The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yeah well...ttg has a lot of potential so maybe i'm just lookin for some more games by ttg. Thats y am so impatiently posting all this. Y'know ttg fans eh? ;)

    I'd say TWD was pretty emotional for a lot of people, and if you're going to tell them to make an "emotional" game then at least give some e

  • Maybe, but the story was cool

    I think I'm the only one that didn't find the last of us emotional at all, it was a well told story but iz didn't feehlz anythingz'z

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    I think it's pretty irrelevant in this case, but generally undesirable.

    Brevik will definitely be found a danger to society, every time his case comes up. That bastard is staying in the joint for good. EDIT: If not, I might have to go to Norway, kill him myself in do a bid in cushy Norweigan prison.

    Generally, I think an arbitrary limit like that is fine for non-violent crimes, but people who rape and kill should always be released conditionally, if at all. Serious cases demand serious deliberation and heavier restrictions post-release to ensure the safety of victims and families. Ultimately, it's another system that's probably fine in Norway and not applicable here. The prospects of finding gainful employment post-release are very bleak and therefore recidivism is quite high in America.

    How do you feel of a maximum penalty of 21 years, unless he's deemed a threat to society?

  • I couldn't even do the demo

    im still figuring how deception 4 the nightmare princess works because some of the new quest requirements are ridiculous like gain 1000 ark points and even when you copy the example video exactly i get 0 ark

  • I frekin loooove gears you got me all excited!!! can I get it on ps4 google just brings up pages of cloned articles?

    Anyone played the gears 4 beta?

  • Nah sorry. Gears of War has only even been on xbox and PC (Gears 1 & UE)

    I frekin loooove gears you got me all excited!!! can I get it on ps4 google just brings up pages of cloned articles?

  • It'd be an insane plot twist if you don't give Vito any resources, he'll call Joe to help him take down Lincoln.

    No..... NOOOOO!

  • FINALLY! I have finished the boxes for my The Walking Dead Comics! :D

    enter image description here

  • I played them all on xbox and never realised they were exclusive, oh shit.

    Oh well at least ps4 is good for j-games

    Nah sorry. Gears of War has only even been on xbox and PC (Gears 1 & UE)

  • Yeah it's a Microsoft made game so no chance that'll be on ps4, you know how MS are haha

    I played them all on xbox and never realised they were exclusive, oh shit. Oh well at least ps4 is good for j-games

  • edited April 2016

    Feel free. Just be ready for your sleep pattern to be turned on its head by very long summer days and very long winter nights.

    Can I come? Anything's gotta be better than 30-degree + heat.

  • Tfw you're in a bus and then you realize you're way too uncomfortable when people are surrounding you.


  • I've been waiting for a new game that's set in the 20th century for a LONG time.

    Thank god for Mafia. :)

    am really hyped for this game not only because mafia isa great series but its also set in the sixties which could be interesting

  • edited April 2016

    Me: Pop rock sucks.

    listens to "Panic! At the Disco"s newest album




  • edited April 2016

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Honey! I'm hoooommmmee!

    It feels like forever since I've been here! I missed this place so much! >.<

    Since last week, my internet suddenly went on the fritz an I wasn't able to come on here for nearly two weeks. I couldn't connect no matter how many times I tried. The only page I was able to enter was the support page and even that was wonky looking. I thought it was the site but then other sites I go to were losing connection, plus my computer would crash (twice often, when on steam). I went to my aunt's, the same issues. But then I went to the library, and it was working over there! Found out that the library uses different internet company while the company I get my internet from was the main source of the problem, as other clients had similar issues like me. I didn't know when I would've been able to come back, but now I'm finally here! ^w^

  • Those are pretty cool. My favourite has to be the box for 127 - 144.

    FINALLY! I have finished the boxes for my The Walking Dead Comics!

  • Listening to Rob Thomas, Paying Bills, Embarrassing close friends and family with pictures from the past, Constant anxiety, Accepting literally every task my friends give me and becoming their helper for nothing in return except for their smiles.... Yep. It's official. At the age of 17 I have become my mother. A spitting image of her really. Meh, better than becoming my father.

  • Same.

    Me: Pop rock sucks. listens to "Panic! At the Disco"s newest album IF CRAZY EQUALS GENIUS THEN I'M A FUCKING ARSONIST I'M A ROCKET SCIENTIST

  • That's awesome dude!

    I got some pretty cool storage boxes for my walking dead issues. I got 3 boxes 113-126 / 127-144 / 145-153 Volumes 1-25 Also just ordered B&W A New Beginning Rick Grimes Figure

  • edited April 2016

    enter link description here

    Yay for new gameplay! Gunplay looks really good.

