The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Here's a live-stream with almost 4,000 viewers as of now.

    enter link description here

    Markd4547 posted: » Brothers Entertainment I'm watching a live update on Finebro's subs ^

  • Wooo. Kicking people's asses so badly in The Last of Us that they wanna report me!

  • ive had this happen so many times on star wars battlefront but nothing ever happens about it

    Wooo. Kicking people's asses so badly in The Last of Us that they wanna report me!

  • Do you even lift? m9 ill rek you with me lil finger!

    I said it fucking sucks m8, come at me skrublord, I'm ripped.

  • enter link description here

    I want to marry this Women

    enter link description here

    wtf it actually exists XD

    enter image description here

    This video assumes all men have the same ideas and opinions and are scum

    Makes big statements without any fact to back it up

  • But wouldn't the movie be called Hermione Granger then?

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here

  • edited February 2016

    Nah it doesn't assume all men are the same (I say as a man), saying that's just a way to avoid addressing the issues actually brought up.

    No-one gives a shit if you're offended by those girls 'generalising men', offence means nothing. People take offence way too easily these days.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here I want to marry this Women enter link description here wtf it actually exists XD This video assu

  • Ok going by your logic and issues brought up ur a man like Donald trump so can't trust you XD. And calm down I never said I was offended I was debating the video

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah it doesn't assume all men are the same (I say as a man), saying that's just a way to avoid addressing the issues actually brought up.

  • You're going to be the one to say people shouldn't be offended by others saying stuff?

    Also, which of the questions, in your opinion, have issues worth addressing?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah it doesn't assume all men are the same (I say as a man), saying that's just a way to avoid addressing the issues actually brought up.

  • edited February 2016

    Hermione Granger And The Feminist Stone

    Hermione Granger And The Boys Room

    Hermione Granger And The Prisoner Of Mr Grey

    Hermione Granger And The Twitter One Fire

    Hermione Granger And The Order Of The S.H.I.T

    Hermione Granger And The Half Bleed Night

    Hermione Granger And The Ridiculous Patriarchy

    Hermione Granger And The Girl Who Gave Literally Zero Fucks

    papai46 posted: »

    But wouldn't the movie be called Hermione Granger then?

  • yeah the internet pretty much has any question ever asked

    My friend said she loved her pet raccoon, Bubbles. I told her as a joke that it was beastiality, and said there was a fine for that shit. Then I got curious and searched what the penalty was for beastiality in the united states.

  • Personally I find it ridiculous that people would sit in positions that offer them some semblance of comfort. Serious issue there.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    You're going to be the one to say people shouldn't be offended by others saying stuff? Also, which of the questions, in your opinion, have issues worth addressing?

  • Ironic.

    So, what "issues" is there.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah it doesn't assume all men are the same (I say as a man), saying that's just a way to avoid addressing the issues actually brought up.

  • Too bad Sh0e is dating Armored Skeptic.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here I want to marry this Women enter link description here wtf it actually exists XD This video assu

  • Okay, now I would have to agree with you there. Especially true on public transportation, such as buses and subways. Personally I think that everyone that rides public transportation should be forced to be strapped in upside down from the ceiling while systematically having needles puncture their skin (mostly the face).

    Personally I find it ridiculous that people would sit in positions that offer them some semblance of comfort. Serious issue there.

  • Why? You jelly?

    Too bad Sh0e is dating Armored Skeptic.

  • Nah, it was response to Mark's "I want to marry this woman" comment.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Why? You jelly?

  • Just so long as their legs are kept at the government mandated separation distance, it's fine.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Okay, now I would have to agree with you there. Especially true on public transportation, such as buses and subways. Personally I think that

  • Oh. . . well I'm jelly.

    Nah, it was response to Mark's "I want to marry this woman" comment.

  • She's definitely a woman.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Oh. . . well I'm jelly.

  • Oh of course, each rack well be properly spaced and the ankles and thighs will be chained together, and the wrists will be chained behind the back, just to make sure we don't get any unruly individuals that want to, like, point, or something.

    Just so long as their legs are kept at the government mandated separation distance, it's fine.

  • Goddess*

    I know, autocorrect can be a pain sometimes.

    She's definitely a woman.

  • Ah yes, such a pain!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Goddess* I know, autocorrect can be a pain sometimes.

  • I just wanted to thank everyone who was kind and supportive whilst I had a short brake, I've started to feel a bit better so, I'm going to try and stick around a bit and see how it goes <3

  • Glad you're back! :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I just wanted to thank everyone who was kind and supportive whilst I had a short brake, I've started to feel a bit better so, I'm going to try and stick around a bit and see how it goes

  • Now that February's here, I'm looking forward to Michonne Episode 1, Minecraft Episode 5, and Firewatch later this month. As the wise Will Smith once put it...

    Where the video games at

  • Thanks :D

    Glad you're back!

  • Hope Trump wins in Iowa, he's less electable than Cruz.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited February 2016

    Yeah, I honestly can't see him winning if he got the nomination.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hope Trump wins in Iowa, he's less electable than Cruz.

  • Ayy, i thought i was the only one.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Goddess* I know, autocorrect can be a pain sometimes.

  • Please don't leave again :)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I just wanted to thank everyone who was kind and supportive whilst I had a short brake, I've started to feel a bit better so, I'm going to try and stick around a bit and see how it goes

  • [removed]

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hope Trump wins in Iowa, he's less electable than Cruz.

  • edited February 2016

    The best thing is, even if he doesn't get nominated, he might run independently, which would split the conservative vote and guarantee a democratic victory.

    Yeah, I honestly can't see him winning if he got the nomination.

  • edited February 2016

    The best thing is, even if he doesn't get nominated, he might run independently, which would split the conservative vote and guarantee a democratic victory.

    Sadly that's true....Seriously, Fuck Trump.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The best thing is, even if he doesn't get nominated, he might run independently, which would split the conservative vote and guarantee a democratic victory.

  • I can't make any promises, but I'll try and stay for as long as I can <3

    papai46 posted: »

    Please don't leave again

  • Looks like Cruz won.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Hope Trump wins in Iowa, he's less electable than Cruz.

  • Yup, Rubio did really good though.

    For anyone wondering the top 5 for the Republicans were:

    1. Ted Cruz (28%)
    2. Donald Trump (24%)
    3. Marco Rubio (23%)
    4. Ben Carson (9%)
    5. Rand Paul (5%)

    Also, Republican Mike Huckabee is dropping out and Democrat Martin O'Malley is dropping out.

    Looks like Cruz won.

  • While I prefer Rubio over Cruz, I'm just glad Trump didn't win. Also, both Sanders and Clinton are at 50%

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yup, Rubio did really good though. For anyone wondering the top 5 for the Republicans were: * Ted Cruz (28%) * Donald Trump (24%)

  • Yeah, personally I guess I like Rubio and Carson but I will say that no-one's perfect of the candidates and it's good that Trump didn't win

    Also, both Sanders and Clinton are at 50%


    While I prefer Rubio over Cruz, I'm just glad Trump didn't win. Also, both Sanders and Clinton are at 50%

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