This ain't real, peoples. This information circulating out there is because of a FandomWire article. Do not believe them.FandomWire is known to propagate and write articles on baseless fabrications for CLICKBAIT. The article keeps mentioning "an inside source within Netflix" and that definitely sounds real fishy.
And honestly, why the hell would Netflix go out of their way to go completely against the spirit of the show? They announced their plan to make a live-action adaptation of the beloved cartoon, complete with key-art that references one of the very first drawings by Bryke (I can't find it anymore but someone on reddit posted it a few days ago) so at the very least I'm sure Netflix is going to try to have a beat-for-beat adaptation. If it pans out and they've got the CGI budget, okay, maybe it'll work. If it doesn't then there'll definitely feel like something's off about it. Either way I can see this show being mediocre at worst.
Based on Netflix's other adaptations, they've mostly stuck to the source material. (Ref: according to my sister, their recent adaptation of the Babysitter Club Books is... decent. Only difference she could find from the handful of episodes she watched was that the show takes place in modern day -- vs. the 80s when the books were made -- and one character's ethnicity was changed to have a more diverse group. That's all.) Whatever's going around out there about 20-year-old-12-year-olds cast for the show is and should be completely false.
Plus, considering this show could be Netflix's big fantasy adaptation that goes toe-to-toe with Disney+'s Percy Jackson TV series (which also had a terrible movie series), I doubt Netflix would want to stray too far off the beaten path of the plot.
In other news, some damn good memes about the fandom vs. netflix, potential casting and the Bryke situation have been going around the subreddit. I love 'em.
All honesty, I feel bad for those working on the ATLA show. This is a MASSIVE dark cloud looming above them, not to mention the fans themselves.
Take this with the teeniest tiniest crumb of salt regarding the ATLA stuff.
Apparently Netflix wanted to separate the live action ATLA se… moreries from the animated series by aging up the main cast and give it "a darker, mature tone with more romance, sex and blood." DiMartino and Konietzko disagreed and were adamant that the show remain accessible to kids like the OG series. Netflix also wanted to open up casting to white people which they were also against, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes from the Shyamalan movie. Finally, the creators wanted a bigger budget, though in this case I think it's a bit understandable considering this was to be their first foray into live action media.
This ain't real, peoples. This information circulating out there is because of a FandomWire article. Do not believe them. FandomWire is known to propagate and write articles on baseless fabrications for CLICKBAIT. The article keeps mentioning "an inside source within Netflix" and that definitely sounds real fishy.
Yup, which is why I mentioned the salt. Like you said, Netflix has been pretty alright when it comes to respecting the source material with their adaptions (at least the western ones, let's not talk about Death Note), and I've mentioned how they handled 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', so I do have some doubt with these accusations.
However, the statements made by DiMartino and Konietzko were pretty critical about Netflix so I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out there's a little truth to these rumours.
Yeah, no. I'm taking this one with a ton of salt.
This ain't real, peoples. This information circulating out there is because of a Fandom… moreWire article. Do not believe them. FandomWire is known to propagate and write articles on baseless fabrications for CLICKBAIT. The article keeps mentioning "an inside source within Netflix" and that definitely sounds real fishy.
And honestly, why the hell would Netflix go out of their way to go completely against the spirit of the show? They announced their plan to make a live-action adaptation of the beloved cartoon, complete with key-art that references one of the very first drawings by Bryke (I can't find it anymore but someone on reddit posted it a few days ago) so at the very least I'm sure Netflix is going to try to have a beat-for-beat adaptation. If it pans out and they've got the CGI budget, okay, maybe it'll work. If it doesn't then there'll definitely feel like something's off about it. Eith… [view original content]
I've played 34 hours of the game so far and I've been really enjoying it, though certain things (mostly the movement) can be a little frustrating at times. In terms of gameplay it can be pretty challenging which varies between frustration (mostly due to my incompetence) and fun. I'd say the closest comparison I can make would probably be the more recent Assassin Creed games. It plays pretty similarly to them albeit with less than smooth stealth mechanics. The map clutter is pretty jarring but it's been a while since I've played a big open world game so I'm not too bothered about it. The story is alright. Nothing amazing, though there are some pretty good moments and I really do enjoy the backstory of how the world came to be, and the setting itself is great. The environments are also pretty pleasing to the eyes.
