The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yeah, even the macho man Antonio has watched it.

    Even I've seen it, lmao. Almost done with the next part. It was definitely two parts long.

  • Obviously I was gonna get involved. Nobody disrespects my lil sis like that.

    Alt text

    Lol, sorry. I had to post that gif because that was my reaction. <3

    Lol, I know, I was talking about that other guy. Obviously I was gonna get involved. Nobody disrespects my lil sis like that.

  • Finally read issue 129 of the comics.

    Spoilers below if you haven't read it.

    YES! NEGAN IS GOING TO RISE AGAIN! HAHA FUCK YES. Still irritated with Magna for snooping around, but Negan is finally up to something and I can't wait to see what it is.

  • Lol, it came out on TV one day, I was like dafuq is this? There was nothing else on, so I was like meh, might as well watch it.

    Yeah, even the macho man Antonio has watched it.

  • Lol "douchenozzle"


    The fuck does that even mean anyway?? -_______- what a douchenozzle

  • <3

    Obviously I was gonna get involved. Nobody disrespects my lil sis like that. Lol, sorry. I had to post that gif because that was my reaction.

  • Lmao, yeah, it had that cute girl in it, so I watched it. She kept saying fetch or some shit, haha.

    xD you dead ass?

  • Plot twist: he loved it and it's one of his favourite movies ever

    Lol, it came out on TV one day, I was like dafuq is this? There was nothing else on, so I was like meh, might as well watch it.

  • Yeah that book.

    I will probably listen to an audio book from youtube though.

    THE SHINING??? You're gonna read it? Seriously? omg ^-^ I LOVE YOU

  • XD

    Lmao, yeah, it had that cute girl in it, so I watched it. She kept saying fetch or some shit, haha.


  • That shit sounds epic.

  • edited July 2014

    Movie? xD oh forget it i thought you guys was talking about a TV show xD

    Plot twist: he loved it and it's one of his favourite movies ever

  • I actually thought it sucked, lol. It did have a few funny parts, though, but it wasn't that great.

    Plot twist: he loved it and it's one of his favourite movies ever


    Alt text


    Yeah that book. I will probably listen to an audio book from youtube though.

  • edited July 2014

    Ah, I see. You only watched it because of Gretchen Wieners. >:p


    I actually thought it sucked, lol. It did have a few funny parts, though, but it wasn't that great.

  • Mean Girls, Manny. -_-

    Movie? xD oh forget it i thought you guys was talking about a TV show xD

  • Lmao, holy shit! That was her last name?! Lol!

    Elmer or octopuses question is soo much better. B]

    Ah, I see. You only watched it because of Gretchen Wieners. >:p FETCH WILL NEVER HAPPEN

  • I thought it was a TV series. My bad Rachelle.

    Mean Girls, Manny. -_-

  • edited July 2014

    LOL that gif killed me! XD

    This is it, right?

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    It that's the book then I will ask my dad to order it for me. If he can I'll ask my mom, but I might run into some obsrickles with her

    Edit: lol *obstacles


  • LOL yeah! xD She can't help it that she's so popular.

    Alt text

    I think Elmer will always win.... sorry octopuses question :c ^-^

    Lmao, holy shit! That was her last name?! Lol! Elmer or octopuses question is soo much better. B]


    LOL, yes that's it! xD

    LOL that gif killed me! XD This is it, right? It that's the book then I will ask my dad to order it for me. If he can I'll ask my mom, but I might run into some obsrickles with her Edit: lol *obstacles

  • Lol, she was so dumb in the movie, haha.

    Elmer is the original, that's why. I'm at the ending now, I won't even bother rereading, too much and it's late. B]

    LOL yeah! xD She can't help it that she's so popular. I think Elmer will always win.... sorry octopuses question :c ^-^

  • Obsrickles sounds like a retarded ostrich. Lol.

    OBSRICKLES LMFAO OMG LOL, yes that's it! xD


    Lol, she was so dumb in the movie, haha. Elmer is the original, that's why. I'm at the ending now, I won't even bother rereading, too much and it's late. B]


    Lol, she was so dumb in the movie, haha. Elmer is the original, that's why. I'm at the ending now, I won't even bother rereading, too much and it's late. B]

  • Ooooh after you're done reading The Shining, you should read this one:

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    It's about an 8 or something year old girl who gets lost in the woods and there's like scary shit happening in those woods, and it's very good. Not as scary as Pet Sematary or Salem's Lot or The Shining, but still awesome.

    Obsrickles sounds like a retarded ostrich. Lol.

  • edited July 2014

    K, sounds interesting.

    Damn, when school starts I won't have a lot if time to read or watch GoT. -cries-

    I've been trying to watch game of thrones but I can't because my computer won't load any other link besides this website and google. I'm freaking pissed. I wana watch season 2 already. -__-

    Ooooh after you're done reading The Shining, you should read this one: It's about an 8 or something year old girl who gets lost in th

  • Lol, actually she's 9. I actually turned the book over and read the description again. hehehe whoops.

    Aww man, that blows :( Season 2 is awesome. ;-;

    K, sounds interesting. Damn, when school starts I won't have a lot if time to read or watch GoT. -cries- I've been trying to watch ga

  • Damn it! Some of the bottom half of the first part got cut off, now I need to type some of it again, ugh! I'll fix it and post it later. Sorry, guys.


  • Alt text

    Damn it! Some of the bottom half of the first part got cut off, now I need to type some of it again, ugh! I'll fix it and post it later. Sorry, guys.

  • edited July 2014

    It's 5:30am and I'm still not tired. My phone is burning through me hands as well. Ima end up burning this phone out. X_X.

    Edit: my dog just started dreaming and she's kicking me now. The struggle.

  • NOooooooooo WHY


    c r i e s

    Damn it! Some of the bottom half of the first part got cut off, now I need to type some of it again, ugh! I'll fix it and post it later. Sorry, guys.

  • My face when the bottom part got cut off in the story.

  • edited July 2014

    Are you gonna post it in the next couple minuets or way later?

    My face when the bottom part got cut off in the story.

  • I saved them, luckily it was only a little bit that got cut off. At least I'll be able to reread it and maybe add a few things.

    Heh, it was up for a while, you could have gotten a sneak peek to the next part. "Obsrickles" always getting in the way. :p

    NOooooooooo WHY I WAS READY AND EVERYTHING ;-; c r i e s

  • edited July 2014

    Nah, later in the day. I'm not even on the PC anymore, but I saved them. It's too late now, you can go to sleep, DLB. B]

    Are you gonna post it in the next couple minuets or way later?

  • edited July 2014

    Ohh man. ;_;

    Meh, I'll probably go to sleep in labour ten minutes.

    Edit: oh my god. I meant about ten minutes. -_-

    Nah, later in the day. I'm not even on the PC anymore, but I saved them. It's too late now, you can go to sleep, DLB. B]

  • I didn't even freaking notice ;-; UGH STUPID OBSRICKLES

    I saved them, luckily it was only a little bit that got cut off. At least I'll be able to reread it and maybe add a few things. Heh, it w

  • Yeah, same here. Before I end up staying up, lol. :p

    Ohh man. ;_; Meh, I'll probably go to sleep in labour ten minutes. Edit: oh my god. I meant about ten minutes. -_-

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