The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • "ayy lmao" xD Ya be coming up with some shit.

    ayy lmao

  • What are you scared of? Lol, it's just annoying, not scary. Do what you have to do and don't fuck up. You'll be good, man. B]

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Give me tips, please. :c

    • Stay away from drugs, alcohol, or anything else that impairs your judgment
    • Pick a locker by the exit so you can leave as quickly as humanly fucking possible
    • Don't make friends with older kids, because they will graduate before you and you will be left alone
    • Don't make friends with younger kids because you will graduate before them and be left alone
    • Actually, just don't make friends
    • Try not to use the bathroom there if you can help it
    • Don't draw too much attention to yourself because you WILL stick out and people will hate you for it
    • Don't cut classes
    • Always hand in assignments and projects a couple of days or a week before it's actually due, because then you'll have more free time to yourself and you won't be so stressed
    • That being said, don't procrastinate
    • Respect the authority of your school
    • Try to figure out your life goals as soon as possible so you don't feel stuck in grade 12 when you have to decide
    • Get your priorities straight
    • Try not to get romantically involved with anyone in high school, because you will be distracted from your work and not get the grades you want. Also, chances are you'll never even see them again after grade 12
    • STUDY. Even if you don't feel like it, just do it.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Give me tips, please. :c

  • So an alien killed JFK?

    ayy lmao

  • You don't have to tag him to be considerate :c

    @Markd4547 there. I am considerate.

  • We got the...

    damn bby you good lookin

    "you look like my uncle"

    And of course

    ayy lmao

    "ayy lmao" xD Ya be coming up with some shit.

  • We all killed JFK because of ELIANS.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    So an alien killed JFK?

  • Welp, I guess I'll say good bye to my friends on Monday xD

    * Stay away from drugs, alcohol, or anything else that impairs your judgment * Pick a locker by the exit so you can leave as quickly as hum

  • edited September 2014

    I... Uhhh... Violated like all these rules xD man I wish you was older and be giving me these tips.

    * Stay away from drugs, alcohol, or anything else that impairs your judgment * Pick a locker by the exit so you can leave as quickly as hum

  • I know, I just wanted to use that Clem quote. Maybe I'll grow up like you and be a hit-man in the future :)

    What are you scared of? Lol, it's just annoying, not scary. Do what you have to do and don't fuck up. You'll be good, man. B]

  • I don't respect he authority of my school at all, because they're fucking bastards that don't give a shit about us or our needs.

    * Stay away from drugs, alcohol, or anything else that impairs your judgment * Pick a locker by the exit so you can leave as quickly as hum

  • I have to go back and play s1 again to use more Ben lines against you guys xD

    We all killed JFK because of ELIANS.


    We got the... damn bby you good lookin "you look like my uncle" And of course ayy lmao

  • edited September 2014

    I had this principal, we used to call him "no neck" because the guy literally looked like he had no neck, like his head just sunk into his shoulders lmao. Anyway, the guy was a douche, he would go around suspending people for no reason whatsoever. Not only was he bad, but the staff didn't even care about the students either, always messing up schedules and not fixing them, it was ridiculous.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't respect he authority of my school at all, because they're fucking bastards that don't give a shit about us or our needs.

  • Lol, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Just keep a small circle of friends that you fully trust. You can have some senior friends, but just to give you tips and such, don't count on them to help you with anything else because their main focus is to graduate and they have work of their own. If you get a gf just remember to focus on school first, if you guys break up don't stress yourself out, shit happens. All in all, just do the work, pass your classes and by the time you're a senior, it'll be way more relaxing.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Welp, I guess I'll say good bye to my friends on Monday xD

  • We had a Principal that didn't give a shit she just let anything go like this chick was a horrible fucking principal. My school was divided in 5 Different schools which caused problems among each school resulting in my Sophomore year being an all out war everyday there was fights and people getting jumped in the bathroom until one day the BIG ONE happened and 3rd floor school came to our floor and everybody just started swinging I got like 3 hits on some dude and then got punched in the chin just to get pushed back by security guards and hurt my elbow when I hit the floor. After that we never heard of that principal and instead got replaced with some ex military motherfucker xD that's when shit started to get better... Also let me not forget that everyday was like i was at an airport since I had to go through scanners and metal detectors and No electronics allowed shit was garbage.