Voice acting is... mixed. Ashley Burch as Aloy is great and she's probably the best VA in the game. Everyone else though ranges from pretty good to straight up bad. Also the cutscene animations for the game are super jank a lot of the time, not that they're buggy, just that they're badly animated. Sometimes it's like watching someone play with a bunch of action figures, which is surprising considering its a AAA (former) PS4 exclusive game. I was expecting a bit more polish with that, especially after having seen just The Last of Us Part 2.
I've actually been pretty lucky with the issues compared to most people. In my 30 hour adventure I've only crashed once, though it was right at the end of a particularly brutal 20 minute fight which made me lose my progress, and I've experienced a little stuttering in the biggest city in the game. Other than that it's been working fine for me so far.
I'd say if you enjoy playing open world games I'd recommend it, but maybe wait a month or two for Guerilla Games to patch out the big issues.
I've been seeing this same rumor floating around, but haven't taken it seriously due to its sourcing. Until something more reputable comes out, it's still a mystery.
Take this with the teeniest tiniest crumb of salt regarding the ATLA stuff.
Apparently Netflix wanted to separate the live action ATLA se… moreries from the animated series by aging up the main cast and give it "a darker, mature tone with more romance, sex and blood." DiMartino and Konietzko disagreed and were adamant that the show remain accessible to kids like the OG series. Netflix also wanted to open up casting to white people which they were also against, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes from the Shyamalan movie. Finally, the creators wanted a bigger budget, though in this case I think it's a bit understandable considering this was to be their first foray into live action media.
I cannot express how much I hate those studio interferences. In words of Nathan Drake, everything I touch turns to shit. What I mean is that I can never be a fan of something without worrying about the future.
Take this with the teeniest tiniest crumb of salt regarding the ATLA stuff.
Apparently Netflix wanted to separate the live action ATLA se… moreries from the animated series by aging up the main cast and give it "a darker, mature tone with more romance, sex and blood." DiMartino and Konietzko disagreed and were adamant that the show remain accessible to kids like the OG series. Netflix also wanted to open up casting to white people which they were also against, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes from the Shyamalan movie. Finally, the creators wanted a bigger budget, though in this case I think it's a bit understandable considering this was to be their first foray into live action media.
Yeah I probably should have cast more doubt in its validity than just saying to take it with a pinch of salt. It's very much akin to saying "my uncle at Nintendo Netflix told me this."
I've been seeing this same rumor floating around, but haven't taken it seriously due to its sourcing. Until something more reputable comes out, it's still a mystery.
Resident Evil 7 is now the best selling game in the series
Ethan can just not lose! Does this man ever miss?
God I wish I was as cool as Ethan "Chad" Winters
I've played it for ~2 hours so far, so maybe I shouldn't count my chickens yet, but the game's running surprisingly well on my PC. No crashes, except for the first time I tried to quit the game and it freaked out so I had to brute-force turn off my PC. Better framerate than I expected too.
Some little things are bothering me about the controls too, but I haven't progressed past the first area yet so it hasn't been catastrophic in combat or anything. I think I just need to get used to it. I think you can hide different categories of map markers if it bothers you (you can hide all the campfires, machine sites etc.)
If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty are you playing at? One thing I remember from my first playthrough on the PS4 (Normal Difficulty) is that the difficulty could fluctuate a lot in the early game. The first cauldron really stumped me compared to other missions with a similar recommended level. After that I got distracted with all the side quests and activities and I over-levelled, so the rest of the game was pretty easy.
Yeah, the janky cutscene animations are a thing in the PS4 version too. I wouldn't expect them to improve in any of the future patches, though I've heard that the animations in the DLC are a bit better than the main game, so there's something to look forward to if you haven't reached it yet. I don't think the cutscenes for side quests and errands were a priority for Guerrilla Games until everyone roasted them over it.
Playing the game on PC has reminded me about how much I just prefer PC gaming over consoles. I love my PS4 too, mainly for the exclusives, but I wish I could just skip all the fuss and play them on my PC instead.
