Playstation 5 is finally going to be revealed. I just hope it's not another PS3 reveal situation
EDIT: Nvm, this whole presentation was just to reveal all the specs put into PS5. There is no model revealed whatsoever. The only interesting specs they showed was the backwards compatibility and load times will be 10 times faster but those were just old news. They are just now in fact rumors turned to be true.
In a nearly hour-long presentation, Sony detailed the PS5's architecture. Powering Sony's new system are a CPU and GPU both made by AMD, along with an 852GB SSD.
The PS5 will also have these specs:
8x Zen 2 Cores at 3.5GHz
10.28 TFLOPs, 36 CUs at 2.23GHz (custom-made by AMD)
16GB GDDR6/256-bit
Custom 825GB SSD
Yeahhh...I have absolutely no idea what any of that means.
All I've heard is Playstation is going for a small, but powerful approach to the system. I don't know how it works but SSDs and Less Teraflops and lots of IO-Processing or something.
IDK. Xbox is a powerful beast, Playstation 5 is less so, but still good.
Rumors are that There's gonna be an Xbox Series S on the lower-end of next-gen. PS5 will sit in the middle between the two.
In a nearly hour-long presentation, Sony detailed the PS5's architecture. Powering Sony's new system are a CPU and GPU both made by AMD, alo… moreng with an 852GB SSD.
The PS5 will also have these specs:
8x Zen 2 Cores at 3.5GHz
10.28 TFLOPs, 36 CUs at 2.23GHz (custom-made by AMD)
16GB GDDR6/256-bit
Custom 825GB SSD
Yeahhh...I have absolutely no idea what any of that means.
So far I'm doing ok. I spend most of my time at home to begin with so my routine hasn't been impacted all that much. At the moment I'm just nervous. Even if I stay off the internet r ight now there's no way to get this pandemic out of mind completely. I guess it's because nothing like this has happened so close to home in my lifetime. I know I'll most likely get through this, but it's a weird time right now.
You have not seen crunch and madness until you have seen what is going on inside an Amazon facility during times of crisis. There has not been a night the last 3 or so weeks that have not resulted in me either pulling out my hair or leaving the office after a 13 hour night. While all other businesses are closing, Amazon is staying open and prioritizing at their warehouses items related to helping families, hospitals, and emergency services with the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper towels, toilet paper, certain food/drink items, tissues, wipes, etc.
So honestly, I don't want to hear shit from some of these game developers about crunch, when they don't have management coming down on them for not hitting rates and not getting other shit done when they got a quarter of their workforce not showing up or leaving early without notice, a bunch of new hires to deal with, and only hitting about 80-90% to our plan because of factors not in our control. Especially when they aren't the ones actually delivering on essential products everyone needs when their local supermarket runs out of product in times of crisis. And if you think I'm being heartless, I'm operating on little sleep and a lot of stress, so save it.
I'm not gonna touch the game dev comments, but I do wanna send some good vibes towards Metallica's way, and voice my appreciation for people on the front lines during this mess - be it medical people, or people like MetallicaRules who are helping with delivery of important goods or services. These are all definitely important roles, and although I imagine in some cases that it can feel like a thankless job, it can be regarded as a sign of good character to be the ones stepping up and helping others in a time like this.
Gotta say, I've been worried about you and the state of your job. Glad to hear about the hectic inner workings of the warehouses.
Though it's unfortunate to hear that it's as chaotic as it seems. I haven't heard a lick of info from Amazon about rolling back services or employees to stay safe during this quarantine period. Everyone else is keeping limited services to use (restaurants/fast food places only doing take-out and delivery) or completely shutting down their stores. Not Amazon. They're steering their ship right into the eye of the storm, and only recently are they throwing the "non-essential items" overboard.
Stay safe, stay sane. I hope you get the sleep you deserve.
I've never worked retail/management, but I've heard it's usually annoying. I'm rooting for you.
