He's banned for now, but in case he comes back anytime soon (while not logged on)... Gosh, I hope he's doing better.
I don't know what's been going on lately in your life ZK, but you're acting different than usual. You've got all these thoughts and seem real paranoid about life itself. You've got me worried about your mental state, man... Please, I hope you can find a therapist or medical professional to help you sort whatever this is out. I'm worried for you.
There’s a comic book coming out for a tv show called The Dragon Prince...
Damn, leaks are the worst. (especially stores breaking street dates well in advance) Sorry that's happening to Dragon Prince's comics.
But I'm glad to hear it's still doing well, given that they're now making comics for it!
All things considered, my “problem” is minuscule compared to what’s going on with ZK. I feel bad about what’s happening with him and honestly wish there was more I could do to help. Best I can do is pray for him and hope everything is okay.
But yeah, the show seems to be doing well. Along with a comic, you’ve had an entire art book come out, a novelization of the show’s first season was released, a tabletop role playing game similar to D&D made for it, a video game that’s currently in development, it won an Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Animated Series, and was nominated for another in Best Music, and was renewed for 4 more seasons. But honestly, I’m not going to last another month, the spoilers are everywhere and people are talking about it, it’s unavoidable. I don’t want to cave, but I don’t think I can avoid it.
I'm confused and afraid (for zombiekiller).
He's banned for now, but in case he comes back anytime soon (while not logged on)... Gosh, I … morehope he's doing better.
I don't know what's been going on lately in your life ZK, but you're acting different than usual. You've got all these thoughts and seem real paranoid about life itself. You've got me worried about your mental state, man... Please, I hope you can find a therapist or medical professional to help you sort whatever this is out. I'm worried for you.
There’s a comic book coming out for a tv show called The Dragon Prince...
Damn, leaks are the worst. (especially stores breaking street dates well in advance) Sorry that's happening to Dragon Prince's comics.
But I'm glad to hear it's still doing well, given that they're now making comics for it!
All things considered, my “problem” is minuscule compared to what’s going on with ZK. I feel bad about what’s happening with him and honestl… morey wish there was more I could do to help. Best I can do is pray for him and hope everything is okay.
But yeah, the show seems to be doing well. Along with a comic, you’ve had an entire art book come out, a novelization of the show’s first season was released, a tabletop role playing game similar to D&D made for it, a video game that’s currently in development, it won an Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Animated Series, and was nominated for another in Best Music, and was renewed for 4 more seasons. But honestly, I’m not going to last another month, the spoilers are everywhere and people are talking about it, it’s unavoidable. I don’t want to cave, but I don’t think I can avoid it.
you’ve had an entire art book come out
I need that art book. The creature designs and environments in the show are absolutely gorgeous, I'd love to add it to my little art book collection.
I didn't know why I made this account, but now seems very appropriate. At first I thought I was a dog that needed to be trained. But ultimately, that is what was destroying the planet.
And I tried, going back would be too painful. I would die.
And I'm sorry, the people who are in the rescue service are people who are only curious by it and don't actually want to help save humanity. They haven't unlocked the full potential of medical science.
and now it is too late to save everyone.
If you feel the need to keep me away you can
But I am not giving up on me, and I am not giving up on you.
EA has been getting alot of backlash due to the Madden 21 situation and UFC 4. Like seriously, how hard is it for EA just listen to their consumers instead of monetizing the game? I like how EA was able to make Battlefront 2 from being a major flop to being a very decent or maybe even good Star Wars game. But I just wish that they would do the same with their sports games. But I guess it's because Disney didn't like what EA was doing whereas the NFL likes earning money out of gamer's pockets.
I didn't mean when said I feel emotions differently, I was exhausted. We actually share alot more emotions than you know.
It is true that being in your twenties is the scariest part of your life.
I don't think I can help you myself. There is still so much that I need to figure out for myself before I can help you. I have seen countless signs that people around us that do know more about this than me. They have had more experience since it took so much for me to start to work it out in my own life.
Let's see, a person whose account goes back to August, 2018 and never commented once all of a sudden starts commenting a day after another user was going through what appeared to be a mental breakdown and was banned.
Listen man, I think you really need to talk to someone and get some help. This is not the best place to get that, and you're only hurting yourself more and more. I don't know what's going on, but I'm really hoping it all works out for the best.
