The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If you read the bottom, you will see my feelings towards you Salt. :)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    You must really hate me LOL

  • We got a foot where I live which cancelled school.

    So much snow. 20-30 inches expected...worse part is that I already didn't have school yesterday and today.

  • To all of the religious people who say god rewards the good and punishes the evil, I've got 2 words for you. Fuck. Off.

    enter image description here

    I worked my ass off today cleaning the entire house, editing and recording, drawing, writing, etc. And what do I get? Being shat on by nearl

  • I'll be the first to buy it!

    Linnet posted: »

    Turns out Google is in fact working on an ECHO eye

  • Damn straight I'm edgy. Religious people can still fuck the fuck off though.

    papai46 posted: »

    To all of the religious people who say god rewards the good and punishes the evil, I've got 2 words for you. Fuck. Off.

  • Yeah, V might be more fun and have a larger world, but they did downgrade the physics, ammount of interiors and AI, probably due to the limitations of the last gen consoles. Can't wait to see what Rockstar's first next gen only game is like though.

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I actually can't even apply eyeliner, I have enough of a phobia about things poking my eye.

    But its such a neat thing to think that all the microsensors that are currently in computers and phones are now small enough they could fit on a contact lens. This prototype is actually like five years old, the newer pics the chips are much much smaller:

    enter image description here

    papai46 posted: »

    I'll be the first to buy it!

  • So much snow outside. Thank god I still got power

  • enter image description here

    Looks awesome from space, though.

    So much snow outside. Thank god I still got power

  • I haven't seen snow around me in years

    So much snow outside. Thank god I still got power

  • edited January 2016

    Dayum. I do not envy you.

    I worked my ass off today cleaning the entire house, editing and recording, drawing, writing, etc. And what do I get? Being shat on by nearl

  • I can barely see out there, but thank goodness. Been shoveling for hours...

    So much snow outside. Thank god I still got power

  • Yeah, I have a lot too- it looks like Minnie's Haberdashery during the snowstorm in The Hateful Eight where I am lol

    So much snow outside. Thank god I still got power

  • Nobody does.

    Dayum. I do not envy you.

  • Well....alright then. :/

    Damn straight I'm edgy. Religious people can still fuck the fuck off though.

  • edited January 2016

    Perhaps Heath Ledger's Joker and good number of Anime villains started this trend of unstoppable perfect mastermind villains. I enjoy Heath Ledger's Joker a lot though and I feel the Joker is one of the few villains where that characterization can work considering that the vagueness and unreliable state of his backstory makes him interesting.

    Plus, I like that the Joker somewhat represents that huge force that Batman has to fight against and fill his purpose as the hero of Gotham, that being said though, I do think that there are some layers to Joker when it gets to the idea that he used to be just a regular hard working citizen who was struggling then just had a "bad day" and afterwards said "screw it, nothing matters anymore, I'm just going to give in and watch the world burn considering it's all just meaningless."

    CunningFox posted: »

    Giving villains human traits makes them a lot more enjoyable overall, and could make you relate and sympathize with them easier. I'm fine ev

  • I agree. There are very few times where the unstoppable mastermind villain trope works, and you've already listed one example. Heath Ledger's performance of Joker was honestly the only thing that made me watch the Batman movies. I now have no interest in them, even though I'll probably end up watching Batman vs. Superman.

    J-Master posted: »

    Perhaps Heath Ledger's Joker and good number of Anime villains started this trend of unstoppable perfect mastermind villains. I enjoy Heath

  • Yeah me too lol I woke up and I couldn't even open the door to the outside. I just let my dog out and he made a path for me.

    I can barely see out there, but thank goodness. Been shoveling for hours...

  • Yeah there is so much that I can't even see my parents van xD it's gone.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah, I have a lot too- it looks like Minnie's Haberdashery during the snowstorm in The Hateful Eight where I am lol

  • Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is awesome.

    The theme song and end song are the stuff of dreams.

  • All of the comments sections on Game Grumps videos fucking disgust me. It's all either, "Kevin sucks!" or "Suzy is an ugly slut!" or "I miss Jon!" or "Arin sucks at everything!" and sometimes "WHERE'S UNDERTAAAAAALE?!"