You have not seen crunch and madness until you have seen what is going on inside an Amazon facility during times of crisis. There has not be… moreen a night the last 3 or so weeks that have not resulted in me either pulling out my hair or leaving the office after a 13 hour night. While all other businesses are closing, Amazon is staying open and prioritizing at their warehouses items related to helping families, hospitals, and emergency services with the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper towels, toilet paper, certain food/drink items, tissues, wipes, etc.
So honestly, I don't want to hear shit from some of these game developers about crunch, when they don't have management coming down on them for not hitting rates and not getting other shit done when they got a quarter of their workforce not showing up or leaving early without notice, a bunch of new hires to deal with, and only hitting about 80-90% to our plan because of factors not in our control. Espec… [view original content]
Gotta say, I've been worried about you and the state of your job. Glad to hear about the hectic inner workings of the warehouses.
Though … moreit's unfortunate to hear that it's as chaotic as it seems. I haven't heard a lick of info from Amazon about rolling back services or employees to stay safe during this quarantine period. Everyone else is keeping limited services to use (restaurants/fast food places only doing take-out and delivery) or completely shutting down their stores. Not Amazon. They're steering their ship right into the eye of the storm, and only recently are they throwing the "non-essential items" overboard.
Stay safe, stay sane. I hope you get the sleep you deserve.
I've never worked retail/management, but I've heard it's usually annoying. I'm rooting for you.
I work in a small grocery store and I really don’t want to go back to work this weekend Even before COVID-19 it’s been almost too busy for me to handle some days. Last year a similar shop (same franchise) closed down in a nearby suburb and all of their regular customers started shopping here instead.
(A tangent: At our shop we usually have two cashiers at a time, and the week before Christmas they’ll roster an extra person to work the third cash register. Now, a lot of stores are recording higher sales than during the Christmas period, but do you think they’ll roster another person on to help now? I fucking doubt it.)
I got someone to cover my shift tomorrow because I’m still not feeling 100% from being sick last week, but I think I’ll be okay to work on Saturday. I mean, I’d rather just stay home and play Animal Crossing, but I need the cash to pay for it too.
You have not seen crunch and madness until you have seen what is going on inside an Amazon facility during times of crisis. There has not be… moreen a night the last 3 or so weeks that have not resulted in me either pulling out my hair or leaving the office after a 13 hour night. While all other businesses are closing, Amazon is staying open and prioritizing at their warehouses items related to helping families, hospitals, and emergency services with the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper towels, toilet paper, certain food/drink items, tissues, wipes, etc.
So honestly, I don't want to hear shit from some of these game developers about crunch, when they don't have management coming down on them for not hitting rates and not getting other shit done when they got a quarter of their workforce not showing up or leaving early without notice, a bunch of new hires to deal with, and only hitting about 80-90% to our plan because of factors not in our control. Espec… [view original content]
@Blind Sniper I appreciate the comment, thank you. I actually did want to apologize for the harshness of that particular part of the comment, that was written shortly after a particular period of stress/anger over a certain situation and I just needed to vent a bit I guess. I don't want to go into too much detail over it, but it was pretty much a result of a lack of communication from upper management, certain managers either not showing up or being transferred to a different shift without any notice to us, and me and other managers being forced to pick up the slack because of that, on top of everything else we had to do. Obviously the doctors, nurses, emergency service workers, and caretakers deserve all the praise we can give them during this time, they are working much longer, stressful, and dangerous jobs than any of us right now, and they should all be thanked for everything they're doing. I can't go into huge detail in regards to all of the functions going on inside my warehouse, but I can tell you that Amazon facilities like mine are working incredibly hard to ensure that we are focusing on items and products related to COVID-19 so that they are available and can be sent out as quickly as possible.
@AChicken: Thank you for your concern. It has been tough the last couple of weeks and there has been a lot of uncertainty before this past week about what we would do and if we would shut down or not. Fulfillment centers like mine will definitely be running so long as they can to ensure we are taking in and getting stuff out the door. Not only is Amazon not rolling back services, they are hiring a bunch of new people across all areas of their supply chain and operations in order to meet the demand. They're looking to bring on 100,000 new workers (which in its own right can be tough because we also need to get them trained and assign them learning ambassadors, which tend to be some of are higher performing or most knowledgable associates, meaning they're off path so they can focus on teaching the new hires). Amazon is offering a lot of overtime to anyone willing to take it, even allowing some associates to use some of that time at other facilities to help them meet their needs. Amazon is deadset on powering through this, and I completely get it, and honestly, it's one of the few things keeping the economy going at this point. If Amazon shut down their services, we'd be in trouble.