I've played 34 hours of the game so far and I've been really enjoying it, though certain things (mostly the movement) can be a little frustr… moreating at times. In terms of gameplay it can be pretty challenging which varies between frustration (mostly due to my incompetence) and fun. I'd say the closest comparison I can make would probably be the more recent Assassin Creed games. It plays pretty similarly to them albeit with less than smooth stealth mechanics. The map clutter is pretty jarring but it's been a while since I've played a big open world game so I'm not too bothered about it. The story is alright. Nothing amazing, though there are some pretty good moments and I really do enjoy the backstory of how the world came to be, and the setting itself is great. The environments are also pretty pleasing to the eyes.
Voice acting is... mixed. Ashley Burch as Aloy is great and she's probably the best VA in the game. Everyone else though ranges f… [view original content]
I've read, re-read and re-read my re-reading of your comment, I'm confused by the use of the word "anal" was it a typo? Pardon my stupidity man, my head's fried entirely
I find it strange that Netflix decided to be anal about creative control with this over anything else in their library. They've done adaptio… morens in the past that have actually had the original creators creatively involved, like A Series of Unfortunate Events (which also had a failed live action movie) that had the series author on board as a writer without any executive meddling.
Anal can be used as a synonym for being overly strict or precise. Basically, he's saying Netflix was being too controlling instead of letting them have a pretty good level of freedom, which was something Netflix was supposedly known for.
I've read, re-read and re-read my re-reading of your comment, I'm confused by the use of the word "anal" was it a typo? Pardon my stupidity man, my head's fried entirely
I've read, re-read and re-read my re-reading of your comment, I'm confused by the use of the word "anal" was it a typo? Pardon my stupidity man, my head's fried entirely
If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty are you playing at? One thing I remember from my first playthrough on the PS4 (Normal Difficulty) is that the difficulty could fluctuate a lot in the early game. The first cauldron really stumped me compared to other missions with a similar recommended level. After that I got distracted with all the side quests and activities and I over-levelled, so the rest of the game was pretty easy.
Playing on normal and I'm still getting a good amount of trouble from certain enemies. At this point in time I've pretty much done every side quest available aside from the Frozen Wilds which I'm saving for after I finish the main story, and I'm still not finding myself particularly over leveled. I even have all my gear modded up.
Yeah, the janky cutscene animations are a thing in the PS4 version too.
I'd never actually seen anything about the game until now so I just thought it would have the usual Sony first party game quality to it. Good to know Frozen Lands might be a bit better.
I've played it for ~2 hours so far, so maybe I shouldn't count my chickens yet, but the game's running surprisingly well on my PC. No crash… morees, except for the first time I tried to quit the game and it freaked out so I had to brute-force turn off my PC. Better framerate than I expected too.
Some little things are bothering me about the controls too, but I haven't progressed past the first area yet so it hasn't been catastrophic in combat or anything. I think I just need to get used to it. I think you can hide different categories of map markers if it bothers you (you can hide all the campfires, machine sites etc.)
If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty are you playing at? One thing I remember from my first playthrough on the PS4 (Normal Difficulty) is that the difficulty could fluctuate a lot in the early game. The first cauldron really stumped me compared to other missions with a similar recommended level. After that I got… [view original content]
I find it strange that Telltale decided to be anal about creative control with this over anything else in their library. They've done adaptions in the past that have actually had the original creators creatively involved, like Back To The Future (which also had a failed rerelease) that had the director on board as a writer without any executive meddling.
Anal can be used as a synonym for being overly strict or precise. Basically, he's saying Netflix was being too controlling instead of letting them have a pretty good level of freedom, which was something Netflix was supposedly known for.
Ah, they decided to emotionally destroy me earlier than I expected. This season might actually be better than the previous for me, and I loved season 2!
Good morning everyone I hope you’re all having a beautiful Saturday morning yesterday was kind of whacked I’ve experienced an Karen incident at a Burger King and almost resulted into police involved.
I was waiting for my whopper order and well this guy wasn’t wearing his mask and he was creating a scene in the car and then he said the N word to this BK employee .
It's been so long since I've been here I had to google the link to the legacy forums because all of my bookmarks were of the old format. o_o
Anal can be used as a synonym for being overly strict or precise. Basically, he's saying Netflix was being too controlling instead of letting them have a pretty good level of freedom, which was something Netflix was supposedly known for.