    I fucking hate it. It's all cancerous. Hate comments don't usually bother me, but this is a whole new level of disgust me.

    Man, I whine and bitch in this thread a lot. Let's change that. Uh... I like pie.

  • Eh, I'm more of a cake guy, myself.

    All of the comments sections on Game Grumps videos fucking disgust me. It's all either, "Kevin sucks!" or "Suzy is an ugly slut!" or "I miss

  • Fuck ya'll, cookies reign supreme.

    Eh, I'm more of a cake guy, myself.

  • Ah yeah, Cake is awesome.

    Eh, I'm more of a cake guy, myself.

  • Cookies, Cake and Pie are the trifecta of awesome.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Fuck ya'll, cookies reign supreme.

  • I absolutely despise the cops in GTA 5. They're like my number one most hated enemies in all of gaming.

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • I played Modern Warfare 3 for the first time in a long ass time. Like 4 years ago. It's not good...

    I miss my Black Ops and MW2 copies. :(

  • I've watched Rousey vs Holm probably like 100 times since watching it live. Often times I watch it to cheer myself up when I'm having a bad day.

  • edited January 2016


    I MEAN, that didn't work

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Nah,try this better

  • Hey New England. Fuck off.
    Carolina, super fuck off to you.
    (Championship trash talk, please don't actually fuck off if you're from there.)

  • Well I am from New fuck off hater (k then xD)

    enter image description here

    Hey New England. Fuck off. Carolina, super fuck off to you. (Championship trash talk, please don't actually fuck off if you're from there.)

  • Cheaters gonna cheat.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well I am from New fuck off hater (k then xD)

  • Aliens pls...TAKE ME OFF THIS PLANET

    enter link description here

  • Bitches gonna Bitch

    (So everyone flips out about the size of inflated BALLS from the Pats but it's swept under the rug when Manning might be taking performance-enhancing drugs? Wow, good logic there America)

    Cheaters gonna cheat.

  • I could give a shit about the psi of the game balls. I'm talking about two members of the coaching staff being caught spying on other team's practices. See, the difference is that when Mcdaniels got caught the Broncos fired his ass because they aren't cheaters. Then ol coach Bill hired him right back because we all already knew he got caught doing the same thing.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Bitches gonna Bitch (So everyone flips out about the size of inflated BALLS from the Pats but it's swept under the rug when Manning might be taking performance-enhancing drugs? Wow, good logic there America)

  • edited January 2016

    See, the difference is that when Mcdaniels got caught the Broncos fired his ass because they aren't cheaters. Then ol coach Bill hired him right back because we all already knew he got caught doing the same thing.

    I can saw a few things in response...

    A. (From you) Fuck off.

    B. (From that hag Hillary Clinton) What difference does it make!?

    C. (The Broncos Criticism Answer) You failed to address the Manning allegations so I refuse to answer anything else until you own up to what the Broncos have done, they're no saints.

    I could give a shit about the psi of the game balls. I'm talking about two members of the coaching staff being caught spying on other team'

  • Lol, you mean the story about his wife getting hgh that the guy who made the allegation has flat out said he made up? Please, dude. You'd have a better case arguing that Tim Tebow used illegal Jesus powers to beat Pittsburgh in the playoffs.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    See, the difference is that when Mcdaniels got caught the Broncos fired his ass because they aren't cheaters. Then ol coach Bill hired him r

  • Lol, you mean the story about his wife getting hgh that the guy who made the allegation has flat out said he made up? Please, dude. You'd have a better case arguing that Tim Tebow used illegal Jesus powers to beat Pittsburgh in the playoffs.

    Please dude, are you watching the game right now? Broncos have been getting away with that spearing and trying to injure shit all season- that's dirty playing

    Lol, you mean the story about his wife getting hgh that the guy who made the allegation has flat out said he made up? Please, dude. You'd have a better case arguing that Tim Tebow used illegal Jesus powers to beat Pittsburgh in the playoffs.

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