@4k60fpsHDR: It's not the easiest job, no matter what department you're in and even during less stressful times. It's very demanding, the hours can be long, and for associates, it's a lot of heavy lifting, moving around, and exhausting. Even on the managerial end, it moves so fast that by the time you hear about a new change, it's already been changed again. I will say though that Amazon has amazing benefits and programs for both hourly workers and managers (health, dental, and vision insurance, discounts on auto, renters, home owners, and life insurance, $15/hour wages that increase once you've reached certain milestones, will match half of what you contribute to your 401(k) up to 4%, paid sick and maternity leave, etc.). Even now, Amazon is being incredibly generous towards the associates. They aren't deducting from any associate's allotted unpaid personal time (which comes with the consequence of they can not show up for work or leave early with no repercussions, and we can't always track that shit), they've more than doubled the sanitation and housekeeping efforts inside the fulfillment centers, including stocking up on sanitizers, wipes, gloves, masks, and have even installed more soap dispensers throughout the building. They've cancelled or postponed any meetings or pre-shift gatherings to prevent large groupings of people to try and limit the spread of the virus. They're offering $2 extra per hour, and on top of that, an extra $2 if associates do help out at other facilities as mentioned before, ON TOP of time and a half for overtime.
Thankfully for me, it’s my weekend, I’m making a filet for tonight, and I’ve got DOOM releasing at midnight. No better way to take out my stress than brutally decapitating and slaughtering demons.
I played the Resident Evil 3 Demo. Holy fuck Nemesis is absolutely terrifying. FAR more intimidating than Mr. X (who already scared the bejeezus out of me) simply because this mother fucker RUNS.
You have not seen crunch and madness until you have seen what is going on inside an Amazon facility during times of crisis. There has not be… moreen a night the last 3 or so weeks that have not resulted in me either pulling out my hair or leaving the office after a 13 hour night. While all other businesses are closing, Amazon is staying open and prioritizing at their warehouses items related to helping families, hospitals, and emergency services with the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper towels, toilet paper, certain food/drink items, tissues, wipes, etc.
So honestly, I don't want to hear shit from some of these game developers about crunch, when they don't have management coming down on them for not hitting rates and not getting other shit done when they got a quarter of their workforce not showing up or leaving early without notice, a bunch of new hires to deal with, and only hitting about 80-90% to our plan because of factors not in our control. Espec… [view original content]
I especially love the magazine articles on that last one, if you're having difficulty reading it, they are as follows:
Living With Fear: How the Doomslayer is only a manifestation of your unresolved inner turmoil.
Mortally Misunderstood: We examine the harmful effects of demonizing the mortally challenged.
Slayer Outrage: Why the Slayer owes the demon community an apology.
Apparently, the demons have their own version of Vogue, and somehow, it's still better than the real life Vogue.
I watched Onward. While I don't think it quite reaches the quality of Pixar's top of the shelf stuff, it's definitely still a good movie and absolutely went for the jugular in terms of the feels department (in my opinion). Like, man, there was just this pit in my stomach that didn't go away until it hit the credits. Felt like a punch in the gut. I also loved the DnD references, certain parts reminded me of the first/last campaign I played with my friends.
I don't really have any really big problems with the movie. It does take a moment for things to finally get going, and the audio for Ian, played by Tom Holland, is a little weird at first like it was recorded with a different mic. Also the characters designs took a bit of getting used to.
Other than that I thought it was good! 8 outta 10 would recommend, especially if you're currently self-isolating like I am.
I watched the Final Destination franchise. Weirdly enough, I enjoyed those movies. I didn't have any expectations and I had a lot of fun. They sure aren't flawless but it's mostly for people who are fan of gore in horror movies and I am one of them. These films are dangerous for people with panophobia.