Haha, yeah it's the first time I've heard it be used as a description of controlling or authoritative, only other time I've heard the word be used is because of it's other meaning, but thanks for letting me know
It's been so long since I've been here I had to google the link to the legacy forums because all of my bookmarks were of the old format. o_o
It's been so long since I've been here I had to google the link to the legacy forums because all of my bookmarks were of the old format. o_o
Finished Horizon: Zero Dawn and overall I really enjoyed it! Gameplay's a little jankier for a AAA game than I'd expect but it's still a lot of fun and surprisingly challenging. Either that or I'm just super bad at it. I was one of the lucky few to encounter very few problems with the PC port. In my near 40 hours if playing I only crashed once. I also experienced some stuttering in certain areas of Meridian, the biggest city in the game.
Voice acting is pretty mixed in quality. Ashley Burch is great as Aloy but the rest of the cast, both major and minor characters, including NPC's, ranges from good to pretty bad. The animations in the game are pretty damn jank, at times feeling like a bunch of action figures being moved around. Story is alright. It's nothing groundbreaking but nothing bad. I do love the setting and a lot of the backstory on how the world came to be. I also found the ending of the game to be surprisingly touching.
I'm pretty excited for the sequel. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for it to get ported to PC. If it gets ported at least, though I'd be surprised if it didn't at this point. I'm guessing there'll be at least a year between the PS5 and PC release.
Also @hemfbg, I started up a bit of the Frozen Wilds DLC and I can confirm the animations are a lot better, at least from what little I've seen so far.
It's been so long since I've been here I had to google the link to the legacy forums because all of my bookmarks were of the old format. o_o
In terms of more updates to big games these days, Techland just recently released their paid shelved-project-now-expansion to Dying Light: Hellraid.
What's even better is that they say there's going to be "even more adventures added for free this Fall." Which, first, is cool since Dying Light 2 is supposed to come out by the end of the year. Second, they're still releasing free updates?! (though it might just be more free levels to their Hellraid DLC. Still...) Techland best dev confirmed.
Sucker Punch just announced that a co-op mode will be added to Ghost of Tsushima this fall, where you can play through co-op story missions or four-player wave-based survival missions in the GoT: Legends update. That's cool.
Just started playing the game, just played a game where, for the first time ever, I made it to the final round, I was getting all jazzed up and then... You Have Been Disconnected. Motherfu--
Game of the Year 2020.
Also known as the only Battle Royale that's any fun.
Actual answer: You're just a bean being a bean whos trying… more to beat the rest of the beans in a series of platforming mini games by being a bean.
So again: Game of the Year 2020.
InGen did not read the part wheres its the only fun battle royale ever made because they came up with this genius concept called what if it isnt 20 minutes of waiting around but instead you actually play a video game!
(On a more serious note it actually is very good. I really dont like BR games but Fall Guys is a ton of fun. Doesnt even feel right to even classify it as BR as its nothing close to what other BR games are like. Its a lot like the show Whipeout where its a bunch of obstacle courses and you race to a finish or complete a task in order to go to the next round. Super fast to get in and out of games, a full game reaching the end is only like 10 minutes, theres no "Sure wish something was happening oops got sniped from across the map" type of gameplay either, and you can actually win without dedicating 12 hours a day.)
Disconnection Errors are the worst feeling. Finally got a team that didnt slam dunk their own goal in Fall Ball after getting it for round 4 multiple times, reached Jump Showdown and was me and 2 others and then "DISCONNECTION."
Wasnt even upset about it disconnecting at the final round, I was more upset it disconnected after I wasted my time playing Fall Ball aka worst mini game in the game for the love of god remove it and take the yellow team with it!
(I do wish only Hex-a-Gon and Fall Mountain were the only 2 final mini games. Jump Showdown is a ton of luck and the Tail mini games arnt bad in concept but the lag between players makes it a joke and its basically just a random chance of whos gonna end up with the tail. Fall Mountain and Hex-a-Gon? Those are the real guys.)
