The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh, come on! That's definitely hacks!
    enter image description here

  • I'll have to watch the videos later, but for now

    enter image description here

    * . @MetallicaRules just somethings from the radio station I listen too. - -

  • The band video is only a 1 min clip but I believe it's part of a big full interview coming out soon

    I'll have to watch the videos later, but for now

  • It really is horrific, not seeing your comments for four days.

    What a long time to be inactive, the horror.

  • just no please

    Cope49 posted: »

    Lion King' Live-Action Movie in the Works From Disney, Jon Favreau to Direct Lion King' Live-Action Movie in the Works Called it.

  • What leaderboard is this for?

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Oh, come on! That's definitely hacks!


    Menofthe214 posted: »

    What leaderboard is this for?

  • I'm blocked? Weird.
    enter image description here

  • edited September 2016

    You know a feature that would actually be useful? Knowing which of your comments actually got flagged, instead of just a message with no indication of what it was, can't expect me to remember everything I comment these days.

    Hard to learn from your mistakes when you don't know your mistake, is what I'm saying.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2016

    I agree - that's something I've wanted as a mod as well.

    You know a feature that would actually be useful? Knowing which of your comments actually got flagged, instead of just a message with no ind

  • Oh my...I'm one of the most squeamish people I know, and I have an interesting project in store for me in AP bio. I figured that the class would hold some sort of dissection. In fact, it said so in the course description. I assumed it was referring to a frog, which in my opinion is already bad enough. But nope! About two months from now, I am going to have to dissect a cat. You heard it here folks, I am going to have to open up a cat's body and poke and prod about. Just...I am so going to throw up. I mean, if I choose to look on the bright side, maybe this could be the first step in getting over my aversion to anything relating to the inside of the human body. But then again, that's not a skill I particurally need, considering the two careers that I am interested in. One is possibly unrealistic, and does require me to get more comfortable with blood, organs, ect., but does not require me to physically operate on anyone. Ah, this experience will prove interesting, to say the least.

  • Adventure Time will officially be ending on its 9th season :(

    I love the show and hope that they'll be able to end it on a high note.

  • They're on the 9th season? Wow I missed alot.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Adventure Time will officially be ending on its 9th season I love the show and hope that they'll be able to end it on a high note.

  • No they're currently on the 7th. The show will end in 2 seasons.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    They're on the 9th season? Wow I missed alot.

  • What... what the fuck. Pepe! This feels bad man.

  • So many people called that shit that it'd be a crime for Disney to make the right decision and not butcher a beloved classic.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Lion King' Live-Action Movie in the Works From Disney, Jon Favreau to Direct Lion King' Live-Action Movie in the Works Called it.

  • I hope they kill off Finn in the last episode. I stopped watching purely for how annoying of a character he is.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Adventure Time will officially be ending on its 9th season I love the show and hope that they'll be able to end it on a high note.

  • edited September 2016

    Come on man why you gotta be like that.

    I hope they kill off Finn in the last episode. I stopped watching purely for how annoying of a character he is.

  • edited September 2016

    Hey everyone, I'm back.

    Just lost internet for a week. What did I miss?

  • I just really don't like Finn or anything he does, Marceline, Bubblegum and Ice King are really well developed characters who rarely get annoying and yet Finn who is a 16 year old human being with real mental issues who you can relate to comes off as the most annoying, self-centered and hard to relate with character in the show.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Come on man why you gotta be like that.

  • I was just told about a reckless story about Battleborn going F2P that is false. There are no plans to convert Battleborn free to play.

    We have some unannounced plans to do a trial version of the game that would be free and from which retail can be purchased along with DLC.

    Free trial plans are not firm yet - months away. Expect great continued support and awesome line up of DLC.

