The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Looks pretty convincing to me. But I still don't know for sure...

    Rigtail posted: »

    Awesome, read this and tell me if it sounds legit.

  • Lol, only makes sense to us :D

    That shit made no sense XD

  • That's my attempt at creating false information. I was also hoping to leak it somewhere and have people think it's real XD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Looks pretty convincing to me. But I still don't know for sure...

  • I leave you for a few freaking hours and stuff and thangs already happened. Can anyone fill me in?

  • Lol, you little troll. Maybe if you add in slightly more dialogue and more stuff to it to meet their 3-4 min(I think) threshold of their usual opening scenes, then it probably would fool people :P

    Rigtail posted: »

    That's my attempt at creating false information. I was also hoping to leak it somewhere and have people think it's real XD

  • Haters gonna hate.

    ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

  • Good feedback, I need plenty of it if I'm gonna have to create something extremely convincing. I once actually succeeded with trailer release dates. A while ago, I created a fake list of trailer release dates, and it spread all over a forum, a news site and made it's way to some videos on youtube (Including somebody who I was subscribed to lol).

    Ah, those were the days. I haven't been able to re-create that though. I also think the layout of the script is a bit off and there may or may not be a typo in there somewhere (God, I hope not. I hate misspelling words and having them go unnoticed until pointed out. It makes me feel dumb XD).

    Before you ask, the "Trailer release dates" wasn't Walking Dead related, it was for Transformers. Yeah.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, you little troll. Maybe if you add in slightly more dialogue and more stuff to it to meet their 3-4 min(I think) threshold of their usual opening scenes, then it probably would fool people :P

  • Math? I hate Math -__-

    But at least i got straight As, i'm not complaining.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    WTW - A female version of te Governor Dont_Look_Back - Clem putting blood on her face (I'm more used to that as her profile pic than her


    Who's leaving, why, where, what the shit is happening?!

    Deceptio posted: »

    Wait a minute. WHO is leaving, WHY are they leaving, and HOW LONG are they leaving?! Tell me the details!

  • I like this song a lot. c:

    nah. I don't care for Bruno mars to much. I like this a lot more~

  • And WtW looks bored. xD

    XD what makes this shit funny is that WTWH doesnt seem happy.

  • Ohyoupokedme's furry commission thing reminded me "Hey! I know an artist!" So I got this snazzy new Goose avatar.

  • Bond with me, Jimmy.

  • Yeah, look up what a real script looks like and try to duplicate its' format, if you haven't already. And wow, of course. What else can we expect from someone who likes to fuck around with people's minds? lol

    Hey man. I'm about to pass out. See you soon here or in GTA.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Good feedback, I need plenty of it if I'm gonna have to create something extremely convincing. I once actually succeeded with trailer releas

  • Ha, alright. Night.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, look up what a real script looks like and try to duplicate its' format, if you haven't already. And wow, of course. What else can we e

  • I knew the thing with "Albion", because it's a common name for England in Steampunk culture. Plus, "alb" means "white" in Romanian.

  • Your avatar. I just can't.

    Only if you pay me 5 dolla.

  • Fine by me, the more the merrier!

    Spooch posted: »

    Um, is it fine if I join this even though I'm not in Forum of the Dead? This seems fun, and all the other parts of the forum are pretty much dead right now .

  • Last night I dreamt my fridge was full of 7up. Then I woke up and there was none there. Then I cried for three hours ;~;

  • I know that feel bro. You're not alone.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Last night I dreamt my fridge was full of 7up. Then I woke up and there was none there. Then I cried for three hours ;~;


    Spooch posted: » I'm just gonna put this here. Also, don't watch this if you have epilepsy. I'm not kidding, I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited June 2014

    Goodmornink, well guess it's not a good mornink then.

  • Wait it got closed again?

    Thread is open again. Don't mess this up.

  • How much Melon could a watermelon melon if a watermelon could melon melon?

    Trip: melon Trip: I'm sorry, but i need to go.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited June 2014

    wron' thing.

    Spooch posted: » I'm just gonna put this here. Also, don't watch this if you have epilepsy. I'm not kidding, I don't want to be responsible for anyone's death.

  • Bye Woodbury. :C

    Just wanted to let you guys know that I most likely won't be here for a week or so. Some family shit came up and I'll be pretty busy. Maybe

  • Okay, WTF, someone leaked my Facebook?!? What the hell happened?!?!?

  • edited June 2014

    You too? Awww..... :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You'll be back just in time for me to leave, I hope. See ya :c

  • Wat? Did someone leak your Facebook? On here? That's not cool.

    Okay, WTF, someone leaked my Facebook?!? What the hell happened?!?!?

  • I'm gonna visit the forums less from now. Too much shit is happening. I will only come by to update my comic and for some leisure chat. If you want to talk to me on Steam it's TobiIsAGoodboyY2K.

  • Seeya, Tobi.

    I'm gonna visit the forums less from now. Too much shit is happening. I will only come by to update my comic and for some leisure chat. If you want to talk to me on Steam it's TobiIsAGoodboyY2K.

  • I'll be sure to see you on GTA Next week. ;)

    sardines posted: »

    Seeya, Tobi.

  • edited June 2014
  • I saw some people talking about it on the last page. The actual comments got deleted, though. I'm really freaking out.... deactivated my Facebook and everything (Not because I don't trust you guys, but because it was posted for EVERYONE to see). I think I know who did it, too. God fucking dammit. Now I'm afraid that I'll need to leave this account :(

    Wat? Did someone leak your Facebook? On here? That's not cool.

  • I was just sleeping and wut what did ;___;

  • ;_;

    I was just sleeping and wut what did ;___;

  • Damn ;_;

    Well I'll add you, even if I very rarely play anything :D

    I'm gonna visit the forums less from now. Too much shit is happening. I will only come by to update my comic and for some leisure chat. If you want to talk to me on Steam it's TobiIsAGoodboyY2K.

  • Cool, see you then ! :D

    I'll be sure to see you on GTA Next week.

  • Why this must happen ;_;

    Alt text

    sardines posted: »


  • Yeah you shouldn't panic, it'll be alright, people will forget with time.

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