Just started playing the game, just played a game where, for the first time ever, I made it to the final round, I was getting all jazzed up and then... You Have Been Disconnected. Motherfu--
Game of the Year 2020.
Also known as the only Battle Royale that's any fun.
Actual answer: You're just a bean being a bean whos trying… more to beat the rest of the beans in a series of platforming mini games by being a bean.
So again: Game of the Year 2020.
Yeah, no. I'm taking this one with a ton of salt.
This ain't real, peoples. This information circulating out there is because of a FandomWire article. Do not believe them. FandomWire is known to propagate and write articles on baseless fabrications for CLICKBAIT. The article keeps mentioning "an inside source within Netflix" and that definitely sounds real fishy.
And honestly, why the hell would Netflix go out of their way to go completely against the spirit of the show? They announced their plan to make a live-action adaptation of the beloved cartoon, complete with key-art that references one of the very first drawings by Bryke (I can't find it anymore but someone on reddit posted it a few days ago) so at the very least I'm sure Netflix is going to try to have a beat-for-beat adaptation. If it pans out and they've got the CGI budget, okay, maybe it'll work. If it doesn't then there'll definitely feel like something's off about it. Either way I can see this show being mediocre at worst.
Based on Netflix's other adaptations, they've mostly stuck to the source material. (Ref: according to my sister, their recent adaptation of the Babysitter Club Books is... decent. Only difference she could find from the handful of episodes she watched was that the show takes place in modern day -- vs. the 80s when the books were made -- and one character's ethnicity was changed to have a more diverse group. That's all.) Whatever's going around out there about 20-year-old-12-year-olds cast for the show is and should be completely false.
Plus, considering this show could be Netflix's big fantasy adaptation that goes toe-to-toe with Disney+'s Percy Jackson TV series (which also had a terrible movie series), I doubt Netflix would want to stray too far off the beaten path of the plot.
In other news, some damn good memes about the fandom vs. netflix, potential casting and the Bryke situation have been going around the subreddit. I love 'em.
All honesty, I feel bad for those working on the ATLA show. This is a MASSIVE dark cloud looming above them, not to mention the fans themselves.
Yup, which is why I mentioned the salt. Like you said, Netflix has been pretty alright when it comes to respecting the source material with their adaptions (at least the western ones, let's not talk about Death Note), and I've mentioned how they handled 'A Series of Unfortunate Events', so I do have some doubt with these accusations.
However, the statements made by DiMartino and Konietzko were pretty critical about Netflix so I wouldn't be too surprised if it turns out there's a little truth to these rumours.
I've played 34 hours of the game so far and I've been really enjoying it, though certain things (mostly the movement) can be a little frustrating at times. In terms of gameplay it can be pretty challenging which varies between frustration (mostly due to my incompetence) and fun. I'd say the closest comparison I can make would probably be the more recent Assassin Creed games. It plays pretty similarly to them albeit with less than smooth stealth mechanics. The map clutter is pretty jarring but it's been a while since I've played a big open world game so I'm not too bothered about it. The story is alright. Nothing amazing, though there are some pretty good moments and I really do enjoy the backstory of how the world came to be, and the setting itself is great. The environments are also pretty pleasing to the eyes.
Voice acting is... mixed. Ashley Burch as Aloy is great and she's probably the best VA in the game. Everyone else though ranges from pretty good to straight up bad. Also the cutscene animations for the game are super jank a lot of the time, not that they're buggy, just that they're badly animated. Sometimes it's like watching someone play with a bunch of action figures, which is surprising considering its a AAA (former) PS4 exclusive game. I was expecting a bit more polish with that, especially after having seen just The Last of Us Part 2.
I've actually been pretty lucky with the issues compared to most people. In my 30 hour adventure I've only crashed once, though it was right at the end of a particularly brutal 20 minute fight which made me lose my progress, and I've experienced a little stuttering in the biggest city in the game. Other than that it's been working fine for me so far.
I'd say if you enjoy playing open world games I'd recommend it, but maybe wait a month or two for Guerilla Games to patch out the big issues.
I've been seeing this same rumor floating around, but haven't taken it seriously due to its sourcing. Until something more reputable comes out, it's still a mystery.
I cannot express how much I hate those studio interferences. In words of Nathan Drake, everything I touch turns to shit. What I mean is that I can never be a fan of something without worrying about the future.