    But... that does sound like F2P... Well, it's not like oneshould expect Pitchfork to be honest.

    enter image description here

  • I mean yeah he does get selfish and self centred for a while towards the middle of the series (season 5/6), but in more recent episodes they've developed his character to be more grown up and more adult. He realises his mistakes and tries to fix them (reconciling with Flame Princess). He's a lot more mature in Season 7 than he was previously.

    How much of the series have you seen by the way?

    I just really don't like Finn or anything he does, Marceline, Bubblegum and Ice King are really well developed characters who rarely get ann

  • There could be a whole account dedicated to @RandysDeletedTweets from over the years. The man can be a real ass.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I was just told about a reckless story about Battleborn going F2P that is false. There are no plans to convert Battleborn free to play.

  • "17% of those polled, would nap in a self-driving car"

    Humanity never ceases to amaze me.

  • edited September 2016

    Yeah, there should be. I don't understand how he's still around in the games industry, but he's enough of a reason for me to not want to support Gearbox at all.

    Johro posted: »

    There could be a whole account dedicated to @RandysDeletedTweets from over the years. The man can be a real ass.

  • Nothing

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey everyone, I'm back. Just lost internet for a week. What did I miss?

  • Edge lords piss me the fuck off, you just know that they are little pussies in real life but online they act all hard and edgy. god sake they make me cringe with their typical regurgitated bullcrap that they've copy pasted from someone that actually has the ability to form their own opinion.

  • I think I officially stopped watching a few episodes after Finn fucked up with Flame Princess, but stuck around long enough to be on and off and see the conflict with his dad go absolutely nowhere and resolve itself. It's around there where his insufferable behavior really shined for me. I came back to watch Steaks though because shit, an special series around Marceline the god damn Vampire Queen with plenty of Bubbline bait and Rebecca Sugar having direct involvement with the music and some of the writing? Whether I find Finn annoying or not, not even Bubsy fucking Bobcat being in the mini-series would stop me from watching it. Yeah, some of the things they say didn't make a lot of sense but Steaks was fucking awesome and did everything right.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean yeah he does get selfish and self centred for a while towards the middle of the series (season 5/6), but in more recent episodes they

  • Isn't that dangerous, stupid, hazardous to other drivers and basically suicide?

    Johro posted: »

    "17% of those polled, would nap in a self-driving car" Humanity never ceases to amaze me.

  • Christ I hope not.

    These are still a thing?

  • Yeah Stakes was pretty great. But honestly if you were willing to stick around for 6 whole seasons you might as well try out Season 7. It's considered by many to be the best season so far and managed to bring back people who dropped the show the past two seasons. This season alone has gotten the show two emmy's, one for Stakes and another for their stop motion animated episode "Bad Jubies". Along with another nomination for "Hall of Egress" but lost to Robot Chicken.

    Obviously I can't force you to watch it if you don't want to but I'm just saying you could give it another chance. And again, Finn is considerable more mature and handles things much differently than before. Also like a third of the season doesn't even feature him so that's something :p

    I think I officially stopped watching a few episodes after Finn fucked up with Flame Princess, but stuck around long enough to be on and off

  • ugh existence is pain
    my parents are a pain in the ass
    life's a struggle

    like if u agree

    Edge lords piss me the fuck off, you just know that they are little pussies in real life but online they act all hard and edgy. god sake the

  • I like telltale talk being at the top. Saves me precious scrolling time

  • I'm currently looking after my neighbour's Labrador. Whenever I go upstairs he starts making some sort of Chewbacca noise.

  • I misread this as "I'm black."

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey everyone, I'm back. Just lost internet for a week. What did I miss?

  • I don't agree but I liked it, am I a mistake?

    ugh existence is pain my parents are a pain in the ass life's a struggle like if u agree

  • My lab used to make a huge variety of fucked up noises the Chewbacca one included.

    Hmm my phones auto predicted Chewbacca thats weird its not a word I write often... it does Skywalker as well I think my phones a nerd

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I'm currently looking after my neighbour's Labrador. Whenever I go upstairs he starts making some sort of Chewbacca noise.

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