    EDIT: One thing though. I'm afraid this might end up as another Watch Dogs. DON'T YOU DARE MAFIA 3! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE

  • Didn't know what you were talking about at first, but it seems like you can piss Vito off in the game! Looks like I know what I'm NEVER going to do. :P

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It'd be an insane plot twist if you don't give Vito any resources, he'll call Joe to help him take down Lincoln.

  • Federal law applies to all prisons , not just federal ones.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    There are some people who are never going to be fit to enter society. Sure, but in the modern day, the doctrine of prison is suppose

  • Then explain why there's forced labor in state prisons, because I know for a fact it's the rule, rather than the exeption.

    Federal law applies to all prisons , not just federal ones.

  • Now to stoke the engine of the Hype Train.

    enter link description here Yay for new gameplay! Gunplay looks really good. EDIT: One thing though. I'm afraid this might end up as another Watch Dogs. DON'T YOU DARE MAFIA 3! DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE

  • Wow. I started drafting a script for a game I want to make yesterday. I was feeling kind of gray , but after I worked on the script for a while , I felt so much better!

  • My goodness what an entrance.

    Honey! I'm hoooommmmee! It feels like forever since I've been here! I missed this place so much! >.< Since last week, my interne

  • So I finally learned how to play Theme of Laura on my guitar after 2 years of training, and guess what. 2 of my guitar strings broke halfway through my second time playing the song.

    enter image description here

    Life is good.... Life is oh-so good.

  • That tends to happen when you do something you enjoy. Whenever I'm feeling depressed, I just do a bit of writing and I feel better before long.

    Wow. I started drafting a script for a game I want to make yesterday. I was feeling kind of gray , but after I worked on the script for a while , I felt so much better!

  • So we've all got the day off from school on Monday on account of it being Anzac Day, and we've got parent-teacher interviews on Tuesday.

    Let the glorious four-day weekend begin!

  • Yeah, I think I'll Vito ahead of Cassandra and Burke when it comes to allocating resources. For the other 2, it'll depend on whobI like more. At least this looks like it'll make the game more replayable.

    Didn't know what you were talking about at first, but it seems like you can piss Vito off in the game! Looks like I know what I'm NEVER going to do. :P

  • Good to see charges against people involved with Flint's water crisis. Just another example of bureaucrats fucking up and leaving a trail of shattered lives in their wake.

    No justice, no peace!

  • edited April 2016

    This is just awful.

    enter link description here

    The devs should be ashamed of themselves for putting out their game in such a miserable state, and Sony and MS should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it to be released on their platforms.

  • enter link description here

    I like the background, the choreography... not much. I just didn't think the whip was the ideal move for the chorus.

    Too bad I don't have this game on my PS4, so many things that I'm missing out on.

  • Certainly. And it's not just two options they give you as opposed to most games.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yeah, I think I'll Vito ahead of Cassandra and Burke when it comes to allocating resources. For the other 2, it'll depend on whobI like more. At least this looks like it'll make the game more replayable.

  • So I just watched a half hour ASMR video. I feel so relaxed.

  • edited April 2016

    I love the just dance games, the only games where I can beat my friends in a dancing contest... after I've kicked them in the shin. I'm so salty I can't afford a next gen console.

    enter link description here I like the background, the choreography... not much. I just didn't think the whip was the ideal move for the chorus. Too bad I don't have this game on my PS4, so many things that I'm missing out on.

  • I have Just dance 2016 on my X360, but there are some exclusive features on the eight-gen consoles.

    Like, better menu GUI, and all that extra-song crap that makes me salty.

    I love the just dance games, the only games where I can beat my friends in a dancing contest... after I've kicked them in the shin. I'm so salty I can't afford a next gen console.

  • Ugh I hate that crap, intentionally cutting content out of games isn't cool. Ever.

    I have Just dance 2016 on my X360, but there are some exclusive features on the eight-gen consoles. Like, better menu GUI, and all that extra-song crap that makes me salty.

  • On the 7th-gen version, 9 (i think) out of 23 mash-ups are available.

    On the eight-gen, you get a feature where you can play songs from previous games + play what they release after the game's release.

    Ugh I hate that crap, intentionally cutting content out of games isn't cool. Ever.

  • What?! This is bollocks, I need this in my goddamn life! Cursed generation exclusive features!

    On the 7th-gen version, 9 (i think) out of 23 mash-ups are available. On the eight-gen, you get a feature where you can play songs from previous games + play what they release after the game's release.

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