The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If Metallica is already recommending the Uncharted series, then I'll step in and DEFINITELY recommend Journey.

    If you're at all a fan of minimal storytelling, interesting/mysterious worlds, emotional experiences, or unique social experiments, Journey is a great little game for that.

    There's some light puzzle-platforming and collectibles to find, too.
    It's just a charming, short, musical game that's always fun to go back to. Brought me to tears the first time I reached the end.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I guess I'll just get Journey since I already own the whole Uncharted franchise. I heard good things about Journey. They said it's short but an amazing experience.

  • Meanwhile, us Xbox one users have to suffer.

    Starting at 8pm PT tonight, Sony will be offering 2 games for free for all PS4 owners. The games are Journey, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drak

  • edited April 2020

    Eh, I can see Xbox competing and giving everyone a free month of Xbox Game Pass or something.

    Time will tell, since this quarantine doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

    Meanwhile, us Xbox one users have to suffer.

  • Let's just have hope.

    AChicken posted: »

    Eh, I can see Xbox competing and giving everyone a free month of Xbox Game Pass or something. Time will tell, since this quarantine doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon.

  • edited April 2020

    Do you know what's badass about this Free deal?

    Do you remember how the Uncharted Collection was available for Free with PSPlus back in January?

    Well, Sony is gracious enough to somehow tweak the rules of "If you currently own a free license to a game with PSPlus, you can't 'purchase' the game since you technically currently own it." Even if you own any of these titles through their Free PSPlus release, you can still purchase these titles for Free, enabling you to own them forever regardless of when your Plus subscription expires. I don't know how, but they enabled you to purchase the game once more through their store, giving you the actual digital license instead of the Plus expiry rental.
    Now that's an awesome move from Playstation.

    Use the website, that will allow you to add it to your cart if you already have it through Plus.

    Starting at 8pm PT tonight, Sony will be offering 2 games for free for all PS4 owners. The games are Journey, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drak

  • Well, since we're now sharing free games, Assassin's Creed 2 is free to keep on the Ubisoft store until tomorrow.

    (If the link doesn't work, try to claim it directly from their launcher. I read people had trouble with it.)

  • I think it's safe to assume that movie theaters might be obsolete by the time all of this is over which makes me really fucking sad. The theater experience is something special that I really don't want to let go of.

  • edited April 2020

    Well AMC theater is officially gone at this point. Idk about Cinemark. Hopefully they are going to be around when this is over. Also I feel bad for the Disney workers and people who work there. Not thevFisney Executives or even the Hollywood stars (cause those smug Hollywood stars are living in mansions and have big ass swimming pools and complaining about how boring it js or it is like a jail cell. Which is sooo smug and idiotic to say and do ugh)and I kinda feel bad for marvel fans. But,not me. I was done with Marvel after Endgame (not a good or bad movie. Just a Mixed bag movie with weird crazy nonsense and not better than infinity War)and I hope everyone finds new things to focus on instead of that still,after this is over.

    ralo229 posted: »

    I think it's safe to assume that movie theaters might be obsolete by the time all of this is over which makes me really fucking sad. The theater experience is something special that I really don't want to let go of.

  • We'll see, I'm sure with all the upcoming releases in the next few years they can secure funding via investors if not a government bailout

    strwar3 posted: »

    Well AMC theater is officially gone at this point. Idk about Cinemark. Hopefully they are going to be around when this is over. Also I feel

  • so guys... we did it

  • AMC is currently trying to raise 500 mil in a private offering. That might give them a chance. Although, that might just be false hope. I dunno. I don't know dick about business.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Well AMC theater is officially gone at this point. Idk about Cinemark. Hopefully they are going to be around when this is over. Also I feel

  • Just sat through Shyamalan's The Last Airbender...there's not enough booze to fill the void of emptiness after watching that movie.