I liked all the films, except for the 4th one because I heard it was the worst one and for that, I chose to save it for the last to watch. As I expected, it was terrible, there was nothing that impressed me there and it wasn't scary.
So I started playing Borderlands 3 and I'm like 4 hours in. While I'm liking it so far gameplay-wise, I'm very confused on why they decided to add the Tales characters aside from just them being fan favourites. I've only met Vaughn so far but he... doesn't really act like the same character from Tales. He's very weirdly obsessed with underwear, won't stop saying "Bro" and loves talking about how much of a crazy bandit he is.
Does he, or any other character get better or should I just expect the usual Borderlands quality of writing?
Did you play the last Borderlands 2 DLC? Because that's where they introduced Vaughn, and let me tell you, he acted the exact same weird way as he does in 3. So I would not expect improvements.
So I started playing Borderlands 3 and I'm like 4 hours in. While I'm liking it so far gameplay-wise, I'm very confused on why they decided … moreto add the Tales characters aside from just them being fan favourites. I've only met Vaughn so far but he... doesn't really act like the same character from Tales. He's very weirdly obsessed with underwear, won't stop saying "Bro" and loves talking about how much of a crazy bandit he is.
Does he, or any other character get better or should I just expect the usual Borderlands quality of writing?
Did you play the last Borderlands 2 DLC? Because that's where they introduced Vaughn, and let me tell you, he acted the exact same weird way as he does in 3. So I would not expect improvements.
I just looked up a video and wow, he doesn't even sound anything like the same character. His voice is loud and booming compared to the soft spoken one from before.
Gotta commend Gearbox's uncanny ability to 180 character personalities and instantly flanderize them at the same time.
I'll give them credit that that specific character wasn't... completely flanderized, all of their actions made sense and flowed from Tales, only their dialog was really flanderized.
I just looked up a video and wow, he doesn't even sound anything like the same character. His voice is loud and booming compared to the soft… more spoken one from before.
Gotta commend Gearbox's uncanny ability to 180 character personalities and instantly flanderize them at the same time.
Sadly BL3 story is pretty poor. Sadly Vaughn got a bit butchered and was made very one note. His change from Tales ep 5 to how he is now doesnt really make sense. Im not sure why they just made it so he's insane when a fun dynamic could have been him doing all these "bandit things" as an attempt to remain his bandit status after the Children of Helios didnt work out when in reality he's just a poser who doesnt want people to know he isn't truly a bandit and keeps acting like he is one.
I actually really enjoy the Rhys segment in this game, by far the strongest part of the story which is surprising as I really thought it was going to be the roughest. Rhys is handled really well imo. Is written for the most part the same and I felt it was a natural way to continue his character. Only real complaint is I wish he was Troy Baker. Ray Chase did fine and is honestly not bad but it doesnt make that longing go away.
So I started playing Borderlands 3 and I'm like 4 hours in. While I'm liking it so far gameplay-wise, I'm very confused on why they decided … moreto add the Tales characters aside from just them being fan favourites. I've only met Vaughn so far but he... doesn't really act like the same character from Tales. He's very weirdly obsessed with underwear, won't stop saying "Bro" and loves talking about how much of a crazy bandit he is.
Does he, or any other character get better or should I just expect the usual Borderlands quality of writing?
You only have to look at Ava to see how fucking terrible this game's writing is, i honestly don't understand anyone who likes this game apparently people don't play it for the story so just turn your brain off and enjoy the uh amazing gameplay i guess that's really all that game has to offer,pretty much everything else is terrible.
So I started playing Borderlands 3 and I'm like 4 hours in. While I'm liking it so far gameplay-wise, I'm very confused on why they decided … moreto add the Tales characters aside from just them being fan favourites. I've only met Vaughn so far but he... doesn't really act like the same character from Tales. He's very weirdly obsessed with underwear, won't stop saying "Bro" and loves talking about how much of a crazy bandit he is.
Does he, or any other character get better or should I just expect the usual Borderlands quality of writing?
