It's what led me to meet wonderful people here. It's a wonderful game that let's your emotions come out and give you better understanding of people, so I'm with you on that.
Nope nope and nope. My wardrobe consists of mostly t shirts and jeans, with the exception of a few knee lengthed dresses for church. On very… more rare occasions my mom will let me wear flip flops, but I can't paint my toenails because my mom says that it's "what harlots do" Usually I just wear converse.
I'm not even supposed to wear makeup, but I do anyway because she can't stop me there. I look like an alien without makeup.
I like how you generalize anime. I'm not an over-all otaku, you know. But, uh, i guess i do enjoy anime.
But you can't just compare two things so different like that. Anime and TWD kind of games/TV shows are too different to compare.
But you're not like them, you're just dressing like most girls at your age do, at least I know you're deeper than most of them, if you'd come here and see how they act while strolling half naked in the halls you'd feel different, you're not a sleaze.
I know, we've been through so much together, HE'S been through Hell and walked out alive, i NEED him to be alive. I need him to. I'd... I'd rather Luke die than Kenny. I really mean it. Kenny is... GAHDAMMNITTELLTALE!!!!!!
I'm sorry Mark! I'm on mobile so it takes me like 20 minutes to reply to a comment. I'm sorry you went through that Mark, I really am its been hard for me too, but I managed through it and I'm glad I didn't throw my life .away because now I have you guys and you guys are the best
I love the Sims series so much, I think I've probably played over 500 hours of that series. I'm not that excited for the fourth one to be honest, because I love having my sims look hyper-realistic and they seemed to have dumbed down the graphics for this one.
Lol, or maybe my mom is just insane. Maybe I should just wear a big Victorian style dress that covers me from neck to toe, maybe then she'll finally be happy with me.
Lol, or maybe my mom is just insane. Maybe I should just wear a big Victorian style dress that covers me from neck to toe, maybe then she'll finally be happy with me.
Never in school, or like out on a date? If I was a guy, I'd be a chivalrous bastard, opening all the doors and pulling out all the chairs for the ladies.
It's what led me to meet wonderful people here. It's a wonderful game that let's your emotions come out and give you better understanding of people, so I'm with you on that.
I love that movie! Now I wanna watch it
But almost every girl I see paints her toenails! The world must be full of harlots then, lol
Dark Knight V The Last Of Us would be a hard pick for me but agree
But you're not like them, you're just dressing like most girls at your age do, at least I know you're deeper than most of them, if you'd come here and see how they act while strolling half naked in the halls you'd feel different, you're not a sleaze.
Kenny is the only character (besides clementine) from S1 E1 that's still alive. I hope he survives this season at least.
I'm sorry Mark! I'm on mobile so it takes me like 20 minutes to reply to a comment. I'm sorry you went through that Mark, I really am
its been hard for me too, but I managed through it and I'm glad I didn't throw my life .away because now I have you guys and you guys are the best 
"I'm the shadow on the moon at night" that line gave me nightmares for months.
The cool thing about this movie. Is that you can watch it on Halloween and Christmas.
The boogieman is the least scariest character in that movie, Mark! xD
That movie is BRILLIANT.
Is it weird that i am excited for Sims 4 even though i freaking hate that stupid game.
Me too, man. Me too. ;_;
You're not a sleaze, Maddi, lol. My mom is just a prude.
I think everyone wants that. Besides haters. Boo, haters.
Little kid LITTLE Azlyn when I wasn't so badass hard to believe I know XD
I love the Sims series so much, I think I've probably played over 500 hours of that series. I'm not that excited for the fourth one to be honest, because I love having my sims look hyper-realistic and they seemed to have dumbed down the graphics for this one.
We're excited for vinesauce to corrupt it.
Eww. "Checking my package"? Seriously?
Oh gawd... i'm still heartbroken after that trailer...
Depressed Clem and depressed Kenny ;_;
I never played it before but for some reason I'm excited for this one too.
Lol, or maybe my mom is just insane. Maybe I should just wear a big Victorian style dress that covers me from neck to toe, maybe then she'll finally be happy with me.
FUCK! Another siren, and I couldn't even hear it! It was so fucking weak and I barely managed to get my bro out of the apartment before the crash...
Oh, dear... Hey... Uh, how many, um... How many deaths? Do people still... I mean, it sounds terrible.
ikr, I hope Kenny pulls through. ;_;
Thanks man!
Wow I missed a lot of comments last night
I see the trailer and release dates are out though 
Yeah, it was him.
Lol, no boy has ever held a door open for me, ever.
If you'll excuse me, It seems that I'm gonna pass out. What a day huh guys? What a fuckin' day.
Also, when men walk up the stairs they'll always let the woman have a lead of a few steps, I think you can understand why...
No one died in my city from those attacks.
Never in school, or like out on a date? If I was a guy, I'd be a chivalrous bastard, opening all the doors and pulling out all the chairs for the ladies.
Where's this?