Lol, so, so wrong! Try it, Rachelle. Just don't get addicted... I can see you walking around with a little ziploc bag, carrying cat food in it, haha. B]
Lol, so, so wrong! Try it, Rachelle. Just don't get addicted... I can see you walking around with a little ziploc bag, carrying cat food in it, haha. B]
My strange addiction: I'm addicted to eating cat food. Ewwwwwwww. pukes
I found some stale bread, but.... nothing to put on it. ;-; Yum... dinner is served.....
YEAH! They were like..... her husband's ashes or something, not just any ashes. I couldn't watch it, it made me sick.
I know it's sad! We haven't been grocery shopping in like a month. WE HAVE NOTHING PRO. We don't even have frozen peas. T_T
I couldn't leave for 6 months. Hell nah!
Yeah, I'll be back on the 21st. If my familia lets me, I'll probably come on for like half an hour to an hour a day.
I think so, man. They're leaving so they won't have to deal with us again. B[
You're not okay right now :c
What gave it away? ;-;
Cruel, cruel world.
Noooo!!! ;_;
Well goodnight everyone I'm going to cry myself to sleep again
Reasons... ._.
Sad turn of events, Mark.
Later, bro.
You know nothing Jon Snow.
Mark, I'm sorry! ;-;
c r i e s
Don't be sad!
Happy 4th of July! I probably won't be on as much later today.
Duuuuuuudeeee you know i don't have any food in my house Y U GOTTA MAKE ME HUNGRY PRO ;-; c r i e s
God, I didn't eat anything all day o_o
I didn't know that, haha. Damn! Go eat something! Eat some cat food before you pass out.
I was hoping that if I just kept drinking water, I wouldn't feel hungry anymore, but I was wrong T_T
I wonder what cat food tastes like.....
In other news.... I'm coming back Saturday
but not many people will be around ;_;
Lol, so, so wrong! Try it, Rachelle. Just don't get addicted... I can see you walking around with a little ziploc bag, carrying cat food in it, haha. B]
My dog just snored so hard she woke herself up. And I'm laying here for ten minuets like an idiot laughing so hard I almost peed.
My strange addiction: I'm addicted to eating cat food. Ewwwwwwww. pukes
I found some stale bread, but.... nothing to put on it. ;-; Yum... dinner is served.....
......... baskethead?
"I love this thread."
Edit: #Doublepost
CiD meister is right. Everyone is leaving us, dafuq?
So important that it double posted xD
I know! Right when I'm coming back too!
Everyone makes mistakes okay! ;_;
Oh, man I heard of that show! I remember some lady kept eating ashes or something. I was like...
Some stale bread? That's... pretty sad...
YEAH! They were like..... her husband's ashes or something, not just any ashes. I couldn't watch it, it made me sick.
I know it's sad! We haven't been grocery shopping in like a month. WE HAVE NOTHING PRO. We don't even have frozen peas. T_T
The comment...
Okay, DLB... I'll leave you alone, lol.
This place will be pretty empty, heh.
Things keep on screwing up for me today!!! V_V
Nothing left. WtW... really?