The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You don't question the fact that I'm your uncle?

    I would but I'm kinda busy

  • It's alright, i suck at being social. We can always just sit around and awkwardly stare at each other until we get bored. ;3

    Beautiful weather were having! I suck at starting conversation

  • I'm alright with being social but when it's starting a convo im just blank.

    Challenge accepted! O_O

    Azlyn posted: »

    It's alright, i suck at being social. We can always just sit around and awkwardly stare at each other until we get bored. ;3

  • Awesome.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Always review my story's at the same time every night when finished spamming say be reviewing all them in about 20 minutes

  • I actually do that to my friends alot. They get so embarrassed XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    Hey have you met Ted? *runs off *

  • Always review my story's at the same time every night when finished spamming say be reviewing all them in about 20 minutes :D

    @Markd4547 did you read my chapter? Was it any good? Or just shit?

  • Why would I? Your my favorite uncle!

    You don't question the fact that I'm your uncle?

  • I'm warning you that i once went a full minute without blinking. Aw yea.

    *sits down indian style in front of you *


    Oh, and, by the way, how did you get out of the sack?

    I'm alright with being social but when it's starting a convo im just blank. Challenge accepted! O_O

  • Thanks, Jon. ^-^

    JonGon posted: »

    This is awesome! I think this is the first time i've ever seen traditional art from you Rachel.

  • Thanks juice. :p

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    It looks amazing! Great work!


    Out of the sack? What do you mean xD

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm warning you that i once went a full minute without blinking. Aw yea. *sits down indian style in front of you * O)_(O Oh, and, by the way, how did you get out of the sack?

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014



    Why would I? Your my favorite uncle!

  • You're saving it to your computer?! haha, thanks Mark. xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    O-O WOW!!!! YES YES F**K YES!! We have a contender to win the art competition and you just the set the standard it's world class so badass.

  • Wobble.

    Uhhhhhhh.... Hello....

  • I'm staying out of trouble mom!



  • Well last i saw of you you were in my sack while i convinced your uncle that you were eaten by a snoopopotamus.

    A.K.A. THIS sexy beast:

    Alt text

    O_- DAMMIT I BLINKED. Out of the sack? What do you mean xD

  • Dafuq did I miss?!?! LOL I didn't look at the previous 12 pages

    Azlyn posted: »

    Well last i saw of you you were in my sack while i convinced your uncle that you were eaten by a snoopopotamus. A.K.A. THIS sexy beast:

  • I'm all ears.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Azlyn I have a better game wanna play?

  • You sir just made my day.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Top page on this website I'm on and TWD related so here

  • That reminds me of how we and other people hear our voices.

    I heard that if you meet someone that looks exactly like you, you wouldn't think that they look like you. Because what we think we look like is totally different from how people see us.

  • Snoopopotamus

    Azlyn posted: »

    Well last i saw of you you were in my sack while i convinced your uncle that you were eaten by a snoopopotamus. A.K.A. THIS sexy beast:

  • Yeah, I hate my voice when I record it.

    Azlyn posted: »

    That reminds me of how we and other people hear our voices.

  • Alright my brother is being an assmcmuffin..... -___- Bye guys!

  • I went to a fun park in Barcelona once, there's some good stuff there.

    Azlyn posted: »

    xD And then we engaged in a deep conversation about how i never went on a rollercoaster ride. ;~; But i'm going to Barcelona in like 2 weeks and i'm gonna go to this fun park, and i sure as crap will try the roller coaster.

  • x3

    Don't, i was being super creepy. But, uh, your uncle wanted to take ya huntin' in Africa. That sounded pretty safe. So i kidnapped you. Because sue me.


    And now i'm rewatching How I Met Your Mother. That show is gold.

    Dafuq did I miss?!?! LOL I didn't look at the previous 12 pages

  • Thank you for the stomach cramp xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Top page on this website I'm on and TWD related so here

  • bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Brent.

    Alright my brother is being an assmcmuffin..... -___- Bye guys!

  • Sneak Peak of my art.

    Alt text

  • Alt text

    Alright my brother is being an assmcmuffin..... -___- Bye guys!

  • edited July 2014


    *runs off *

    Not sure how the game works but Tagged you aint no one does that to me whatever that means XD

    Azlyn posted: »

    I'm all ears.

  • Don't go, this is my last warning.

    Why would I? Your my favorite uncle!

  • Me too >.>

    Yeah, I hate my voice when I record it.

  • I hope I don't sound or look like what I see and hear.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Me too >.>

  • :D

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    "So the person should never get the slightest bit of hate." I agree with you there. I gave it some thought and I have to agree with you.

  • edited July 2014

    I'm staying out of trouble mom!

    Alt text

    Don't lie to my face CiD. I know you're always getting in trouble.

    I'm staying out of trouble mom! wobble

  • It's a reference from How I Met Your Mom x3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    HEY HAVE YOU MET TEDDY *runs off * Not sure how the game works but Tagged you aint no one does that to me whatever that means XD

    edited July 2014

    Chris Hansen saved him from attempted rape already, keep tabs on yo kid!

    I'm staying out of trouble mom! Don't lie to my face CiD. I know you're always getting in trouble.

  • That is so beautiful i want to pee.

    JonGon posted: »

    Sneak Peak of my art.

  • I kidnapped your son and put him in a sack.

    I'm staying out of trouble mom! Don't lie to my face CiD. I know you're always getting in trouble.

  • AWESOMEO, we've been through this haven't we.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Chris Hansen saved him from attempted rape already, keep tabs on yo kid!

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