The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hey... Uhh, I need some advise.

    What does it mean when you see a movie with a girl, who is just your friend, and you've been friends for a while... But then during the movie, she starts to rest her head on your shoulder... And then talks about how her Dad isn't home tonight and she hates being home alone... And somehow in the moment you were either too stupid to pick up on what was happening, or you were too shit-scared to do anything because you didn't want to fuck up (pun intended) your friendship?

    Was it just poor timing to get a tired neck and need to rest it on something, or was it something more...?

    Help me please.

  • Unless she was joking or she somehow doesn't realize how suggestive that sounds I'd say she's trying to throw some hints that she's into you man :smirk:

    Of course you're the only one here who knows her personally so you'll have to make that call for yourself, but if you'd like to take the risk then I'd say go for it.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey... Uhh, I need some advise. What does it mean when you see a movie with a girl, who is just your friend, and you've been friends for

  • No. 1 looks kinda constipated...

    Jokes aside, I swap from those feelings all the time.

    Does anyone ever have one outlook for their whole life, or does it always change?

    This is supposed to be funny, but it seems so factual at the same time.

  • RANDOM QUESTION: When you write 'lol', do you ever literally laugh out loud?

  • nope. i do it completely ironically with the joke being that i said lol. i do the same thing with lmao and xd

    RANDOM QUESTION: When you write 'lol', do you ever literally laugh out loud?

  • How old is she?

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey... Uhh, I need some advise. What does it mean when you see a movie with a girl, who is just your friend, and you've been friends for

  • I would say that's a hint, yeah. Now she probably thinks you're not interested in a deeper relationship, unless you do something in that direction.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Hey... Uhh, I need some advise. What does it mean when you see a movie with a girl, who is just your friend, and you've been friends for

  • Which game is worse The Walking Dead: A New Frontier or Life is Strange: Before the Storm

  • I hate both.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Which game is worse The Walking Dead: A New Frontier or Life is Strange: Before the Storm

  • edited May 2018

    Ooh, that's a tough one. Much like with the original Life is Strange, Before The Storm is so bad, it's actually kind of funny thanks to the dialogue, much like The Room. A New Frontier, meanwhile, is so bad it's infuriating, due to the poor characterization, plot holes, and treatment of Clementine and the S2 endings. Now Before The Storm has issues such as awful characters and plot holes, but it also acts as a prequel to the original game, meaning the events that happen in it have no bearing on the original game. A New Frontier at least acts like a sequel, a poor one mind you, but a sequel nonetheless. ANF handles choices better than BtS did, but ANF also had, and suffered from, a more troubled development history thanks to mismanagement, hurting the story's consistency while BtS didn't suffer from those problems. But it also comes down to the main characters, and I got to say, while characters like Gabe, David, and Kate are awful, my hatred for them doesn't even come close to the hatred I have for both Chloe and Rachel. ANF also has Clem and Javi going for it, so there's that.

    I would say ANF is slightly better than BtS, but it's like comparing 2 turds to one another.

    It's actually funny you brought this up. Because it's summer and I'm incredibly board, I'm actually in the process of making several videos in regards to ANF and Telltale. It'll be a while before they're out, and it also requires me to go back and play the game (pray for me), but I think they're going to be a bit of fun to make.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Which game is worse The Walking Dead: A New Frontier or Life is Strange: Before the Storm

  • Man...I miss controversial subjects.

  • Does anyone ever have one outlook for their whole life, or does it always change?

    I would say yes, but someone with another point of view would say it doesn't. What I would know for certain, is that it would be hard to live for 100 years without having some sort of change of heart from a specific event in their life. Life-changing moments can happen when you least expect it, and they don't have to be very big to have an impact on you.

    No. 1 looks kinda constipated... Jokes aside, I swap from those feelings all the time. Does anyone ever have one outlook for their whole life, or does it always change?

  • Same age as me. Why?

    Melton23 posted: »

    How old is she?

  • edited May 2018

    Damn shit fuck.

    Okay... I'm just gonna have to take a risk. I just don't want to lose my best friend if this goes wrong.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I would say that's a hint, yeah. Now she probably thinks you're not interested in a deeper relationship, unless you do something in that direction.

  • Aye, same here

    AronDracula posted: »

    I hate both.

  • edited May 2018

    The younger she is, the worse it’ll most likely work out. I’m not really much into girlfriends anymore because if they’re not cheating on you, they’re most likely going to dump you for somebody else eventually.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Same age as me. Why?

  • You know, deleting my comment that said, "Man, I miss controversial subjects," was really disheartening. Does that count as controversial? I don't get it. I know it isn't exactly a new relevation or anything, but I thought it bared repeating. I even get that it was a pain for the mods to keep eyes on "controversial" subjects, but Christ, I feel like sharing my opinion on current events will get me a ban, and I gotta tell you, that's kind of a bummer. I'm not saying to recend the rule just simply pointing out that I sure would be open to the idea.

