The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Congratulations though! ^_^

    Johro posted: »

    I got promoted at work. That's good. Now someone else has to take my old job. Then someone else has to take their old job. Then I'll have to hire somebody and train these three people while simultaneously learning my own job. That's bad.

  • enter image description here

    Well, this surely is interesting.

    enter image description here

  • edited July 2016

    Watched Batman: The Killing Joke today in theaters.

    It's a pretty good movie but I can't say that I'm not disappointed. It just felt really goofy at some moments that are meant to be taken seriously.

  • frost can place doormats which kill careless people (me mostly) and valkrie can place cameras in strategic points to track movements frost is best imo

    mr.quality posted: »

    Possibly weird question (?) I play Rainbow Six Siege. (Solid game, I like it) I was looking to get a new defensive operator, either Frost

  • So badass

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Jacksepticeyes "ALL THE WAY" Remix is actually pretty catchy.

  • So I'm going camping until July 30th, which means I'm not going be on the forums at all until around midday/afternoon that day.

    If you have any questions or anything, I'm not available, so ask some other mods (Blind Sniper is also busy, so maybe someone on).

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited July 2016

    The mods are going to be gone? Heh heh heh!

    (Prepares to make passive aggressive shitposts about terrorist attacks and ask about banned members.)

    So I'm going camping until July 30th, which means I'm not going be on the forums at all until around midday/afternoon that day. If you ha

  • Can i be a temporary mod?

    So I'm going camping until July 30th, which means I'm not going be on the forums at all until around midday/afternoon that day. If you ha

  • Yeah, I feel you. Squinting at the new design sucks.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I am not gonna be online that much anymore the update kinda ruined it

  • These forums would become too dank.

    papai46 posted: »

    Can i be a temporary mod?

  • Ah that's good to hear. Movie isn't out in theaters here yet so I haven't seen it, good to hear it's good. Also congrats with the date, even if it was cut short.

    So I just went on my first date ever. We went to see Finding Dory and it was a pretty great movie, I wasn't expecting it to get so sad in so

  • All hail lord Trump, stopper of ISIS, builder of walls, and should-be 45th president of the United States!

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Well, this surely is interesting.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    Three things:

    1. We don't ban for asking about banned members. That was just a passive agressive comment a user made because they were mad about something that recently happened; the worst we do is flag posts if it derails discussion.
    2. I'm not entirely AFK (but mostly so). InGen, however, is entirely offline.
    3. OzzyUK, Jennifer, and other mods are not AFK. ;)
    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The mods are going to be gone? Heh heh heh! (Prepares to make passive aggressive shitposts about terrorist attacks and ask about banned members.)

  • Let's make it happen! #papaiForMod! ;)

    ...jokes aside, we're actually hoping to get a couple new mods on board soon-ish.

    papai46 posted: »

    Can i be a temporary mod?

  • Tfw you try so hard and got so far in having no life it doesn't even matter


    papai46 posted: »

    Can i be a temporary mod?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    ...[sigh] Nobody thought to post this? The Telltale forums disappoint me. Fine, I'll be the one to post this:

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The mods are going to be gone? Heh heh heh! (Prepares to make passive aggressive shitposts about terrorist attacks and ask about banned members.)

  • Savage.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tfw you try so hard and got so far in having no life it doesn't even matter /s

  • Don't worry, you're not one of them. Neither are you, James :)

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    "Just 85%(...)" lol

  • edited July 2016

    So how come the person who previously had your new job isn't training all four of you? :)

    Ask person #2 to help train person #3, as person #2 has experience at that one.

    Congrats on your promotion!

    EDIT: Huh, just noticed we have #hashtags now!

    Johro posted: »

    I got promoted at work. That's good. Now someone else has to take my old job. Then someone else has to take their old job. Then I'll have to hire somebody and train these three people while simultaneously learning my own job. That's bad.

  • edited July 2016

    I dare you to make me a mod. Please Ive been good.

    lol in my dreams.... But, that got me thinking. Can a mod ban another mod? Not that I would. Just curious.

    Let's make it happen! #papaiForMod! ...jokes aside, we're actually hoping to get a couple new mods on board soon-ish.