Playstation 5 is finally going to be revealed. I just hope it's not another PS3 reveal situation

EDIT: Nvm, this whole presentation was just to reveal all the specs put into PS5. There is no model revealed whatsoever. The only interesting specs they showed was the backwards compatibility and load times will be 10 times faster but those were just old news. They are just now in fact rumors turned to be true.
Yeahhh...I have absolutely no idea what any of that means.
All I've heard is Playstation is going for a small, but powerful approach to the system. I don't know how it works but SSDs and Less Teraflops and lots of IO-Processing or something.
IDK. Xbox is a powerful beast, Playstation 5 is less so, but still good.
Rumors are that There's gonna be an Xbox Series S on the lower-end of next-gen. PS5 will sit in the middle between the two.
Hope everyone has been doing well, and stay safe during this Covid-19 Pandemic
So far I'm doing ok. I spend most of my time at home to begin with so my routine hasn't been impacted all that much. At the moment I'm just nervous. Even if I stay off the internet r ight now there's no way to get this pandemic out of mind completely. I guess it's because nothing like this has happened so close to home in my lifetime. I know I'll most likely get through this, but it's a weird time right now.
You have not seen crunch and madness until you have seen what is going on inside an Amazon facility during times of crisis. There has not been a night the last 3 or so weeks that have not resulted in me either pulling out my hair or leaving the office after a 13 hour night. While all other businesses are closing, Amazon is staying open and prioritizing at their warehouses items related to helping families, hospitals, and emergency services with the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper towels, toilet paper, certain food/drink items, tissues, wipes, etc.
So honestly, I don't want to hear shit from some of these game developers about crunch, when they don't have management coming down on them for not hitting rates and not getting other shit done when they got a quarter of their workforce not showing up or leaving early without notice, a bunch of new hires to deal with, and only hitting about 80-90% to our plan because of factors not in our control. Especially when they aren't the ones actually delivering on essential products everyone needs when their local supermarket runs out of product in times of crisis. And if you think I'm being heartless, I'm operating on little sleep and a lot of stress, so save it.
I'm not gonna touch the game dev comments, but I do wanna send some good vibes towards Metallica's way, and voice my appreciation for people on the front lines during this mess - be it medical people, or people like MetallicaRules who are helping with delivery of important goods or services. These are all definitely important roles, and although I imagine in some cases that it can feel like a thankless job, it can be regarded as a sign of good character to be the ones stepping up and helping others in a time like this.
I hope you take care, dude, you have my respect.
Though it's unfortunate to hear that it's as chaotic as it seems. I haven't heard a lick of info from Amazon about rolling back services or employees to stay safe during this quarantine period. Everyone else is keeping limited services to use (restaurants/fast food places only doing take-out and delivery) or completely shutting down their stores. Not Amazon. They're steering their ship right into the eye of the storm, and only recently are they throwing the "non-essential items" overboard.
Stay safe, stay sane. I hope you get the sleep you deserve.
I've never worked retail/management, but I've heard it's usually annoying. I'm rooting for you.
It feels like TWD (A New Day) only without zombies.
Managed to find and buy some rice lol
I work in a small grocery store and I really don’t want to go back to work this weekend
Even before COVID-19 it’s been almost too busy for me to handle some days. Last year a similar shop (same franchise) closed down in a nearby suburb and all of their regular customers started shopping here instead.
(A tangent: At our shop we usually have two cashiers at a time, and the week before Christmas they’ll roster an extra person to work the third cash register. Now, a lot of stores are recording higher sales than during the Christmas period, but do you think they’ll roster another person on to help now? I fucking doubt it.)
I got someone to cover my shift tomorrow because I’m still not feeling 100% from being sick last week, but I think I’ll be okay to work on Saturday. I mean, I’d rather just stay home and play Animal Crossing, but I need the cash to pay for it too.
That's cool! All the unknown items and services are being promoted on the unknown forums lol.
We are just here to spend time with each other and discuss games and films, not shitty ads by some low-life broke bot.
So, in short, for the love of all things good and holy...
I am sorry if I sound upset, I really am. I am exhausted and annoyed by shit irl because this virus hasn't wiped out enough retarded people.