    Maybe find some middle-ground? I don't know. It was an opinion I felt like sharing, and it really didn't seem like a big deal. One or two people would've been like, "Yeah, I miss it too," and that would've been that. Removing the comment seems incredibly silly to me.

  • I don't think you'd lose her just by making a pass. Unless you literally jump her, the worse that'll happen is everyone will get embarrassed and you might spend a bit of time apart for everything to settle down and move on.

    I've hit on friends and friends have hit on me, with both being one-sided affection, and nobody lost each other in the process. It can be very embarrassing, and in that case, you just need to give it some time nd space.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Damn shit fuck. Okay... I'm just gonna have to take a risk. I just don't want to lose my best friend if this goes wrong.

  • Watched Deadpool 2 today, and it was a joy to watch from beginning to end.

    The ending scenes nearly had me in stitches as well. I guess Ryan Reynolds wanted some catharsis after Green Lantern and Wolverine.

  • edited May 2018

    Literally just came back from deadpool myself.

    Ending scene really had no emotional value to me, I mean I was kinda sad but the movie pretty much never once took itself seriously, and when it tried to it still didn't go all the way, so I obviously knew he wouldn't die. It almost had me fooled but then Vanessa came in with the "It's not your time yet" and I was relieved, but not surprised. It's a full on comedy and not much more, so I'm glad it didn't go with that ending since it wouldn't have really fit.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Watched Deadpool 2 today, and it was a joy to watch from beginning to end. The ending scenes nearly had me in stitches as well. I guess Ryan Reynolds wanted some catharsis after Green Lantern and Wolverine.

  • Wait your comment got deleted? I've had conversations with mods about controversial issues in the past and I'm pretty sure they never got taken down. I believe I can even recall sharing similar sentiments about how unfortunate it was that some people ruined our chance to discuss important issues here and if I remember right they didn't get removed either. I'm not necessarily outraged by this but damn unless I'm remembering your post wrong I thought it was completely harmless.

    You know, deleting my comment that said, "Man, I miss controversial subjects," was really disheartening. Does that count as controversial? I

  • There are many places all over the Internet that you can express your opinion and engage others for as long as you like before everyone leaves in disgust. It's just that the official forums of Telltale, Incorporated aren't the best place for that.

    If you'd really like to express your opinion on some current controversial topic and get the viewpoints of people here, maybe a compromise is that you could write a blog post about it, and then post a link here, directing all comments to the blog. That way, the controversy stays mostly away from the forums, and people who don't care don't have to look at it.

    You know, deleting my comment that said, "Man, I miss controversial subjects," was really disheartening. Does that count as controversial? I

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2018

    To make a long story short, a not small sized amount of people ended up taking bans/post deletions/etc related to controversial discussions way too personally and way too far to an extent that was absolutely not necessary since this is a video game company's forum and not a politics/news/debate forum.

    I was normally an advocate for going the extra mile and allowing stuff like that because I cared, but people ended up getting too fixated on moderation choices related to news threads/etc (with the other alternative being our previously less strict moderation, in which awful comments slipped through and people purposefully rode the fine line of what was acceptable) and it was severely detrimental to forum culture in more ways than one. Not to mention, it made people have personal fixations towards mods founded solely (or primarily) based on how they perceived our "political bias" - which again, should not be a problem since this is not a politics forum.

    I'm not going to go into specifics, but some of the fixations from people got really bad. Plus, even ignoring what I was just alluding to, discussions related to controversial topics otherwise weren't anything to write home about either. For every one comment actually taking the topic seriously, there would be ten posts worth of memes or low effort posts mocking the topic of discussion, or bigoted comments (followed by complaints, accusations of "censorship", and personal grudges towards people). Even for someone like me who wanted to put in the extra effort, it genuinely did get that bad to where even I wanted to throw in the towel when the other mods and I talked it over.

    So, yeah, those discussions will not be coming back. At least not for a very decently good, long while.

    You know, deleting my comment that said, "Man, I miss controversial subjects," was really disheartening. Does that count as controversial? I

  • It's understandable, this isn't an appropriate place for that kind of discussion anyways, but I'm still surprised you guys deleted Banjos seemingly innocuous post. Like I said I had a conversation on terrorism with a mod a little while ago and no intervention took place then, and Banjo's comment didn't even allude to any heated topics going on right now and was completely respectful IIRC, so I'm just confused as to why his post was removed. Lot of people are disappointed that we can't talk about pressing topics anymore, you mods too I imagine, it made discussions more exciting even if they got out of hand, I don't see the harm in how Banjo expressed that.

