The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited May 2015

    Good Luck, buddy ^^

    Alt text

    Well, got my first AP test of the year today, wish me luck.

  • Alive. You?

    Thanks Blue. How have you been?

  • Good luck! You'll probably do well :)

    Well, got my first AP test of the year today, wish me luck.

  • Ah, good luck.

    Well, got my first AP test of the year today, wish me luck.

  • Iz best chrustmas story i've evr heard

  • Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

    Alt text

  • @Karnedg2013 @ComingSoon @AWESOMEO

    Thanks, the test went well today.

    Well, got my first AP test of the year today, wish me luck.

  • Alt text

    blueneon posted: »

    Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

  • edited May 2015

    Wow that's really hardcore. You live a really dangerous life Blue/

    blueneon posted: »

    Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

  • :)

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    @Karnedg2013 @ComingSoon @AWESOMEO Thanks, the test went well today.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Actually, I was hoping that people would stop making new posts that only had pictures. If you want to make a new comment in this thread here, don't make posts that only have pictures and nothing else (unless you are responding to someone else's comment; even then, though, it's preferred you guys also type something out if you can.)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I wanted to post a picture about Jaden Smith quitting twitter BUT IT WON'T POST; -;

  • God damn


    Rules don't apply to u

    blueneon posted: »

    Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

  • Awesome :)

    @Karnedg2013 @ComingSoon @AWESOMEO Thanks, the test went well today.

  • Alt text

    blueneon posted: »

    Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

  • I'm watching the second season right now. Great show.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well, my favorite TV show just ended its season with a huge cliffhanger, now I'll have to wait a few months until the next season premieres.

  • edited May 2015

    Anyone watched this? I did , 20 times when I was a kid. I had it on VHS.

    edited May 2015

    But it was in a spoiler tag, and I posted it here because I wanted to see what people thought about his ingenious twitter posts.

    Actually, I was hoping that people would stop making new posts that only had pictures. If you want to make a new comment in this thread here

  • Nice, what AP test?

    @Karnedg2013 @ComingSoon @AWESOMEO Thanks, the test went well today.

  • My earbuds broke, this sucks.

  • I go through different pairs of earbuds like a kid goes through candy - it sucks. :( I'm not careless or anything, but I always walk around with them in my pockets so I guess it's through wear and tear.

    My earbuds broke, this sucks.

  • It's not so much your image in particular - I'm trying to get this thread as a whole to move away from new posts that are only images (unless it's a response to someone else's post, like a reaction image or something).

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But it was in a spoiler tag, and I posted it here because I wanted to see what people thought about his ingenious twitter posts.

  • I put them in my pocket too...Oh well, I'm getting new ones tonight.

    I go through different pairs of earbuds like a kid goes through candy - it sucks. I'm not careless or anything, but I always walk around with them in my pockets so I guess it's through wear and tear.

  • I already know about Better Call Saul but I wanted to take a break from the Breaking Bad universe before watching it. So, I'll guess I'll check out Daredevil, thanks for your answer!

    kaleion posted: »

    Daredevil is pretty fucking good, Vincent D'onoffrio is great as Wilson Fisk, I'd recommend that, alternatively you might want to look at th

  • English Literature, I got another one on Friday for European History, which I am literally screwed for.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Nice, what AP test?

  • edited May 2015


    blueneon posted: »

    Today I bought ice cream without asking my mom.

  • ohmygodyes

    torkahn808 posted: »


  • edited May 2015

    I know, rite? :D

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    AWESOMEO posted: »


    edited May 2015



    Xbox Mafia reks all you sony ponies stfu feggetz

    edited May 2015

    Eh, you can do it. Just buckle down and you'll manage.

    English Literature, I got another one on Friday for European History, which I am literally screwed for.

  • I appreciate the support, but I'm not even joking when I say I'm screwed for this test. My teacher didn't teach anything and didn't do anything to prepare us for this test. I've been trying to cram for this test for the past week with one of those crash course books, and I'm still worried that won't be enough.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Eh, you can do it. Just buckle down and you'll manage.

  • [removed]

  • I hate Facebook so much, and my parents are forcing me to start using it, which has only made me hate it more.

  • I remember how my parents didn't want me to use Facebook when I was 10. Why are they making you use it?

    I hate Facebook so much, and my parents are forcing me to start using it, which has only made me hate it more.

  • Because I'll be going away to college soon and they think it's important that I start using it so I can interact with other students who will also be going there. I've just never been hugely into social media, this and Youtube have been the exception, stuff like Facebook and Twitter I've never really enjoyed since it just seems like a waste of time. Chances are when I go to college, I'm not even going to use it ever again.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I remember how my parents didn't want me to use Facebook when I was 10. Why are they making you use it?

  • Actually you might need it in college as it's not uncommon for assignments and announcments to be posted on Facebook, so you might have to use it regardless of whether you want it or not, plus it's an easy way to contact classmates and ask for info on a class you missed.

    Because I'll be going away to college soon and they think it's important that I start using it so I can interact with other students who wil

  • Well, over the course of this week, I'm finally going to watch all of the Star Wars movies.

  • Is it sad that I only know the plot of all the Star Wars movies just because I played the Lego Star Wars for the PS2 and not by watching the movies?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well, over the course of this week, I'm finally going to watch all of the Star Wars movies.

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