@Zombiekiller3121 , if this is you, please go and ask someone for help. You are having us all worried. We all wish the best for your current situation, whatever that is. I hope for the best for you.
For the first time in 6 months, I was able to go to the gym. My previous gym had unfortunately shut down because it was closed for too long, so I had to find another. I had to wear a mask the whole time, my body hurts from using muscles that haven't been used for months, and it was difficult to breathe. And I regret nothing, I've missed this so much.
What is with these lame spinoffs.. man the writing was on the wall for Season 11 to be the final season for a while now. Hopefully it's better than the comics.
I just realised that Kathleen Kennedy, the CEO of Lucasfilms, was involved in The Last Airbender movie as an executive producer. I am not aware of how the whole motion picture production works but it pains me to learn that a filmmaker, especially the one responsible for one of the most divisive movie trilogies of all time, was also involved in one of the worst movies ever made.
What is wrong with them? Are they not aware that Fear TWD did not have a good run? I watched only 4 episodes of that show and I already forgot about its plot and characters.
Just let the franchise rest. It's nothing special anymore.
But instead they are just gonna make another Walking Dead spin off
While this series also already has 3 spin-offs already made/in the works. (FearTWD, World Beyond, Tales of....).
This walker is never going to die. Holy hell.
A week or two ago, I realized that I've become so complacently preoccupied with actually going to work that I honestly postponed some of the stuff I've been wanting to do in certain areas. And honestly, my weird focus/commitment problems as of the last half decade or so has been a hinderance in trying to get back to a lot of it.
Like I guess watching Youtube videos and occasionally checking the boards is still one of the few consistencies to my daily routine, but that only counts for so little.
I finished No Straight Roads, a game I was excited to play since it's a game made by Malaysians in Malaysia. It's also the first major game to come out of the country as far as I'm aware. I posted about it a few weeks ago talking about my excitement for it.
Now let me just start off by saying that the game is very flawed. It's can be pretty buggy, the movement isn't exactly the smoothest, the platforming is pretty jank and combat while serviceable relies to heavily on button mashing.
However, I am absolutely in love with this game.
The visuals and art are incredibly colourful, vibrant and stylized, the animations are really lively and filled to the brim with personality, the characters are all fun and charming in their own unique way, the soundtrack in general is legitimately great to listen to, and the overall message of the story is surprisingly heartwarming. All kinds of buzzwords. You can tell the developers, Metronomik, had a lot of passion when working on this. The antagonists are also pretty well developed, they each have their own issues and reasons and playing music, along with being representations of some of the negative aspects of the music industry. Even the main characters, Mayday and Zuke, are used as a method of social commentary. It's not masterful writing but it's a lot more thought and care than I thought it would have and I applaud it for that.
I do think that some of the dialogue doesn't flow all that well and the voice acting can get a little iffy at times, but since it's an indie game with what I assume is a relatively small budget especially coming out of a third world country, I think that's easy to forgive. It's also pretty jarring to hear Malaysian accents/slang in the game, though that's mostly from me not being used to having any kind of Malaysian representation in media.
The game is far from perfect, but I absolutely love it. I love the art, the story, the characters and the music (something I'll be listening to constantly for a while). I really hope the game is a success. It's been reported by the publisher, Sold Out, that the game made a profit on the day of its release which sounds great but who knows. I look forward to whatever it is they do in the future, Metronomik clearly has some incredibly talented artists, though I do hope that they improve on the gameplay side of things.
The spinoff is specifically gonna be about Darryl and Carol, the only two characters people care about anymore, and then other characters people don't care about are likely gonna show up as well. So, pretty much nothing changes. Lol
Scott Pilgrim The Game is coming baaaack!!
This Holiday 2020 to PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia.
Scott Pilgrim The Game is coming baaaack!!
This Holiday 2020 to PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia.
Okay, so Ubisoft announced a Remake of the iconic Prince of Persia: Sands of Time game. That's awesome, I'd love to re-experience this game with nicer visuals again.
It is a Remake, recreated mostly from the ground up? (given that they showed footage of motion capture tech in remaking the cutscenes). I think the environments look good, though I agree with others that the character models need big touch-ups... they look like last-gen character models.
And all this would be a really nice package that should be great PR overall for Ubisoft... Until they decided to ruin it.
From their official website, they list a pre-order bonus for the game that is literally classic content from the original game locked off to early-adopter DLC. For a Remake of a 12-year old game.