    To make a long story short, a not small sized amount of people ended up taking bans/post deletions/etc related to controversial discussions

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2018

    I initially had misinterpreted the comment as being expressed as kind of a passive aggressive meme to stir up contempt, but I misinterpreted it so I can restore it.

    In general, we don't want to encourage people to derail threads to openly dwell on moderation choices though (in this case, regarding the first comment). But, I'm being nice this time and explaining my rationale because I see that people were approaching it constructively.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    It's understandable, this isn't an appropriate place for that kind of discussion anyways, but I'm still surprised you guys deleted Banjos se

  • here i'll stir up some controversy for you rq. ocarina of time and sonic adventure are bad games that have aged badly and this is fact nobody can dispute.

    Man...I miss controversial subjects.

  • They are games that have aged to a point where nobody from this day and age can pick them up for the first time and enjoy them whatsoever.

    here i'll stir up some controversy for you rq. ocarina of time and sonic adventure are bad games that have aged badly and this is fact nobody can dispute.

  • I'd mostly agree with both cases tbh. At least OOT's remaster on the 3DS makes it an overall more enjoyable experience, thanks to the better graphics and framerate, better item management and inclusion of Master Quest. Doesn't change the fact I feel like every subsequent 3D Zelda game was better than it and feel like a lot of people put it on too much of a high pedestal a lot of the time. Not sure I'd necessarily call it bad however, then again I normally only consider a game to be truly bad if it's just kinda broken and doesn't really have much in the way of redeeming values.
    Sonic Adventure is less lucky, since its ports are arguably worse with added glitches/glitches being easier to pull off and arguably worse graphics in many spots sans the character models of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy (dem facial animations are still shit tho). Just look at this shit:

    I'd still rather play this game than play Sonic Boom or Sonic Forces though. At least Sonic, Tails and Knuckles' portions of it.

    here i'll stir up some controversy for you rq. ocarina of time and sonic adventure are bad games that have aged badly and this is fact nobody can dispute.

  • Can any mods tell me when the last time I was banned? I lost count of the days and I’m pretty sure this is a new record

  • Hey do you know that feeling where you recognise someone from somewhere, ask them BY NAME a question about that place where you recognise them from, they say that's not their name and they've never been there before and then mention their real name and a different place where you met and you can suddenly visualise it and then promptly feel bad and embarrassed because you thought they were someone else but they're not but you still know them.
    That's me right now.

    Why is life.

  • Because such a property does not exist. Life is a concept that we invented. On the most fundamental level, all matter that exists is an arrangement of atoms and their constituent particles. Says google and a good 99.9% of me

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey do you know that feeling where you recognise someone from somewhere, ask them BY NAME a question about that place where you recognise th

  • edited May 2018

    Not just Games that have controversy in them,but also Movies,TV Show,and Comics. Boyyyy their were a lot of controversial issues in those things. Like I think the most controversial movie their was? Was Ghostbusters 2016 I mean like that movie created a divide and YUGE anger(including me cause I didn't like the movie and I hate it that it was made)in the Ghostbusters community.

    Things like that should never ever be made into a movie. I feel that movies should never have that in them.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'd mostly agree with both cases tbh. At least OOT's remaster on the 3DS makes it an overall more enjoyable experience, thanks to the better

  • Man, whenever there's another update they should make it where you can reply to multiple people in one go without having to tag them. I'm not sure how they'd go about doing that, but it'd be nice.

    Anyway, I get it. I really do. I remember how, uh, uncivil the debates could get. I remember the complaints also getting out of hand, but I didn't exactly go on a tirade. I know the comment was restored, but you have to understand how that seemed to me. It didn't upset me, but it was a moment where I was like, "Wow, really?" Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the forums have become so...stale. I feel like the same topics are just being discussed to death. The same threads are always on the front. I understand why controversial subjects won't be back for a while, but I genuinely enjoyed seeing the people on the forums views on things. Now that it's gone, I feel like it gave the forums some "life."

    I'll drop it, but I felt inclined to share my piece as I'm the one that sparked this discussion.

    To make a long story short, a not small sized amount of people ended up taking bans/post deletions/etc related to controversial discussions

  • Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the forums have become so...stale. I feel like the same topics are just being discussed to death. The same threads are always on the front.

    I attribute that more to a combination of Telltale's current downtime and some apathy after reception to particular games such as New Frontier more so than I do to the lack of controversial discussions, to be honest.

    Man, whenever there's another update they should make it where you can reply to multiple people in one go without having to tag them. I'm no

  • Went back to watch the Walking Dead: Michonne intro again and yup. Still great.

  • I ran into a door.

  • Probably wasn't Jim Morrison.

  • Does superscript work on Here Yes
    What SUP my dudes?

  • Can you even call this game Call of Duty?

  • I ran into the sky


    I ran into a door.

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