The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited December 2015

    So happy I won a $150 csgo lotto pot the other day c:

    My chances of winning were 1% :3

    Here are some of my memorable winnings:

    • 2 awp asiimovs
    • 1 USP-S kill confirmed
    • 1 M4A1-S hyper beast
    • 1 Gali AR chatterbox
    • 1 USP-S Overgrowth (Gave it as a gift to @Kracmos for being so pro when he just started playing csgo
    • 1 Conspiracy Deagle
  • Why are the bad guys in FC 4 nonexistent? Paul literally only appears twice. Good game but the villains needed more screen time

  • Hah, I know the feel, same here. :/

    Nice new pic tho, I love Gaige. whispers a n a r c h yforlife

    I kinda wanna change my gravatar, but at the same time, I like Bonnie and I wanna keep it. But I wanna change it.

  • Just watched the movie Bronson for the first time. What a masterpiece.

    Tom Hardy is a beast.

  • [MOM LOGIC 101]

    me: i just need some... alone time.

    mom: (invites neighbor's children) Okay!

  • I just found out Randall Munroe, author of the xkcd math/science comic, wrote an article for the New Yorker explaining Einstein's theory of relativity (both special and general) using only the 1,000 most common words in the English language. It's a good read for people interested in physics whether you already understood these concepts or not.

    The Space Doctor's Big Idea

  • Goodbye, No Shave November! You've been good to me!

  • Reminds me of Stephen Hawking's A Brief History of Time and how his publishers said that for each equation he included, he'd lose 50% of potential readers. So the only equation in the final print was E = mc squared!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I just found out Randall Munroe, author of the xkcd math/science comic, wrote an article for the New Yorker explaining Einstein's theory of

  • Anyone know a really good brand of flashlight?

  • There are many. It depends on what you need it for. Mag-Lites are always reliable and can be used as weapons if need be.

    Anyone know a really good brand of flashlight?

  • I think the story in Starcraft 2 is a dismal atrocity. I just feel it's a poor effort.

    Have some extra time on your hands? Feel like reading my thoughts on it (from someone who was actually hired to work on the Starcraft 2 story years ago by Blizzard)?

  • So yeah, I'm gonna participate on that Telltale Holiday Fanart Giveaway thingie,

    i just hope 3d renders are okay

  • Probably not.

    So yeah, I'm gonna participate on that Telltale Holiday Fanart Giveaway thingie, i just hope 3d renders are okay

  • edited December 2015

    Continuing my 007 Review series, is one of the most well known and critically acclaimed films of franchise of the series, Goldeneye! This one partically has a strong attachment to me, as this was my first ever Bond movie that has gotten me hooked into the series since childhood.


    The plot to me was a very strong one, integrating several stories that are all connected to one another. The pace keeps on moving forward with little to no delays, every single scene led further into the plot. Every action scene and calm scene did not take you away from the main story. Throughout the film both Bond and Russian forces chases shadows with all of the shadows that ultimately linked to Bond's tragic operation with his partner and friend, Alec Trevelyn (006) at a Soviet chemical base, involving the execution of Alec at the hands of Colonel Ourumov. 9 years after that, Bond catches wind of an operative named Xenia Onatopp by discovering she has a stolen car and getting record she works for the Janus group. Following her, leads to a stolen EMP Helicopter and the massacre of Severnaya. Launching Bond and Russian forces to investigate who was behind it and the revelation that Bond's friend was behind it all in a scheme to have revenge against Britain for the death of his family, the Lienz Cossacks, known for their treachery. Bond has to end up pairing with a Russian programmer, Natalya Siminova who was also betrayed by a friend to stop both of their friends from using a EMP weapon, the Goldeneye from causing havoc in Britain. The links and progression between the plot and characters was a strong feat. It has a remarkable common theme of traitors, and battling those who were friends; giving the notion "Keep your enemies close, and your friends even closer."


    Pierce Brosnan's Bond revitalized James Bond in an explosive way. He had incredible charisma throughout the entire film and they explored more of Bond's backstory openly along with his personality being question when it comes to friendship and the job. He even suffers a bit of an identity crisis which I found interesting, he's now "a relic of the cold war."

    Judi Dench was introduced strongly as the new M of MI6. She was fantastic in her role and gave off a very distinguished personality about her. She was, I believe, the first to literally shred Bond in who he is. She represented the changes of time which I found intriguing. Definitely the most recognizable M I have ever known.

    Alec Trevelyn was a fantastic main villain to the franchise and film. For the first time, we've had a villain with very close ties to Bond with a strong reason to enact the plot of the film throughout. He was charming as Bond but always aloof about others. A much more sinister and revenge driven agent. He knew Bond so well so he knew nearly everything coming from his opponent. His backstory was something I thought was unique and tragic for a villain. I liked the fact, that as Bond villain, not only did he try to create chaos but was trying to be a digital bank robber as well.