At least they didn't pull this with Scott Pilgrim.

What is going on, I'm very confused.
I'm confused and afraid (for zombiekiller).
He's banned for now, but in case he comes back anytime soon (while not logged on)... Gosh, I hope he's doing better.
I don't know what's been going on lately in your life ZK, but you're acting different than usual. You've got all these thoughts and seem real paranoid about life itself. You've got me worried about your mental state, man... Please, I hope you can find a therapist or medical professional to help you sort whatever this is out. I'm worried for you.
Damn, leaks are the worst. (especially stores breaking street dates well in advance) Sorry that's happening to Dragon Prince's comics.
But I'm glad to hear it's still doing well, given that they're now making comics for it!
Ok, I regret what I said in my previous comment.
All things considered, my “problem” is minuscule compared to what’s going on with ZK. I feel bad about what’s happening with him and honestly wish there was more I could do to help. Best I can do is pray for him and hope everything is okay.
But yeah, the show seems to be doing well. Along with a comic, you’ve had an entire art book come out, a novelization of the show’s first season was released, a tabletop role playing game similar to D&D made for it, a video game that’s currently in development, it won an Emmy for Outstanding Children’s Animated Series, and was nominated for another in Best Music, and was renewed for 4 more seasons. But honestly, I’m not going to last another month, the spoilers are everywhere and people are talking about it, it’s unavoidable. I don’t want to cave, but I don’t think I can avoid it.
I need that art book. The creature designs and environments in the show are absolutely gorgeous, I'd love to add it to my little art book collection.
I didn't know why I made this account, but now seems very appropriate. At first I thought I was a dog that needed to be trained. But ultimately, that is what was destroying the planet.
And I tried, going back would be too painful. I would die.
And I'm sorry, the people who are in the rescue service are people who are only curious by it and don't actually want to help save humanity. They haven't unlocked the full potential of medical science.
and now it is too late to save everyone.
If you feel the need to keep me away you can
But I am not giving up on me, and I am not giving up on you.
I caved. I'm weak, I'm spineless, but I had to. I'm still buying the comic to support the creators, but I caved and looked at the spoilers.
That is okay
EA has been getting alot of backlash due to the Madden 21 situation and UFC 4. Like seriously, how hard is it for EA just listen to their consumers instead of monetizing the game? I like how EA was able to make Battlefront 2 from being a major flop to being a very decent or maybe even good Star Wars game. But I just wish that they would do the same with their sports games. But I guess it's because Disney didn't like what EA was doing whereas the NFL likes earning money out of gamer's pockets.
I didn't mean when said I feel emotions differently, I was exhausted. We actually share alot more emotions than you know.
It is true that being in your twenties is the scariest part of your life.
Is that you, @Zombiekiller3121 ?
Huh, I may have to start activiating other people's memories. This is going to be tough.
Don't mind that. I think Im staring to talk vocally to myself.
U seem bored af
I had a long walk and thought of alot of things.
I don't think I can help you myself. There is still so much that I need to figure out for myself before I can help you. I have seen countless signs that people around us that do know more about this than me. They have had more experience since it took so much for me to start to work it out in my own life.
And we can't do this alone.
I thank you much for the help you are trying to give. It shows you do care about what is going on
Let's see, a person whose account goes back to August, 2018 and never commented once all of a sudden starts commenting a day after another user was going through what appeared to be a mental breakdown and was banned.
Listen man, I think you really need to talk to someone and get some help. This is not the best place to get that, and you're only hurting yourself more and more. I don't know what's going on, but I'm really hoping it all works out for the best.
Hey @Zombiekiller3121 @Hysterious I really hope you feel better soon. Please take care of yourself.
I know now what hurts everyone and I'm so sorry
hey man, want to talk?
Hey, man.
I don't really know your situation, but if you want to talk to someone, I'm here for you.
I wish you the best of luck recovering from what is going on right now. It's not gonna be easy, but you'll feel better soon.
Your account was made in July 2017?
@Zombiekiller3121 , if this is you, please go and ask someone for help. You are having us all worried. We all wish the best for your current situation, whatever that is. I hope for the best for you.
For the first time in 6 months, I was able to go to the gym. My previous gym had unfortunately shut down because it was closed for too long, so I had to find another. I had to wear a mask the whole time, my body hurts from using muscles that haven't been used for months, and it was difficult to breathe. And I regret nothing, I've missed this so much.