  • Mods used to not be able to ban each other. With the forum update, though, I don't know.

    I dare you to make me a mod. Please Ive been good. lol in my dreams.... But, that got me thinking. Can a mod ban another mod? Not that I would. Just curious.

  • edited July 2016

    Please Ive been good.

    Then ask santa to make you a mod for christmas.

    They probably can ban each other but require to best the other in a duel.

    I dare you to make me a mod. Please Ive been good. lol in my dreams.... But, that got me thinking. Can a mod ban another mod? Not that I would. Just curious.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    Yeah, mods can ban other mods. Not that we would, though... right?!?


    I dare you to make me a mod. Please Ive been good. lol in my dreams.... But, that got me thinking. Can a mod ban another mod? Not that I would. Just curious.

  • Like if a mod just went nuts. That would be crazy huh lol.

    Yeah, mods can ban other mods. Not that we would, though... right?!? <.< >.>

  • First, thank you.

    The person whom had my position has been transferred, but yes, the people moving up should assist me in training their replacements. One of which has the job title as my assistant. Ultimately, it's my responsibility to make sure they are trained properly and have clear direction and guidance for my own expectations.

    Johro posted: »

    I got promoted at work. That's good. Now someone else has to take my old job. Then someone else has to take their old job. Then I'll have to hire somebody and train these three people while simultaneously learning my own job. That's bad.

  • Ban Kenny til the 30th. Watch everyone whom doesn't read this thread lose their shit.

    Yeah, mods can ban other mods. Not that we would, though... right?!? <.< >.>

  • Is that from Too Far Gone?

    Been forever since I've been on this thread. Anyway, I finally started drawing someone from TWD show. Can you guess who it is? I'm making a speed art video for this one and its looking good so far.

  • Bad Moon

    Hey guys? Are there any good horror movies about werewolves?

  • If you're being serious, is that a new change? I'm curious how the new update affected the Mod's side of things.

    Yeah, mods can ban other mods. Not that we would, though... right?!? <.< >.>

  • Thanks.

    frost can place doormats which kill careless people (me mostly) and valkrie can place cameras in strategic points to track movements frost is best imo

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    We could always ban other mods since this new version of the forums came out in late 2013. Mod stuff is the same on our end; there are a few new minor additions that all users have (and I'm going to be a jerk and not say them), and I'm sure you've noticed stuff like not having to press enter/space twice for a new line, or only having to type the YouTube URL directly for a video to show up.

    But, mostly, it's a new coat of paint. Stuff broke because they upgraded to a newer version of the normal forum software, Vanilla, that Telltale uses (not a major update though), but they are working on getting all the kinks out because Telltale uses a custom modified version of Vanilla forum software.

    If you're being serious, is that a new change? I'm curious how the new update affected the Mod's side of things.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    I know you were joking, but just to humor you anyways, Telltale's web team could just step in and reverse the other mods' bans/demod whoever went nuts if such a thing were to ever happen. We aren't all powerful or top-of-the-food-chain or anything like that. :p

    Telltale staff members would very obviously hold more influence than us volunteer mods. Some staff members such as Laura/puzzlebox and Nathan/kenjisalk are also mods, but they just trust us to keep things in order while they are off helping Telltale.

    Like if a mod just went nuts. That would be crazy huh lol.

  • Hi :)

    Don't worry, you're not one of them. Neither are you, James

  • Much better than normal forum, obviously.

    These forums would become too dank.

  • I hate u.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Tfw you try so hard and got so far in having no life it doesn't even matter /s

  • edited July 2016

    I miss the old site. #StillNoNotifications

  • Is it too late to say sorry?


    papai46 posted: »

    I hate u.

  • Yeah. It would've been great without the bugs.
    This single enter change is very handy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I miss the old site. #StillNoNotifications

  • Oooh, that's great. I wonder who you're thinking of.

    Let's make it happen! #papaiForMod! ...jokes aside, we're actually hoping to get a couple new mods on board soon-ish.

  • Pray for notifications.

    Guessing that you'll reply in 2 days.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I miss the old site. #StillNoNotifications

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