    Natalya Siminova was a interesting addition to the film. We got a computer programmer who's just as deadly with a computer as Bond is with his guns (and other things but ya get the notion). She was another character who questioned Bond for who he was, further capitalizing Bond's identity in the new world he's living.

    Other known characters to note as such was Xenia Onatopp, a bizarre masochist who took pleasure in inflicting pain. She was very sexualized and always made me slightly uncomfortable when she was around (which means she's done her job).

    Wade served as an replacement of Felix Liter, he was okay but it didn't felt the same to me. Although, he did had a fun, light hearted touch that I liked.

    Boris Grishinko was a great henchman who was flirty and mischievous of computer programmer who seeks to get rich. He was an insider of the Severnaya massacre that involved stealing the Goldeneye access codes, and betrayed Natalya. I always loved his victory quote "Yes! I am invincible!", always humorous (especially the last scene he was in). He was a nice interpretation of the computer geniuses we've come to known. He was great to watch on screen.

    Ourumov was a very sloppy commander of Russian forces. He often got nervous when things didn't go as planned, and was a nice change from the often confident commanders we've seen in Bond films. I always chuckle at his reactions when Bond chased him in a tank. He's another traitor and worked for Alec.

    Lastly, one of my most favourite and memorable characters, Valentin Zurkovski (Hey, it's Hagrid! "You're a wizard, Bond.") . A Russian mobster who can contact Janus and also has a connection with Bond. He used to do fine until he took a bullet to the knee (sorry, not sorry). He was just so casual and hilarious on screen. He and Bond on screen complimented each other so much it was pleasure to see them both on there.


    I loved the transition between much of the locations in the film. With most of it keeping a cold and ominous atmosphere in the film until the climax of the movie. And much of it kept a technological/industrial touch to the settings that I admired. St. Petersburg was an excellent addition to the locations Bond travel, and it was widely explored for the majority of the film. My second favourite of the settings was the giant satellite dish for Goldeneye, it just reeked of saying "Look at me bitch, I'm gonna woop Britain's ass!". It kinda reminded me of Blofeld's volcano base with the camouflage and all.


    It was interesting for me to discover that the song was Alec's perspective of the story. It was a nice adding touch, and the visuals were interesting to say the least. Too be honest I never really cared for the song but now that know it's a perspective song I can appreciate it a bit.

    Some Issues

    Several of my issues are only minor but I feel I should mention them. I always cringed at the fact that Ourumov told his guards not to shoot and halting his guards from shooting Bond as he chased after the plane. I was like "Dude! That was your chance to fucking possibly kill him! Gah!"

    I also feel that the randomly conveniently place snow sled with dogs as Natalya finds it after escaping the satellite in Severnaya is randomly odd . Who's sled was it?!
    Too be honest I feel like the introduction to Janus kinda came out of nowhere, little mention of them until like St. Petersburg.

    Another to note was the reason of Bond and Alec sabotaging the chemical plant in the intro sequence was never mentioned. It was very random despite what it led to and how great the opening was.

    Lastly, I felt the set up to Natalya being captured by Boris and Xenia was very random. Seeing the door randomly shut and candles goes crazy just made not sense, just to lead to her getting captured. If she saw Xenia approaching her, leading her to Boris then that would've made sense.

    Top Scenes

    There's much I loved about this movie but I'll just show my top three.

    enter link description here

    The revelation of Janus being Alec. How I'll ever love this for the symbolism of the setting. A graveyard representing the relics of both of them and their past. Moving with their past to now. And the atmosphere was just so cold and dark, that you can feel the intensity in Bond as his memories of his friend turns dark.


    As I said, humorous and casual.

    enter link description here

    This is obvious. It was just so epic and amazing to watch!

    Rating: 9/10

    Great movie but has some issues.

  • I think they should be. Can't hurt to try!

    So yeah, I'm gonna participate on that Telltale Holiday Fanart Giveaway thingie, i just hope 3d renders are okay

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Just remembered that the Game Awards air tomorrow night. I wonder what all they have planned in terms of announcements - be it gaming in general, or potentially, something from Telltale. Job was teasing we get Michonne news this week, so it's possible we may get Michonne info during the show.

    EDIT: Speaking of game announcements, I also wonder when we get that December Smash Bros direct.