    I had this principal, we used to call him "no neck" because the guy literally looked like he had no neck, like his head just sunk into his s

  • Lmfao! Sounds like my school, I remember this huge fight started over someone throwing a plastic Snapple bottle at at someone, and then the whole school started fighting. Cops came for like two days straight and we left early, after that we had one cop outside just in case. Dude, we had to take our shoes off just to get in after that, like wtf?!

    We always had the metal detectors though, haha. But yeah, no neck was retired at that time, although he was an asshole, the students acted better when he was around. If you were out in the halls after the late bell rang, he would suspend you, lol

    We had a Principal that didn't give a shit she just let anything go like this chick was a horrible fucking principal. My school was divided

  • Yeah we always had the metal detectors and had to put our shoes through the scanners xD. Nah after they replaced the Principle and AP and Added the new ones god I hated the new AP cuz she had this strict ass NO HAT policy so everybody would try to be lookout and have everybodies back when they saw the tip of her head moving amongst the crowd cuz she was like 5 feet xD short ass hell and hard to spot so when you talking to someone and your hat flies off you were stressed you wasn't getting yo shit back till the end of the year she took one of my shits she probably sleeps with that shit xD

    Lmfao! Sounds like my school, I remember this huge fight started over someone throwing a plastic Snapple bottle at at someone, and then the

  • Lmao, my principal used to do the same, but especially with phones and iPods. He would keep them until the end of the year, some kids just went in there and took something that wasn't theirs because the other people would have a new phone, so they took things to sell them, haha.

    Yeah we always had the metal detectors and had to put our shoes through the scanners xD. Nah after they replaced the Principle and AP and Ad

  • LMFAO Word xD fucking High School days shit man they had their bad days but fuck there was a lot of good times. Did they used to do that tradition where you get jumped on your birthday or nah?

    Lmao, my principal used to do the same, but especially with phones and iPods. He would keep them until the end of the year, some kids just w

  • 5 days till smash bros!

  • Lmao, nah, but they did birthday punches. I remember these two guys started punching some girl in the arm because it was her b day, people thought they weren't hitting her that hard and that they were just playing around, but she starts crying and says that her arm hurts. The teacher starts yelling at them that she's going to give them detention but then they just ran out of the class, it was fucking stupid, man. The girl was friends with them too.

    LMFAO Word xD fucking High School days shit man they had their bad days but fuck there was a lot of good times. Did they used to do that tradition where you get jumped on your birthday or nah?

  • :,( for 3DS I'm gonna wait for the Wii U version I decided the Wii U will be my next gen console wanna hit them Classics Smash Bros, Wind Waker HD, fucking Hyrule Warriors and then the new Zelda damn Nintendo is gonna make guap.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    5 days till smash bros!

  • LMFAO niggas violated. All guys got jumped for their birthday there was no escape some people posted their birthday on facebook and set themselves up or if someone is suspicious that its someones birthday they'll play it off and check their I.D. They would jump people in the middle of class but traditionally it was after gym in the locker room xD. As for girls they got birthday punches but not some violation shit like that LMFAO

    Lmao, nah, but they did birthday punches. I remember these two guys started punching some girl in the arm because it was her b day, people t

  • I like how my Joker stuff turned into high school talk. Because just like Joker whoever invented school just wanted to watch the world burn.

    * Stay away from drugs, alcohol, or anything else that impairs your judgment * Pick a locker by the exit so you can leave as quickly as hum

  • Can I haz DS?

    Lee4ever posted: »

    5 days till smash bros!

  • Dog's gonna murder him in his sleep lol

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  • What is "best friend"??

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    When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • I am not suprized. Not a godamn bit.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Dog's gonna murder him in his sleep lol

  • It's true. Cats never do anything for free.

    Funny how back in the day the crazy villains were supposed to have standards or even give a damn about Nazism.

  • That is pretty much everyones parents. Also don 't frget the kinda opossite sid of it.

    Me: Hi mom. (attemping to drink water)

    Mom: Hi sweety! (hugs as tight as she can)

    (Meanwhile I get shoked and drop my glass)

    Me:You made me spill water on the keyboard!

    Mom: You better clean up. Dad is going to be so mad at you. (trollface)

    Or the other one:

    Dad: Any plans for tonight?

    Me: No.

    Dad: Loser.


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    JonGon posted: »

    Ellias finally got to you... smh

  • Pandora: Frequently inaccurately predicting what you'll like.

    That moment when you have a Hannah Montana song on your Pandora list.

  • Dear NABISCO: Have you people gone fucking insane?

    uhhh... wtf

  • Amazing life hacks! I tried them all! They work!

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  • Since when do parents know the word noob?

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