The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I bet people would love to see Carl get shot in the face. :3

    and its not to late for that to happen in the show, so it could still happen.

  • Welcome back!

    Hey, I'm back and what is this? I leave for 2 days and I'm already being replaced? AND WTD IS BANNED AGAIN??

  • WTD approves.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Lee. This is going to be some weird question..... Ugh. FUck. Hmmmmm, Is there actually going to be sex sequence in the story? O>O God dammit, why did I ask this .-.

  • Daww...

    my doge!

  • 19 discussions made

    4716 comments made

    10707 likes recieved

    Im bored... How are your guys stats looking?

  • I do some things on the internet when I'm angry, but it never helps. I don't hurt myself anymore, I stopped like some time last year. Yes, I did it, but I'm pretty sure that was just a phase and nothing more. I like drawing and writing, I have good ideas, I just can't execute them well enough. What I mean is, I suck at drawing, I think. I'm not good at putting detail into writing either. I can create characters and a decent story to be told and plot out the scenes in chronological order, but the detail is what gets me.

    I don't know if that's a good idea either, but people handle stress in different ways, so I'm not going to judge you for it. I just hope you

  • yeah... some people hate him for not staying in the house.

    but I think it would look cool though. not in the comics there was a 2 year time just so he is like 15. and he wears glasses with one lens black to cover the wound. it looks pretty cool.

    I bet people would love to see Carl get shot in the face.

  • I miss duck... especially his freckles on his face. :(

    I just randomly got a crave to play cod zombies?! don't know where that came from.


    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    We have trolls in the lounge?! We need a security guard. Any volunteers?

  • edited June 2014

    I'm glad you stopped harming yourself. I know a few people who used to do that, and it made me sad to see it.

    It doesn't have to be art, you can do whatever you'd like. My drawings aren't very good, but I try my best because it's one of the things that make me happy. And who cares if you suck at it? If you enjoy it, nothing should stop you.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I do some things on the internet when I'm angry, but it never helps. I don't hurt myself anymore, I stopped like some time last year. Yes, I

  • DUCKS.

    Twistee posted: »


  • Don't kill them. Just a few blows should be good enough.


  • Nah I will just make sure their fingers are broken so they cant touch anything.

    Don't kill them. Just a few blows should be good enough.

  • "Tobi! Don't kill them. You need them for your community, remember?"

    Don't kill them. Just a few blows should be good enough.

  • At first, I was hurting myself because I wanted to let out my anger. A little after that, it wasn't for the anger, but for an entirely different reason. I self harmed even when I was happy. I'm not sure if I should give the reason though, I'd sound really weird.

    That's true about drawings, though sometimes I want feedback. I ask for the most honest opinion, because I don't really like when people lie to make me feel better, I'd rather hear the harsh truth. At least I'd have something to improve upon. I have tried to write stories (And I actually managed to write one) but I ended up disliking it. I even wrote a few interactive stories similar to what Telltale does, and this was before I even heard of Telltale games. It's just something that I've always had an interest in. Have you written any stories?

    I'm glad you stopped harming yourself. I know a few people who used to do that, and it made me sad to see it. It doesn't have to be art,

  • You don't have to explain it, if you don't want to. I understand. The past is the past.

    I've tried to write a couple of stories, but I got really bad writer's block so I ended up trashing them. I normally like writing poetry. It's very calming. I'm good with detail, but figuring out plots and stuff is really difficult for me. I don't know why, I guess I'm just not creative enough. If you want, I could give you my opinion on a few of your drawings. I'm not very good at giving criticism, because I don't really know a lot about different drawing techniques and all that stuff, but I can't try. It's up to you.

    Rigtail posted: »

    At first, I was hurting myself because I wanted to let out my anger. A little after that, it wasn't for the anger, but for an entirely diffe

  • Happy Thursday.

  • Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Happy Thursday.

  • Woo yay it's Thursday

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Happy Thursday.

  • Everyday is the weekend for me for the next 3 months, so...yeaahh :P

  • What kind of genres or themes are your stories/poems based on? I usually try to write something with a decent amount of action, not too much. Dark and depressing tone overall though, like The Walking Dead kinda, except with my own twists. I try to be creative, but when I take inspiration from something (TWD), I always feel like I'm copying it in some way even though I'm not. I hate copying other works of art because that makes me feel less original with my ideas.

    Originality is hard to come by these days because so much has been done already, and if I can't avoid being unoriginal, I can at least avoid any cliche moments. Here is something that I made:
    Judge it however you want, I can handle whatever is coming.

    You don't have to explain it, if you don't want to. I understand. The past is the past. I've tried to write a couple of stories, but I go

  • drinks coffee pffftt !!


  • Honestly, I don't really base my poems off of any one specific genre. I just write whatever I feel like at the time. Sometimes they're a little Game of Thrones-y, other times they're based off of TWD, or any other piece of art, really. I'm like you, I make them my own, and I try not to copy.

    I like the animated style. Usually my drawings aren't all that realistic, and I kind of like it that way. Was this done on the computer?

    Rigtail posted: »

    What kind of genres or themes are your stories/poems based on? I usually try to write something with a decent amount of action, not too much

  • Yeah, it's done with Paint. That's where I do most of my drawings. It's actually been a long time since I've drawn anything on paper, most of my recent work has been digital only. Hell, it's even been a long time since I've written anything on paper as well. I've been glued to my laptop for so long, it's a little sad XD

    Honestly, I don't really base my poems off of any one specific genre. I just write whatever I feel like at the time. Sometimes they're a lit

  • Most of my artwork is done on paper; even my poetry. I like being able to decorate the pages. =)

    Rigtail posted: »

    Yeah, it's done with Paint. That's where I do most of my drawings. It's actually been a long time since I've drawn anything on paper, most o

  • You should see the decision I made. You would hate me.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    "Tobi! Don't kill them. You need them for your community, remember?"

  • URBAN.


  • Crowbar?


  • BOAT.


  • Saltlick.


  • CHARM.




  • Alt text

    Kenny = Jesus. Confirmed.

  • DUCK.




  • PIZZA.




  • The last one, lol.

    Kenny = Jesus. Confirmed.



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