  • Yes! Like some of my other favorite movies, it's flawed but fun- it's my favorite Bond movie with my favorite Bond actor (Brosnan)

  • So I got to bring attention to how incredible this music video is. It's all set underwater, in the ocean.

    enter link description here

    When I first saw this, I thought "wow, those are fancy special effects to pull off the illusion of those two swimming around in the ocean like that!". I recently watched the making of video and had my jaw drop when I realized there are no special effects, all of it is real! They are really swimming around in that ocean!

    Seriously if you haven't seen this already you need to watch this!

    enter link description here

  • edited December 2015

    Tbh, I never saw the flaws until I got older. Now what has been seen cannot be unseen. lol

    But this will always be the best of Brosnan's Bond films. It's such a classic.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yes! Like some of my other favorite movies, it's flawed but fun- it's my favorite Bond movie with my favorite Bond actor (Brosnan)

  • This music video is beautiful and these people are super-human. I can barely swim 2 laps in a swimming pool and they do all of this in the ocean?! Cool..

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    So I got to bring attention to how incredible this music video is. It's all set underwater, in the ocean. enter link description here

  • Tbh, I never saw the flaws until I got older. Now what has been seen cannot be unseen. lol

    Me with most of my childhood favorites right now lol

    But this will always be the best of Brosnan's Bond films. It's such a classic.

    Yup, it's kind of a shame that his other movies weren't as good.

    Tbh, I never saw the flaws until I got older. Now what has been seen cannot be unseen. lol But this will always be the best of Brosnan's Bond films. It's such a classic.

  • edited December 2015

    .. I really hope the message of that image isn't what I think it might be.

    I don't know how to share this image so here's a link

  • I know right? XD I wish I could hold my breath that long.

    This music video is beautiful and these people are super-human. I can barely swim 2 laps in a swimming pool and they do all of this in the ocean?! Cool..

  • I was thinking of dyeing my hair to blonde,

    idek anymore

  • What color is your hair now?

    Why not try pink? :)

    I was thinking of dyeing my hair to blonde, idek anymore

  • Pink is pretty over the top, some people just like to be a bit more plain. Depends on the person.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    What color is your hair now? Why not try pink?

  • If you want to and you think you can pull it off, go for it!

    I was thinking of dyeing my hair to blonde, idek anymore

  • Apparently Family Guy is going to be a movie, it's several years too late, but fuck it, I'd probably still go see it.

  • edited December 2015

    I can still remember playing Melee on my Gamecube... Ah the memories:)

    Just remembered that the Game Awards air tomorrow night. I wonder what all they have planned in terms of announcements - be it gaming in gen

  • edited December 2015

    Ugh, I was in lunch at school today and I heard this group of kids talking about what should be done about Isis, and they said shit like "We should just nuke them" or "Who gives a shit about the civilians?" It kind of disgusts me that some people in America think that it's ok to just indiscriminately bomb a country to shit with complete disregard for innocent lives.

  • How about an evac attempt before nuking the place?

    No_username posted: »

    Ugh, I was in lunch at school today and I heard this group of kids talking about what should be done about Isis, and they said shit like "We

  • How about not nuking the cradle of ancient civilization.

    papai46 posted: »

    How about an evac attempt before nuking the place?

  • How about not nuking in general?

    Sorry I couldn't resist.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    How about not nuking the cradle of ancient civilization.

  • To be honest, I am surprised it took this long.

    Apparently Family Guy is going to be a movie, it's several years too late, but fuck it, I'd probably still go see it.

  • I'm obviously not one for nuking the middle east, but I've never understood the "but in ancient times" argument. Does doing something good in the past prevent repercussions in the future? Or are you just refering to historical sites, etc?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    How about not nuking the cradle of ancient civilization.

  • Even better.

    How about not nuking in general? Sorry I couldn't resist.

  • edited December 2015

    "We should just nuke them."

    What they do not understand is that the likelihood of Da'esh outliving the next ten years is slim. People are constantly acting as if Da'esh are a world power of sorts when in reality they are weaklings compared to the forces they face. For one, there is a multinational coalition of militarily developed nations bombarding them as it already is. Secondly, there are the local militia forces constantly engaging them on the ground. Also, the source of a majority of their profits - oil fields and refineries - are the constant subjects of aforementioned bombardments. And fourthly, they are also spread relatively thin over a vast distance.

    In short, a nuclear strike would be a very disproportionate response.

    EDIT: 'Twould seem they now get most of their money from taxes. Though, the oil does definitely help.

    "Who gives a shit about civilians?"

    Poor choice of words on their part; they are civilians themselves, and I can guarantee that Da'esh does not give a single flying fuck if they kill them or not.

    No_username posted: »

    Ugh, I was in lunch at school today and I heard this group of kids talking about what should be done about Isis, and they said shit like "We

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