  • edited April 2020

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons is probably my game of the year so far honestly. I was not at all expecting to be so hooked by it. I play the game everyday for about an hour or two, sometimes more and it'll be completely by accident. Sometimes I'll just sit down and go in just to collect my daily Nook Miles and then an hour passes by because I'll get distracted by so many other things. Maybe I spotted a new bug, a potential new villager visits my island, or I managed to pay off a little more of my never ending debt to that gosh darn raccoon.

    The game is just so relaxing and cute and legitimately fun. I'm really enjoying my time with it.

    Now if only they'd patch in some small quality of life changes like the ability to craft items in bulk and a cart to the shops in-game.

  • edited April 2020

    It is possible that Cinemark is likely coming back in July. After late June of course. I feel like they might make it back. But, after AMC theaters shuts down. We are probably going to see some very little interest of ppl going to theaters. Although that depends if Cinemark can handle less ppl coming in. I am likely going to go back to the movies.
    Also if you guys like live in Ohio? Guess what? You Lucky bastards are likely opening back up soon on May 1st. Still protocols in areas need to be followed and other things from the looks of it. I hope you guys still try to keep safe distance still. Phases 1,2,and 3 need to be carefully followed by others. Still Congrats to Ohio.

    ralo229 posted: »

    AMC is currently trying to raise 500 mil in a private offering. That might give them a chance. Although, that might just be false hope. I du

  • Why would you do this to yourself? If you wanted to see a guilty pleasure, I would recommend you Jason X.

    Just sat through Shyamalan's The Last Airbender...there's not enough booze to fill the void of emptiness after watching that movie.

  • If anyone is looking for any podcasts to listen to during this time, I highly recommend the "Happy Hour Podcast". It is mostly a comedic podcast, full of laughs, but also discussing some serious topics at length, like mental health.

    Just a few minutes ago I watched an episode with a former Scotland Yard Detective on the Podcast, who went into great detail of his career in law enforcement and in being a detective.

    His story is quite serious, with one incident leading to his personal information being exposed to various criminal and terrorist groups that were a part of an undercover investigation he was involved in.

    How this occurred was due to his name being used in a report to cover the complexities of the whole operation, which was compiled by a member of the arresting team, that included Peter's full name rather than refer to him by his allocated undercover number given to him by the unit in the report. Unfortunately, he was one of very few Peter Bleksley's within the UK at that time, so he was fairly easy to find. The next big mistake was that the agent printed the report, sealed it into a case and left it in their car, which was later broken into, with the case being taken.

    He was thrown into Witness Protection and had to drop his life to preserve it, all because of a series of mistakes made by a member of the arresting team.

    That is one of the big stories in the podcast, but my mere words don't really do it justice, so if anyone wishes to learn more about it, and about Peter's career, then feel free to follow the link:

  • Sorry for the double post, but in case anyone missed this nugget of news that appeared over the past few days:

    Sony has filed a patent for a robot companion that expresses emotional responses to the player, and could even play games with you, according to Jordan Oloman at IGN:

    A listing found on the US Patent & Trademark Office website depicts the robot as a fuzzy little guy who sits next to you on the sofa while you play games. It has no mouth but a pair of endearing eyes and cute boots and is said to be able to talk and empathize with the player as well as move its arm, leg or neck in reaction to the user's emotions.

    The patent mentions that, ideally, the robot would be "autonomous" to the point where it could sit beside you on the sofa of its own accord, rather than being placed next to the user. It's also noted that the robot could play games with the player - the example given being the companion controlling the "opponent team of a baseball game being played by the user."

    The patent describes the robot including a "feeling deduction unit," an object control system that can detect and act upon the user's emotions. The unit can evaluate "feeling indexes such as joy, anger, love and surprise" and will be complemented by a biological sensor that can track the user's heart rate and sweating state. It doesn't sound too far from another Sony patent, for a controller attachment that measures biological responses.

    In the summary of the object, the patent notes that the robot has been created to usher in a "joint viewing experience" in order to motivate users to play games and react to them in absence of a face-to-face relationship with another person.

