The Lounge ain’t alight in the forums tonight
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A thread of isolation,
And it looks like a blank screen… more.
This thread is barren like all the users have just died
Couldn't not comment, heaven knows I’ve tried
Don't leave the thread, don't leave it be
Be the good user and comment just like me
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them leave
Well, now they’ve left
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
Why not comment anymore?
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
This thread can’t become a bore!
I don't care
‘Bout the excuse you’ll say
This thread must live on,
And where is Chapter Three anyway?
The Lounge ain’t alight in the forums tonight
Not a notification to be seen
A thread of isolation,
And it looks like a blank screen… more.
This thread is barren like all the users have just died
Couldn't not comment, heaven knows I’ve tried
Don't leave the thread, don't leave it be
Be the good user and comment just like me
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them leave
Well, now they’ve left
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
Why not comment anymore?
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
This thread can’t become a bore!
I don't care
‘Bout the excuse you’ll say
This thread must live on,
And where is Chapter Three anyway?
The Lounge ain’t alight in the forums tonight
Not a notification to be seen
A thread of isolation,
And it looks like a blank screen… more.
This thread is barren like all the users have just died
Couldn't not comment, heaven knows I’ve tried
Don't leave the thread, don't leave it be
Be the good user and comment just like me
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them leave
Well, now they’ve left
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
Why not comment anymore?
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
This thread can’t become a bore!
I don't care
‘Bout the excuse you’ll say
This thread must live on,
And where is Chapter Three anyway?
I kicked your ass at your own sick twisted game Rigtail !! IT'S OVER !!!!!
You hear me !? OVEEEEER !!
Those races you created were lit… moreeraly torture device, even Joseph couldn't take it anymore, so did TDM, Modernized and Devyn but I defeated you !!!
Let it be known that i defeated you at the most twisted race playlist EVER !!!
Our eyes are burning and our hands are bleeding !! WTF is wrong with you !!
The Lounge ain’t alight in the forums tonight
Not a notification to be seen
A thread of isolation,
And it looks like a blank screen… more.
This thread is barren like all the users have just died
Couldn't not comment, heaven knows I’ve tried
Don't leave the thread, don't leave it be
Be the good user and comment just like me
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them leave
Well, now they’ve left
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
Why not comment anymore?
Where’d you go, Where’d you go
This thread can’t become a bore!
I don't care
‘Bout the excuse you’ll say
This thread must live on,
And where is Chapter Three anyway?
So twd finished in march and game of thrones came back a week later I'm happy, game of thrones finished and now breaking bad is supposed to come back in a couple of weeks I'm happy and then I realize breaking bad is finished for good.... this is going to be a long few sad months waiting for the cycle to start again (twd season 5 in october) better find a new tv show to watch in that time
I can't seem to be able to connect back to PSN....I have no idea why...i'm trying to fix the problem but you guys just keep going without me in the meantime
I can't seem to be able to connect back to PSN....I have no idea why...i'm trying to fix the problem but you guys just keep going without me in the meantime
OK I FORGIVE YOU !! ^-^ receives virtual hug
Sweet Heaven above, this is beautiful.
Yay!!!!!! xD
(>o_o)> <(o_o<)
Noncy. Would. Love this.
Tears up It's PERFECT!
How to train your dragon 2 almost made me tear up :') Better than Frozen.....surprising
Dude, did you lose power or something? You suddenly went offline.
I thought NoncyWoodburpledorp was everything to you?
Don't worry. I'm still here!
Wait, swoons means like enchanted and relaxed no?
Swoon means fainting.
Like, you see a hot guy and you
s w o o n
I see how it is. sniffles
Chapter 3 is up.
@TWDFan86 and @Welcome_to_Woodbury
You guys could see it on google docs right? I just checked your requests, so making sure.
my 3 favourite TV shows cycle
So twd finished in march and game of thrones came back a week later I'm happy, game of thrones finished and now breaking bad is supposed to come back in a couple of weeks I'm happy and then I realize breaking bad is finished for good.... this is going to be a long few sad months waiting for the cycle to start again (twd season 5 in october) better find a new tv show to watch in that time
GASP Oh damn you did not just shush her!
I can't seem to be able to connect back to PSN....I have no idea why...i'm trying to fix the problem but you guys just keep going without me in the meantime
I love it XD
puts cookie in your mouth
Also....I dunno if its related but all your gravatar pictures suddenly went is going on...
Watch it and come back to me
Even this guy agrees with me.
That happened to me like 2 days ago, just restart the PS3. At least, that worked for me.
Tell me this is real, please, it will be so awesome.
Creepy 0_0
Can you watch the movie first? Please?
As soon as the gravatar pictures started reappearing, I was able to connect to PSN again....the fuck is going on ?!
Yeah, I could see it.
You choose me over Frozen? D'aww I feel so speshul
An hour or so I think.
I know this is ironic, but, ummm....I have to get off now. I have a busy day tomorrow and I need mah beauty sleep. Night guys c:
I want a pet dragon. ;-;