The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited October 2016

    Just ignore the people that make fun of you.
    And like Clemy said, There's nothing shameful about having a mental ailment.

    I have a little brother that has autism, and if anyone starts making fun of him because of that I'll punch them in the face so hard! (Okay... I don't think I'd actually punch them, but I'd mad!)

    Fuck my life. I chose this username because I have no shame in having autism, and all people do is make fun of me with it.

  • edited October 2016


    But really, I'm just so depressed.

    Clinton's about to win the election, I'm in a wheelchair, I have to wear latex gloves everyday,'s just been so long since I've ever been happy.

  • Does this cheer you up?

    enter image description here

    If not, then maybe you'll feel better when we get the trailer for TWD S3!

    But really, I'm just so depressed. Clinton's about to win the election, I'm in a wheelchair, I have to wear latex gloves everyday,'s just been so long since I've ever been happy.

  • Just because somebody acts like a jackass doesn't mean it's directly caused by their autism. I've intentionally acted like a major douchebag before and none of that was due to my autism, but instead it was due to the fact that there are certain people I hate with a passion and I want to be douchey towards them.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Most of us don't make fun of you because of your autism, we make fun of you because you act extremely dumb sometimes. Those two things are not exactly unrelated though, are they?

  • A little, but not much.

    But thanks for the effort, anyway. :)

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Does this cheer you up? If not, then maybe you'll feel better when we get the trailer for TWD S3!

  • I was referring to the fact Papai said @TheAutisticGamer acts dumb sometimes, and that's why they make fun of him, not because of his autism, my point was: I'm pretty sure his autism plays a part in that.

    Just because somebody acts like a jackass doesn't mean it's directly caused by their autism. I've intentionally acted like a major douchebag

  • Oh, alright. Sorry, I misunderstood. Yes, sometimes autism can play a part in that, not always though.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    I was referring to the fact Papai said @TheAutisticGamer acts dumb sometimes, and that's why they make fun of him, not because of his autism, my point was: I'm pretty sure his autism plays a part in that.

  • Even then, I find The Amazing Bulk worse than this as well, at least this film had actual locations and wasn't filmed in front of a giant green screen using stock animation.

    Meh. The Last Airbender is terrible in the same way SH Revelations is terrible. It's got a Michael Bay style script and it betrays fans of the source material. This film is a whole new kind of awful.

  • I personally think the worst movie so far is What's Up from the Not-Disney collection.

    Even then, I find The Amazing Bulk worse than this as well, at least this film had actual locations and wasn't filmed in front of a giant green screen using stock animation.

  • Definitely.

    I personally think the worst movie so far is What's Up from the Not-Disney collection.

  • Anytime. ;)

    A little, but not much. But thanks for the effort, anyway.

  • edited October 2016

    I think it's in everyone's best interest that I stay in this corner of the forum. I just saw some "fan" comments about Telltale's different IPs elsewhere and I really really wanted to lay into all these self-entitled silver spoon pricks.

    I don't mind popping in for new game launches to help people with PC issues, but I should probably leave it at that.

    I'm just amazed at how many so-called gamers have no idea how video game development works. There's an amazing level of ignorance around these days.

  • Rashad the... "Reactionist", is the fucking scum of YouTube and I genuinely hate everything about him. His stupidity has reached an all time high this evening and it's very much on my mind.

  • You should have seen the Gamnesia page on Facebook. Back when I still had an account on that shit stain of a website, the fans of that page were some of the most self entitled dicks in history. Whenever a game didn't look exactly like the Last of Us, they'd shit on it. Whenever a game company finally brings long time fans their hopes and dreams, they shit on it. Whenever a positive person comments something positive about the thing they like, they shit on them.

    And they all act as if they deserve nothing but the fucking Mona Lisa from video game companies. Breath of the Wild looks fucking amazing and is the most technologically advanced game in the series, and those graphics are coated by a heavy layer of stylization. However, because it was stylized and not Heavy Rain realistic, the fucking shitheads on that page (who probably couldn't grasp the concept of a stylized video game) commented on and on about how it looked like an early Gamecube game and shitting on anyone who was excited for it.

    I tend to distance myself from most video game fanbases these days as they're filled with greedy assholes who are so self entitled it actually afflicts pain onto my body physically.

    Johro posted: »

    I think it's in everyone's best interest that I stay in this corner of the forum. I just saw some "fan" comments about Telltale's different

  • edited October 2016

    Would you say this person was genuinely sorry for what they did?

    So a while back, someone that I know and that I care about told me they didn't ever want to see me again.They were rude and belligerent.

    The next day, they texted me telling me how sorry they were, and how they were going through a lot, and how their patience was thin.

    I was very deeply hurt, which I told them so, and the person told me to tell them what they could do.

    (Instead of offering to do something to make amends, they told me to tell them what they could do.)

    Well in my hurt state, I let them have it!

    I said that if they didn't want me around, they should've just told me so before I ever came to see them. And that I didn't appreciate that being done to me.