Yeah I probably should have cast more doubt in its validity than just saying to take it with a pinch of salt. It's very much akin to saying "my uncle at Nintendo Netflix told me this."
Resident Evil 7 is now the best selling game in the series
Ethan can just not lose! Does this man ever miss?
God I wish I was as cool as Ethan "Chad" Winters
Really? I thought Resident Evil 2 Remake was killing it.
I've played it for ~2 hours so far, so maybe I shouldn't count my chickens yet, but the game's running surprisingly well on my PC. No crashes, except for the first time I tried to quit the game and it freaked out so I had to brute-force turn off my PC. Better framerate than I expected too.
Some little things are bothering me about the controls too, but I haven't progressed past the first area yet so it hasn't been catastrophic in combat or anything. I think I just need to get used to it. I think you can hide different categories of map markers if it bothers you (you can hide all the campfires, machine sites etc.)
If you don't mind me asking, what difficulty are you playing at? One thing I remember from my first playthrough on the PS4 (Normal Difficulty) is that the difficulty could fluctuate a lot in the early game. The first cauldron really stumped me compared to other missions with a similar recommended level. After that I got distracted with all the side quests and activities and I over-levelled, so the rest of the game was pretty easy.
Yeah, the janky cutscene animations are a thing in the PS4 version too. I wouldn't expect them to improve in any of the future patches, though I've heard that the animations in the DLC are a bit better than the main game, so there's something to look forward to if you haven't reached it yet. I don't think the cutscenes for side quests and errands were a priority for Guerrilla Games until everyone roasted them over it.
Playing the game on PC has reminded me about how much I just prefer PC gaming over consoles. I love my PS4 too, mainly for the exclusives, but I wish I could just skip all the fuss and play them on my PC instead.
It's been 8 months and 2020 didn't do anything but give us more shit than good stuff.
I've read, re-read and re-read my re-reading of your comment, I'm confused by the use of the word "anal"
was it a typo? Pardon my stupidity man, my head's fried entirely

Anal can be used as a synonym for being overly strict or precise. Basically, he's saying Netflix was being too controlling instead of letting them have a pretty good level of freedom, which was something Netflix was supposedly known for.
Yep, what Metallica said. Anal can mean being overly meticulous and whatnot. It's not just the butt thing lol.
Playing on normal and I'm still getting a good amount of trouble from certain enemies. At this point in time I've pretty much done every side quest available aside from the Frozen Wilds which I'm saving for after I finish the main story, and I'm still not finding myself particularly over leveled. I even have all my gear modded up.
I'd never actually seen anything about the game until now so I just thought it would have the usual Sony first party game quality to it. Good to know Frozen Lands might be a bit better.
I find it strange that Telltale decided to be anal about creative control with this over anything else in their library. They've done adaptions in the past that have actually had the original creators creatively involved, like Back To The Future (which also had a failed rerelease) that had the director on board as a writer without any executive meddling.
Fixed and adjusted for post 2016 telltale
Ah, they decided to emotionally destroy me earlier than I expected. This season might actually be better than the previous for me, and I loved season 2!
Good morning everyone I hope you’re all having a beautiful Saturday morning yesterday was kind of whacked I’ve experienced an Karen incident at a Burger King and almost resulted into police involved.
I was waiting for my whopper order and well this guy wasn’t wearing his mask and he was creating a scene in the car and then he said the N word to this BK employee .
was crazy.
Any Barcelona fans here?
It's been so long since I've been here I had to google the link to the legacy forums because all of my bookmarks were of the old format. o_o
Ah right, that's the first time I've heard the word be used in that way, the more you know
thanks lad
Haha, yeah it's the first time I've heard it be used as a description of controlling or authoritative, only other time I've heard the word be used is because of it's other meaning, but thanks for letting me know
Welcome back! Glad to see you around again
I just finished another essay.
I'm surprised you survived.
There's also a link on the "My Account" page, though it would be nice if Telltale would add the link to all the other pages, too.
