I really don't see what's the problem with what you said, lol.
First @ComingSoon misreads "My fastest time was 6 minutes" to "My fatass was 6 minutes"
And now this? .-. xD
Cough... I don't know if Liam would be happy with that.
yea nah we blame elian
Hello everyone! What's up? :P
Yeah, I stopped watching after both Brock and Misty left, I just couldn't get attached to the new companions. I've seen a few new episodes here and there, but for me it's as though that special quality that captivated me so much isn't there anymore. I might be being a little dramatic, but I feel it's lost the soul the show once had. And that's just ridiculous for a Pikachu to lose against a Magikarp, those things are so easy to take out, even at high levels. I still play the games though, I just got soul silver for my DS, I'm excited to play it again, it's been so long lol.
I've heard a lot of good things about Origins, I'll definitely have to watch it! I've always been a bit interested in Red, since playing Red version.
What're you up too young man? Isn't it past yo bed time? ;D
How dare you! I don't have bed times I do what I want! XD
XD I knew you would post that lol
Goodmorning everyone ;~;
Son, where you at? It's 1 AM where I am. XD
But good morning!
You know how when you're so tired that you can actually feel how hot your eyes are? It's kinda weird. I might just be a little out of it.
Goodness, am I that predictable?! XD
I wish I could get that tired.
I've got insomnia super bad, and I took 2 sleeping pills and hour and a half ago. Y'know how I feel?
I know what you mean, I get insomnia all the time from stress.;-; That gif has got me cracking up though rn, I've gotten high by accident before when my sleeping meds don't work. XD
Uh... Can you see the future?
Sure, 'accidentally'...
Haha this guy is hilarious, he's one of the funniest dudes on youtube.