    I then recounted how I had been there for them when they were really hurting once, and that I had done so not expecting anything in return.

    I told them that I needed some space to process everything, and that I would call them when I was ready to talk.

    They said okay. But about 2 - 4 hours later, they texted me to ask if I was ready to talk now. And I had already told that person that I would call them when I was ready.

    (To me, it feels like this person was just trying to make amends, because they were more interested in making themselves feel better.

    And then later on that day when we met up, they asked if I was over it? I said I was starting to, and they acted like I was being unreasonable. Like I should've been over it by now.)

    What would you say? Was this person genuinely sorry for how they had treated me? Or would you say it was all a bunch of bullshit?

  • edited October 2016

    It sounds like they're genuinely sorry and you're just being too sheltered in fear of getting hurt again. The reason they're becoming increasingly frustrated and thinking you're being unreasonable is because they're genuinely trying to patch things up and make up for their mistakes, and you're telling them to piss off. Look man, there are some shitty people in the world, but you can't just act like everybody is against you. I keep seeing you comment things about how this person did this, or this person did that, and you just seem like you're so bitter towards everyone, but not everybody is an asshole.

    Some people genuinely do want to look out for you and try to do so, and some people get frustrated with life and make mistakes, hurting the people they care about. I can't tell you how many times my friends and I have gotten into arguments and said awful things that affected our friendships, I've hurt people and I never mean to but I do because I get frustrated, but we always made up for it in a week because we realize we were being dicks and we want to apologize for being dicks to each other because we genuinely care about each other.

    If this was just a thing where your friend gave up after an hour and started personally insulting you again, I'd say they did it with the intention for them to feel better about themselves. But this person made a mistake and has been trying to make up for it for hours now and is trying very hard to be patient with you. I say they're genuinely sorry honestly. They were going through a lot, tensions were high, it's easy to make mistakes when that's the situation.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Would you say this person was genuinely sorry for what they did? So a while back, someone that I know and that I care about told me they

  • I actually don't know.

    If I said that to someone I care about I'd give them as much time as they need to process everything, and I would've waited until you called me. But that's just me.

    Sorry I'm not very good (if not, then bad) at giving advice.

    I guess give them another chance, it just sort of seemed like he was trying to force you into it.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    Would you say this person was genuinely sorry for what they did? So a while back, someone that I know and that I care about told me they

  • Shit sucks man :(

    Ddos attacks everywhere no reddit, spotify or psn for me today

  • edited October 2016


    (I'm not an SJW, I swear! XD)

  • Had a "fun" day today.

    Today I was going to meet a friend up in Melbourne city, which takes an hour by tram to get there from where I stay.

    Looked outside to find that it had stopped raining and contemplated between wearing my normal jacket or my hoodie. Thought to myself, it just finished raining it's not gonna rain again. So I decided to wear the hoodie.

    It takes 15-20 minutes to walk to the tram stop and 5 minutes in it starts drizzling. Thought to myself that it probably wouldn't get worse. I could make it to the tram before it got heavier.

    10 minutes in and it gets heavier. Again, I kept telling myself I could make it and that it was too far for me to go back just to change into my hoodie.

    15 minutes in and it's fucking pouring. And it just gets heavier to the point where the raindrops hitting my face actually start to hurt.

    Get to the tram stop and I'm completely drenched head to toe with a tiny bit of ceiling to pitifully protect me from the rain. Luckily I had some tissues in my bag to wipe my face.

    It isn't until another 10 minutes that the tram finally gets there.

    Halfway through the trip and the tram fucking breaks down. I can see the skyline of the city in the distance. There was no way that I could walk to the city so I walk over to the next suburb over to see if I can get myself a taxi.

    As I reach the next town, the tram I was in previously miraculously goes right by me. I see the next tram stop ahead and hurry myself over as fast as I could.

    I miss the tram by a literal second.

    And it starts raining heavily again so I'm once again soaked in rain.

    After another 10 minute wait another tram finally reaches me and in half an hour I reach the city.

    Then at night (a couple hours ago) I take the tram back after hanging out with my friend for the day.

    Halfway through and there's an accident that is forcing the tram to stop in place until the police can arrive to the scene.

    It's another hour standing in the tram before everything is cleared up.

    At least I got to hang out for a while and watch Ouija: Origin of Evil, which was alright I guess.

  • Lol Rooster Teeth has crashed with everyone trying to get on it to watch RWBY

  • My throat is sore.

  • Welcome to my life for the past 4 days. Being sick is a fucking nightmare.

    My throat is sore.

  • Thanks. I'll try as hard as I can to enjoy my stay.

    Welcome to my life for the past 4 days. Being sick is a fucking nightmare.

  • It won't be very pleasant. You might catch some of my crippling depression and horrible self doubt issues while you're here.

    Thanks. I'll try as hard as I can to enjoy my stay.