Finished Horizon: Zero Dawn and overall I really enjoyed it! Gameplay's a little jankier for a AAA game than I'd expect but it's still a lot of fun and surprisingly challenging. Either that or I'm just super bad at it. I was one of the lucky few to encounter very few problems with the PC port. In my near 40 hours if playing I only crashed once. I also experienced some stuttering in certain areas of Meridian, the biggest city in the game.
Voice acting is pretty mixed in quality. Ashley Burch is great as Aloy but the rest of the cast, both major and minor characters, including NPC's, ranges from good to pretty bad. The animations in the game are pretty damn jank, at times feeling like a bunch of action figures being moved around. Story is alright. It's nothing groundbreaking but nothing bad. I do love the setting and a lot of the backstory on how the world came to be. I also found the ending of the game to be surprisingly touching.
I'm pretty excited for the sequel. Hopefully it doesn't take too long for it to get ported to PC. If it gets ported at least, though I'd be surprised if it didn't at this point. I'm guessing there'll be at least a year between the PS5 and PC release.
Also @hemfbg, I started up a bit of the Frozen Wilds DLC and I can confirm the animations are a lot better, at least from what little I've seen so far.
Oh hey, good to see you again!
This is the most detailed arm hair I've ever seen in a video game.
I 8-2 be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think there is mate
In terms of more updates to big games these days, Techland just recently released their paid shelved-project-now-expansion to Dying Light: Hellraid.

What's even better is that they say there's going to be "even more adventures added for free this Fall." Which, first, is cool since Dying Light 2 is supposed to come out by the end of the year. Second, they're still releasing free updates?! (though it might just be more free levels to their Hellraid DLC. Still...) Techland best dev confirmed.
Sucker Punch just announced that a co-op mode will be added to Ghost of Tsushima this fall, where you can play through co-op story missions or four-player wave-based survival missions in the GoT: Legends update. That's cool.
Fall Guys - Round 4 - Fall Ball - 13 players - 6 vs 7
Pain. Pure. Pain.
Currently installing Batman: Arkham Asylum, I'm looking forward to giving it a go
There's gonna be an announcement from WB Montréal about their Batman project at the DC Fandome event.
They just posted this cryptic tweet.
And there's also this website:
"We've been expecting you." 8/18. There's a timer counting down to 11am ET tomorrow.
Okay, I'll bite. What the hell is Fall Guys? Why is everyone talking about it? I haven't a clue.
Game of the Year 2020.
Also known as the only Battle Royale that's any fun.
Actual answer: You're just a bean being a bean whos trying to beat the rest of the beans in a series of platforming mini games by being a bean.
So again: Game of the Year 2020.
Just started playing the game, just played a game where, for the first time ever, I made it to the final round, I was getting all jazzed up and then... You Have Been Disconnected. Motherfu--
It's a battle royale? Ugh. Garbage genre.
InGen did not read the part wheres its the only fun battle royale ever made because they came up with this genius concept called what if it isnt 20 minutes of waiting around but instead you actually play a video game!
(On a more serious note it actually is very good. I really dont like BR games but Fall Guys is a ton of fun. Doesnt even feel right to even classify it as BR as its nothing close to what other BR games are like. Its a lot like the show Whipeout where its a bunch of obstacle courses and you race to a finish or complete a task in order to go to the next round. Super fast to get in and out of games, a full game reaching the end is only like 10 minutes, theres no "Sure wish something was happening oops got sniped from across the map" type of gameplay either, and you can actually win without dedicating 12 hours a day.)
Disconnection Errors are the worst feeling. Finally got a team that didnt slam dunk their own goal in Fall Ball after getting it for round 4 multiple times, reached Jump Showdown and was me and 2 others and then "DISCONNECTION."
Wasnt even upset about it disconnecting at the final round, I was more upset it disconnected after I wasted my time playing Fall Ball aka worst mini game in the game for the love of god remove it and take the yellow team with it!
(I do wish only Hex-a-Gon and Fall Mountain were the only 2 final mini games. Jump Showdown is a ton of luck and the Tail mini games arnt bad in concept but the lag between players makes it a joke and its basically just a random chance of whos gonna end up with the tail. Fall Mountain and Hex-a-Gon? Those are the real guys.)
No, you're wrong. The real game of the year is easily the Henry Stickmin collection and this one scene alone proves it.