Top 10 Sales Persons - Number 1:
I knew a guy who worked in an Amazon Fufillment center a few years back... I’ve heard some disheartening things...
Friend of mine is streaming a marathon of Episode 3-5 of Batman. If you want some quarantine entertainment.
re3 game of year 2020
ᵈᵒᵘᵇᵗ ᶦᵗˢ ᵃ ʳᵉᵃˡ ʷᵒˡᶠ ᵃᵐᵒⁿᵍ ᵘˢ ᵉᵃˢᵗᵉʳ ᵉᵍᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ ᶜᵒᵒˡ
Remakes should never be GOTY. Not RE3, not RE2, not freaking Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.
But yeah it looks nice at least.
@Blind Sniper I appreciate the comment, thank you. I actually did want to apologize for the harshness of that particular part of the comment, that was written shortly after a particular period of stress/anger over a certain situation and I just needed to vent a bit I guess. I don't want to go into too much detail over it, but it was pretty much a result of a lack of communication from upper management, certain managers either not showing up or being transferred to a different shift without any notice to us, and me and other managers being forced to pick up the slack because of that, on top of everything else we had to do. Obviously the doctors, nurses, emergency service workers, and caretakers deserve all the praise we can give them during this time, they are working much longer, stressful, and dangerous jobs than any of us right now, and they should all be thanked for everything they're doing. I can't go into huge detail in regards to all of the functions going on inside my warehouse, but I can tell you that Amazon facilities like mine are working incredibly hard to ensure that we are focusing on items and products related to COVID-19 so that they are available and can be sent out as quickly as possible.
@AChicken: Thank you for your concern. It has been tough the last couple of weeks and there has been a lot of uncertainty before this past week about what we would do and if we would shut down or not. Fulfillment centers like mine will definitely be running so long as they can to ensure we are taking in and getting stuff out the door. Not only is Amazon not rolling back services, they are hiring a bunch of new people across all areas of their supply chain and operations in order to meet the demand. They're looking to bring on 100,000 new workers (which in its own right can be tough because we also need to get them trained and assign them learning ambassadors, which tend to be some of are higher performing or most knowledgable associates, meaning they're off path so they can focus on teaching the new hires). Amazon is offering a lot of overtime to anyone willing to take it, even allowing some associates to use some of that time at other facilities to help them meet their needs. Amazon is deadset on powering through this, and I completely get it, and honestly, it's one of the few things keeping the economy going at this point. If Amazon shut down their services, we'd be in trouble.
@4k60fpsHDR: It's not the easiest job, no matter what department you're in and even during less stressful times. It's very demanding, the hours can be long, and for associates, it's a lot of heavy lifting, moving around, and exhausting. Even on the managerial end, it moves so fast that by the time you hear about a new change, it's already been changed again. I will say though that Amazon has amazing benefits and programs for both hourly workers and managers (health, dental, and vision insurance, discounts on auto, renters, home owners, and life insurance, $15/hour wages that increase once you've reached certain milestones, will match half of what you contribute to your 401(k) up to 4%, paid sick and maternity leave, etc.). Even now, Amazon is being incredibly generous towards the associates. They aren't deducting from any associate's allotted unpaid personal time (which comes with the consequence of they can not show up for work or leave early with no repercussions, and we can't always track that shit), they've more than doubled the sanitation and housekeeping efforts inside the fulfillment centers, including stocking up on sanitizers, wipes, gloves, masks, and have even installed more soap dispensers throughout the building. They've cancelled or postponed any meetings or pre-shift gatherings to prevent large groupings of people to try and limit the spread of the virus. They're offering $2 extra per hour, and on top of that, an extra $2 if associates do help out at other facilities as mentioned before, ON TOP of time and a half for overtime.
Thankfully for me, it’s my weekend, I’m making a filet for tonight, and I’ve got DOOM releasing at midnight. No better way to take out my stress than brutally decapitating and slaughtering demons.
This is not a remake. It's a re-imagination. Everyone calls it a remake because it's shorter than re-imagination.
I have acquired a copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons! Time to fill an island with little furry animal friends and never let them leave.
Time to build a moat around Tom Nook's shop, you mean.
