Sam only attacked her because he switched his mindset into survival, animals are not the same as humans, survival for animals is a much more aggressive thing. I dunno, maybe he was special, but most dogs aren't like that when they have someone that takes constant care of them.
Sam only attacked her because he switched his mindset into survival, animals are not the same as humans, survival for animals is a much more… more aggressive thing. I dunno, maybe he was special, but most dogs aren't like that when they have someone that takes constant care of them.
Tbh I don't watch that crap. But one time my friend came up to me and was like " hey look at this cool thing I found". Ehh.. I regret looking at that phone.
But some girls do watch that. Sadly I know some who do. **:/
Gotta love dogs man.
Sounds like he's in trouble, but if he loves her, it won't bother him too much.
Why didn't you guys tell me your names earlier?
I'll just go ahead and throw out that my name is Jacob soooo yeah. <.<
Lol, why is it so surprising?
I thought you already knew because it's said a lot. So I didn't think I needed to tell you.
Sam only attacked her because he switched his mindset into survival, animals are not the same as humans, survival for animals is a much more aggressive thing. I dunno, maybe he was special, but most dogs aren't like that when they have someone that takes constant care of them.
I'm terrible with names. I'll probably forget yours tomorrow. What was your name again?
Haha, smh.
You're freakin' awesome Jacob.
No, no, no, no, no YOU'RE awesome
Dear mind, please stop thinking so much at night, I need to sleep.
40000 comments... you know what time it is!
And I'm going to sleep. That's how hard I party.
You're awesome-er.
I'll just keep calling you girl
Daniel, it's Daniel.
I know! ^ ^
It was a joke! :P
Just saying tho... it's not just a guy thing
Good night!
Dear man, (I don't know your name too) you're right I'm outta here.
XD im dead
K, I'm fine with that.
As long as you don't call me bad names.
. I know wat THATS like...
Start counting sheeps bro!
cmon. 1 sheep...2 sheeps...3 sheeps..
I'll set up a funeral...
Daniel, it's Daniel.
Ah I agree ;D
On Doug's hand?!?!
I know! >.>
I think Doug is there to clean the mess afterwards.
Tbh I don't watch that crap. But one time my friend came up to me and was like " hey look at this cool thing I found". Ehh.. I regret looking at that phone.
But some girls do watch that. Sadly I know some who do. **:/
Well... Sometimes girls also need to.. you know.. "ease the tension".