    The patent explains that the robot has a "love index" which will be affected by how the user speaks to the robot in moments of tension. When asked to be charged, if the player doesn't charge the robot quickly it will evaluate that the player does not love it and will react in a similar fashion if it's kicked around instead of being stroked, or if the user tells the robot that it's being noisy. If it feels unpopular, it will no longer empathise with the player during gameplay, a conscious action made to make the user reflect on their attitude and treat the robot more kindly in future. It can also help to improve "life rhythm" and will tell users to go to bed.

    Not solid confirmation that this will be a reality, as patents are filed all of the time for many designs that never come to fruition, but imagine screaming at your TV when playing FIFA then you turn to your robot companion who also joins in at hurling abuse at the TV, wouldn't that be hilarious?

    Here's the link to that article:

  • So if they actually use this patent we could have the (?)Clementine feels hurt situation irl. It maybe cute and friendly but if it can beat me at call of duty I'm going to yeet it out the window.

    Sorry for the double post, but in case anyone missed this nugget of news that appeared over the past few days: Sony has filed a patent fo

  • edited April 2020

    I need a little help with a research paper if anyone minds. I just need a few examples of movies/tv shows/documentaries based on events/incidents that had a wide reaching effect on the audience and had more people interested/looking into the actual events.

    Some examples of this would be like When They See Us (2019), a drama series based on the Central Park jogger incident in New York, 1989. After the release of the series, the audience reaction from it had renewed peoples outlook and discussion on the case, and if I remember right, had people looking into the prosecutor who went against the accused.

    Another example would be the Korean film, Silenced (2011), which was based on an incident involving the sexual abuse of deaf children in a school for the hearing impaired. After the movie was released, there was an outcry which had government officials reopen the case, shut down the school and also reworked their laws on sexual crimes against minors.

    Finally the most recent example would be Tiger King (2020), which is currently having one of the subjects of the docu-series being re-investigated for murder by the local towns police.

    I'm not necessarily looking for things that had big real life impacts but also things that just had more people interested the events. It could even just be a rise in Google searches or something minimal like that. So yeah if anyone else has any other examples like these that would be a big help!

  • It would be so cool to see how it reacts to choice based games, will it take the controller out of your hand if you make questionable decisions? Or will it just cruise on over to the console and shut it off because of your choices? the possibilities are endless :joy:

    All jokes aside though, I still am curious to see that if this patent does materialize, and what it will be like.

    I can see people buying it and using it as a novelty as it is a rather unique concept.

    I wouldn't buy it to play Call of Duty with, or for any competitive game for that matter, you and I both know that poor bot won't survive the match, quite literally :joy:

    So if they actually use this patent we could have the (?)Clementine feels hurt situation irl. It maybe cute and friendly but if it can beat me at call of duty I'm going to yeet it out the window.

  • It would be a pretty smart and expensive toy if it could do all of that. If it were able to screw with your console like that. In order to keep the customers happy that don't want to be messed with by the machines then it will have to be a setting you can switch on.

    It would be easier for it to react based on how you react rather than taking in what the game is doing and form an reaction from it while not feeling scripted. If it could take actions from the game only certain games could release for the technology to work at it's best and have it printed on the case that the bot can interact with the game. Not to mention what the game companies could force legally.

    Fulfilling everything on that patent would not be something that could be easily made to happen. It's been hard enough to get the VR business off the ground. I give it another 15 years at the least before technology like that could become commercially accessible and inexpensive enough to become mainstream.

    It would be so cool to see how it reacts to choice based games, will it take the controller out of your hand if you make questionable decisi


  • It seems like the entire True Crime genre would fit that, and some war movies like Platoon. Maybe some occasional Star Trek episodes.

    I can't think of any other solid examples, but telling a compelling story is one way to show people why they could care about certain events.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I need a little help with a research paper if anyone minds. I just need a few examples of movies/tv shows/documentaries based on events/inci

  • Just dropping in, as I used to post pretty frequently on these forums back in the day, but is Telltale now pretty much back? I'm way out of the loop on this, as last time I checked they were done and dead, but a friend told me that Wolf 2 is still very much happening.