I played the Resident Evil 3 Demo. Holy fuck Nemesis is absolutely terrifying. FAR more intimidating than Mr. X (who already scared the bejeezus out of me) simply because this mother fucker RUNS.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is so gangster
I knew somebody who worked at Amazon, the shit my other friends and I heart were disturbing.
I am wishing the best for you, old friend!
The Doomslayer's mancave is amazing.
I especially love the magazine articles on that last one, if you're having difficulty reading it, they are as follows:
Apparently, the demons have their own version of Vogue, and somehow, it's still better than the real life Vogue.
I watched Onward. While I don't think it quite reaches the quality of Pixar's top of the shelf stuff, it's definitely still a good movie and absolutely went for the jugular in terms of the feels department (in my opinion). Like, man, there was just this pit in my stomach that didn't go away until it hit the credits. Felt like a punch in the gut. I also loved the DnD references, certain parts reminded me of the first/last campaign I played with my friends.
I don't really have any really big problems with the movie. It does take a moment for things to finally get going, and the audio for Ian, played by Tom Holland, is a little weird at first like it was recorded with a different mic. Also the characters designs took a bit of getting used to.
Other than that I thought it was good! 8 outta 10 would recommend, especially if you're currently self-isolating like I am.
I watched the Final Destination franchise. Weirdly enough, I enjoyed those movies. I didn't have any expectations and I had a lot of fun. They sure aren't flawless but it's mostly for people who are fan of gore in horror movies and I am one of them. These films are dangerous for people with panophobia.
I liked all the films, except for the 4th one because I heard it was the worst one and for that, I chose to save it for the last to watch. As I expected, it was terrible, there was nothing that impressed me there and it wasn't scary.
So I started playing Borderlands 3 and I'm like 4 hours in. While I'm liking it so far gameplay-wise, I'm very confused on why they decided to add the Tales characters aside from just them being fan favourites. I've only met Vaughn so far but he... doesn't really act like the same character from Tales. He's very weirdly obsessed with underwear, won't stop saying "Bro" and loves talking about how much of a crazy bandit he is.
Does he, or any other character get better or should I just expect the usual Borderlands quality of writing?
Did you play the last Borderlands 2 DLC? Because that's where they introduced Vaughn, and let me tell you, he acted the exact same weird way as he does in 3. So I would not expect improvements.
Nope, never played it and completely forgot that was even a thing. That kinda stinks that this is just how he is now.
Hahaha... wait until you learn what they did with a different Tales character in the Borderlands 2 DLC...
They fucking killed off Cassius.
I just looked up a video and wow, he doesn't even sound anything like the same character. His voice is loud and booming compared to the soft spoken one from before.
Gotta commend Gearbox's uncanny ability to 180 character personalities and instantly flanderize them at the same time.
I'll give them credit that that specific character wasn't... completely flanderized, all of their actions made sense and flowed from Tales, only their dialog was really flanderized.
Sadly BL3 story is pretty poor. Sadly Vaughn got a bit butchered and was made very one note. His change from Tales ep 5 to how he is now doesnt really make sense. Im not sure why they just made it so he's insane when a fun dynamic could have been him doing all these "bandit things" as an attempt to remain his bandit status after the Children of Helios didnt work out when in reality he's just a poser who doesnt want people to know he isn't truly a bandit and keeps acting like he is one.
I actually really enjoy the Rhys segment in this game, by far the strongest part of the story which is surprising as I really thought it was going to be the roughest. Rhys is handled really well imo. Is written for the most part the same and I felt it was a natural way to continue his character. Only real complaint is I wish he was Troy Baker. Ray Chase did fine and is honestly not bad but it doesnt make that longing go away.
Melbourne will be on lock down in two days for an undetermined amount of time.
You only have to look at Ava to see how fucking terrible this game's writing is, i honestly don't understand anyone who likes this game apparently people don't play it for the story so just turn your brain off and enjoy the uh amazing gameplay i guess that's really all that game has to offer,pretty much everything else is terrible.
I wish I was rich enough that I could buy clothes that weren't made in a fucking sweatshop