Venture Bros canceled
But Walking Dead finally realized it needed to end
But instead they are just gonna make another Walking Dead spin off
Don't forget the 3 Rick movies they're not done yet but it's good to know they finally came to their senses and decided to end the main show.
What is with these lame spinoffs.. man the writing was on the wall for Season 11 to be the final season for a while now. Hopefully it's better than the comics.
I just realised that Kathleen Kennedy, the CEO of Lucasfilms, was involved in The Last Airbender movie as an executive producer. I am not aware of how the whole motion picture production works but it pains me to learn that a filmmaker, especially the one responsible for one of the most divisive movie trilogies of all time, was also involved in one of the worst movies ever made.
What is wrong with them? Are they not aware that Fear TWD did not have a good run? I watched only 4 episodes of that show and I already forgot about its plot and characters.
Just let the franchise rest. It's nothing special anymore.
While this series also already has 3 spin-offs already made/in the works. (FearTWD, World Beyond, Tales of....).
This walker is never going to die. Holy hell.
A week or two ago, I realized that I've become so complacently preoccupied with actually going to work that I honestly postponed some of the stuff I've been wanting to do in certain areas. And honestly, my weird focus/commitment problems as of the last half decade or so has been a hinderance in trying to get back to a lot of it.
Like I guess watching Youtube videos and occasionally checking the boards is still one of the few consistencies to my daily routine, but that only counts for so little.
Had a flashback to when I saw my friend having a Disney Princess moment as he hand fed a deer until it rammed him in the groin.
I knew the second Rick left the show it'll die quickly, and I'm not mad about it, they ruined this show to ashes.
I finished No Straight Roads, a game I was excited to play since it's a game made by Malaysians in Malaysia. It's also the first major game to come out of the country as far as I'm aware. I posted about it a few weeks ago talking about my excitement for it.
Now let me just start off by saying that the game is very flawed. It's can be pretty buggy, the movement isn't exactly the smoothest, the platforming is pretty jank and combat while serviceable relies to heavily on button mashing.
However, I am absolutely in love with this game.
The visuals and art are incredibly colourful, vibrant and stylized, the animations are really lively and filled to the brim with personality, the characters are all fun and charming in their own unique way, the soundtrack in general is legitimately great to listen to, and the overall message of the story is surprisingly heartwarming. All kinds of buzzwords. You can tell the developers, Metronomik, had a lot of passion when working on this. The antagonists are also pretty well developed, they each have their own issues and reasons and playing music, along with being representations of some of the negative aspects of the music industry. Even the main characters, Mayday and Zuke, are used as a method of social commentary. It's not masterful writing but it's a lot more thought and care than I thought it would have and I applaud it for that.
I do think that some of the dialogue doesn't flow all that well and the voice acting can get a little iffy at times, but since it's an indie game with what I assume is a relatively small budget especially coming out of a third world country, I think that's easy to forgive. It's also pretty jarring to hear Malaysian accents/slang in the game, though that's mostly from me not being used to having any kind of Malaysian representation in media.
The game is far from perfect, but I absolutely love it. I love the art, the story, the characters and the music (something I'll be listening to constantly for a while). I really hope the game is a success. It's been reported by the publisher, Sold Out, that the game made a profit on the day of its release which sounds great but who knows. I look forward to whatever it is they do in the future, Metronomik clearly has some incredibly talented artists, though I do hope that they improve on the gameplay side of things.
The spinoff is specifically gonna be about Darryl and Carol, the only two characters people care about anymore, and then other characters people don't care about are likely gonna show up as well. So, pretty much nothing changes. Lol
Scott Pilgrim The Game is coming baaaack!!
This Holiday 2020 to PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, Stadia.
Okay, so Ubisoft announced a Remake of the iconic Prince of Persia: Sands of Time game. That's awesome, I'd love to re-experience this game with nicer visuals again.
It is a Remake, recreated mostly from the ground up? (given that they showed footage of motion capture tech in remaking the cutscenes). I think the environments look good, though I agree with others that the character models need big touch-ups... they look like last-gen character models.
And all this would be a really nice package that should be great PR overall for Ubisoft... Until they decided to ruin it.
From their official website, they list a pre-order bonus for the game that is literally classic content from the original game locked off to early-adopter DLC. For a Remake of a 12-year old game.
At least they didn't pull this with Scott Pilgrim.