  • A new company bought the Telltale brand/company assets and rehired some old staff (some as contractors, some as full time). Wolf 2 is once again happening, in collaboration with Ad Hoc Studios (which consists of old school TTG alumni who were writers and designers that worked on Wolf 1).

    New Telltale own rights to Wolf Among Us, Batman, and Puzzle Agent. The rest of the Telltale games are still owned by other parties, as was the case after original Telltale went out of business.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Just dropping in, as I used to post pretty frequently on these forums back in the day, but is Telltale now pretty much back? I'm way out of

  • Telltale is back. They were bought by 2 industry veterans who plan to run Telltale as a much better work environment with a focus on non-crunch and overall not making the same mistakes Old Telltale was doing. They have the rights to Telltale Batman and The Wolf Among Us, and a teaser trailer for Wolf 2 was shown at the Game Awards in December. Telltale is developing it, but they partnered with AdHoc studio for the narrative. AdHoc studio is made up of some of the key talent who worked on Walking Dead 1, Wolf 1, and Tales from the Borderlands. Wolf 2 will still be episodic and have 5 episodes but they wont release any until the entire game is finished.

    Everything is still pretty early starting out, and we were already told not to expect Wolf Among Us 2 this year. But yes, Telltale is back and Wolf 2 has re-started development with the new team.

    OneWayNoWay posted: »

    Just dropping in, as I used to post pretty frequently on these forums back in the day, but is Telltale now pretty much back? I'm way out of

  • Oh, nice. Thanks! Same goes to @Blind Sniper

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale is back. They were bought by 2 industry veterans who plan to run Telltale as a much better work environment with a focus on non-cru

  • Nintendo seems to have done a heck of a good job with the sound design of Animal Crossing New Horizons, judging by this guy's breakdown of it.

    Just... Awesome.

  • edited April 2020

    I'm pretty much excited to see Wolf Among Us Season 2 come out next year. It does me feel good about how we have waited for a new season. Like holy shit almost 6 years!!

    That is literally insane to deal with no answers from ep 5 cliffhanger ending. Still it does suck that we won't know much about where we last left off. It is pretty obvious at this point who and what is going on from the last part of ending in EP 5.

    I hope we get to see it. But,I hearing what Telltale said last year or early this year. That wouldn't happen in this re-development of the game. Ugh

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale is back. They were bought by 2 industry veterans who plan to run Telltale as a much better work environment with a focus on non-cru

  • When everybody is out of school, but you have been in an online school for half of the school year.

  • I could hear my cousin on the phone screaming at her mom because she’s taking her Classes online and I’ve seen this back in 2015 she was super salty at the time.

    When everybody is out of school, but you have been in an online school for half of the school year.

  • Ouch.

    I could hear my cousin on the phone screaming at her mom because she’s taking her Classes online and I’ve seen this back in 2015 she was super salty at the time.

  • Actually it was old Telltale who said they wont be answering the cliff hanger question (which in turn probably implied it wasnt that direct of a sequel.) At first I was fine with this, I feel Wolf Among Us was the only Telltale series where future seasons actually wouldnt be super jarring to just not follow through on what happened last season's plot. Wolf 1 as a whole is very complete, so making season 2 just another mystery a few years later wouldnt be as jarring as other Telltale sequels where it basically tells the first game to go away.

    However that said, I feel this new rebooted season 2 needs to be a very direct sequel with the main plot very much stemming out of the original story. By the time Wolf 2 releases, Wolf Among Us will be 8 years old. It will have been years of begging for a sequel, having it announced, having it delayed, having it canceled, and then having it saved. Realistically people are going to be pretty disappointed if it ignores most of first season after all the drama to make the game that overall has no larger connections to the first game. All they really have to do is in season 2 introduce some sort of "figurative wrench" that Bigby discovers that connects everything back to season 1. It is possible that Wolf 2 starts with Bigby investigating a missing persons case only to find something that would connect back to season 1 and lead us into discovering we missed something during season 1 and now we need to "revisit" as another case forms from the ashes of the old one. Theres also still some lose ends that could lead into a season 2 with that season 1 connection like what happened to the Crooked Man's operation, where is Jersey and whats left of his goons, are they still operating on their own? A season 2 could stem from Bigby finally putting them away only to discover there is more to be uncovered. Kinda basic ideas and its more complicated than that for a full narrative but Im sure you get the example.