  • enter image description here

    I almost got suspended this week from college long story I do sports instruction

    Started when teacher organised boxing classes for us. The gym junkies with biceps 10 times bigger then mine told me they were going knock me out. One was mid twenties other was early thirties little did they know I did boxing before. Spared both of them and battered them. Coach got pissed at me for punching to hard.

    I also had to spar my ex girlfriend but didn't even throw one punch and she got really mad at me why aren't I punching but never ever hit a girl

    Next week in boxing our coach is in his forties retired he use to be pro fighter and won olympic gold for Ireland twenty years ago. Looked at me and did the expression where put fingers across his throat and pointed at me smiling. He wanted spar me I accepted

    First we did under the head just body shots. I battered him in that round and pissed him off I think. Then he said ok headshots now and he got me with about 50 headshots I never sparred anyone as good as him before he was legendary. After I went over and shook his hand and told him he still has the talent. Sparring this guy like getting ready to box a speeding train towards you while ur on the traintrack.

    Next day class tell me I'm amazing boxer and beat him but think just being nice this guy was much better I was in awe.

    Later on in the week we played rugby The next part needs some explaining

    This guy in our class called shane who is massive bully who always picking on quiet dudes in my class. His big drinker and smoker sells drugs thinks he can knock out anyone. Anyway guy in my class with aspergers he left his last college because of bullying finds it hard find right words to fit in this dude always his main target. I remember had his headphones on listening to music and shane walks over with his dirty football boots and starts poking him in the head repeatedly over 20 times. Dude was so socially arkward he just sat there and took it. No one in class does a thing because there scared of shane.

    The week before playing football and because I beat shane in the match in front of whole class he started threatening me his going kill me, knock me out and if ever do that again smack me I'm his bitch. I knew if punched him I get kicked out of college so waited for my perfect moment and made note of these things in my head. This hard guy refuses to go boxing because quote he says his to tough but only stopped going when I started smart move.

    enter image description here

    This week Rugby coach came in to teach us no contact we played touch rugby where can't touch them only intercept passes. We wore our normal clothes no one had change of clothes as only short drills with nothing intense.

    Anyway Shane ran in to score winning try no one could stop him as it's no contact at all

    Shane sprinted in to score an easy try with a big smile but only one problem I was last man back. I grabbed him, picked him up and swung him face first into the mud and completely wrecked his clothes his did like three spins on the ground XDD

    He jumped up ran over to me to spear me I pushed him away like a twig then he ran over to the teachers screaming HE F**KING DOES THIS EVERY WEEK

    enter image description here

    Teachers called me out for meeting one female(Yvette) and one male(paddy). They started shouting at me saying I punch way to hard, I play to rough and going to start unnecessary fights pissing people off. The male teacher really dislikes Shane as his biggest bully in class he kept smiling at me trying not to laugh like a subtle well done. The female teacher not so much gave me a warning and told me only allowed to give 60% effort when play sport for now on whatever that means.

  • I didn't know that punching too hard in boxing was a thing. I thought that was kind of the point of it. Do they give you shit for scoring too much in other sports? Actually you know what this is? Mark is OP, needs nerf.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I almost got suspended this week from college long story I do sports instruction Started when teacher organised boxing classes for us. Th

  • I didn't know that punching too hard in boxing was a thing. I thought that was kind of the point of it.

    Usually but this is boxing with my class so teachers are scared might injure a fellow student weird I'm only person in the class they said that too after all sparring.

    Mark is OP, needs nerf.

    TO LATE over 9000

    I didn't know that punching too hard in boxing was a thing. I thought that was kind of the point of it. Do they give you shit for scoring too much in other sports? Actually you know what this is? Mark is OP, needs nerf.

  • Hmm, this works for me.

  • Hello. Okay that's enough socializing with people I hardly know for the day.

  • What?

    Hello. Okay that's enough socializing with people I hardly know for the day.

  • edited October 2016

    Hey guys, I need your help.

    Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better?

    EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • Both are pretty good.

    Hey guys, I need your help. Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better? EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • Don't doubt that.

    If only I had enough money for both. :/

    papai46 posted: »

    Both are pretty good.

  • Look up reviews for both of them and compare them. Apparently Lego Batman 2 is better than 3.

    Hey guys, I need your help. Today, I thought about buying some lego games. I thought specifically about buying Lego Marvel Superheroes and either Lego Batman 2 or 3. Which one is better? EDIT: I only have enough money for one.

  • edited October 2016

    I heard 2 has better free roam, but 3 has more characters.


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Look up reviews for both of them and compare them. Apparently Lego Batman 2 is better than 3.

  • Hey, Mark, haven't seen you in a while! Missed your stories! :)

    Yvette just saw you as playing too hard for the others, not realizing the undertones, so that's what the 60% request is all about. As long as you can play in a way that all the non-bullies can have fun, you're doing OK. Feel free to give your ex-girlfriend a love tap or two in your next round, so she doesn't complain. Equal rights and all.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I almost got suspended this week from college long story I do sports instruction Started when teacher organised boxing classes for us. Th

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