    Interestingly this new Telltale never said anything about the cliff hanger. All we know story wise is that it takes place after season 1, we will most likely leave Fabletown (unsure if that means leave NYC, could just mean theres scenes in Time Square for example), and Bigby and Snow are the two most focused characters (which was kinda expected anyway seeing how they were in the first game.) So there is a chance Season 2 is a true direct sequel. I mean all we knew story wise about the original Wolf 2 was it took place after season 1 and the cliff hanger wasnt going to be answered.

    strwar3 posted: »

    I'm pretty much excited to see Wolf Among Us Season 2 come out next year. It does me feel good about how we have waited for a new season. Li

  • I think the Wolf Season 1 ending was more of a "thematic" cliffhanger in the sense that they were trying to create an ambiguous noir detective story ending, rather than a literal surface level teaser for a potential sequel.

    I mean, I guess I wouldn't object to having that story be resolved, but I didn't get the impression that was a literal "season two" tease is what I'm saying.

  • I do agree with this. Season 2's main plot shouldnt be about "who Nerissa or Faith" really are, but the plot should probably stem out from Season 1's story like I was saying before, like having it so another mystery begins to unfold which turns out is actually more connected to the first mystery, implying we may have actually missed something. And in turn with more investigation and knowing the 2 things are connected, it may lead to more clues and ideas on who it actually is, maybe Faith/Nerissa are even pulling strings in season 2, but either way I dont think an actual answer should be given.

    I always did find it a bit weird people acting like Wolf 1 ended on a cliffhanger in the sense of its teasing a season 2. GOT ended in a way that it was teasing a season 2, not Wolf. Personally I always wanted a season 2 because I felt like it needs a companion piece. The part 1 and the part 2. Not so much the season 2 needs to answer that last question.

    (Hopefully what Im saying makes sense. All kinda in my head but hard to write out lol. Just recently been thinking about what they'd need to do for people to not be "disappointed" considering it seems the longer the wait for a desired game, the higher the expectations, and I feel if they dont go for a very direct sequel route, a good chunk of people will be upset. Personally I'll be ok if they do end up going for a more separate story.)

    I think the Wolf Season 1 ending was more of a "thematic" cliffhanger in the sense that they were trying to create an ambiguous noir detecti

  • Does crowdplay work?

  • I don't think it does.

    Telltale's servers have been glitching and the host is all sorts of fucked. And nobody has gotten back to it or even touched it as far as we know.

    Does crowdplay work?

  • @Poogers555 Forgot to say, interesting that they nearly finished a final hub for Season 1 that would've wrapped things up in a nicer bow.

  • So I watched this Trailer from IGN, and I have to say... I'm speechless

  • I'm unsure as to what this can be classed as, but I find it to be a very interesting topic that could work? There's a documentary by Jane Elliot called Blue Eyes Brown Eyes.

    It is an experiment that was carried out with children in a school to demonstrate how discrimination feels to those being discriminated against.
    The experiment itself was carried out one day after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. back in April 5th, 1968.

    There are various videos showing the experiment being carried out across the internet, I think it is a stroke of genius, although it has been criticized due to the ethics behind it, you aren't revealing to the people you are conducting the experiment on that you are conducting it, but I can understand why, if they knew, they'd be more hesitant to give their actual opinion, thus taking away from the experiment and not giving the desired results

    I'll share a link to a YouTube video of the experiment so you can put it into your own words, as I am sure my explanation is poor, and doesn't really do the experiment justice. Hopefully this fits your criteria, and I wish you the best in completing the research paper.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I need a little help with a research paper if anyone minds. I just need a few examples of movies/tv shows/documentaries based on events/inci

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