Yes! Do it!! Just keep trying, I'm sure it'll be great.
... is everyone on gigapainter or something? I feel left out... like a bastard at a family reunion.
I leave the forum for one day and I just checked back in real quick and the thread is already full of shirtless Men posers with lip gloss pics and gif's everywhere WTF!! now i see slating Emma Watson my worst nightmare has come true :'O
No, the episode 4 spoilers are rampant! Someone managed to get the game early and he's posting it all over youtube, and trolls are starting to leak it here.
EMMA WATSON? Emma......Watson Aw hell no.......
I leave the forum for one day and I just checked back in real quick and the thread is alr… moreeady full of shirtless Men posers with lip gloss pics and gif's everywhere WTF!! now i see slating Emma Watson my worst nightmare has come true :'O
2 words.
Rule 34?
I don't know... I'll check.
EDIT: Nope, it's empty.
EMMA WATSON? Emma......Watson Aw hell no.......
I leave the forum for one day and I just checked back in real quick and the thread is already full of shirtless Men posers with lip gloss pics and gif's everywhere WTF!! now i see slating Emma Watson my worst nightmare has come true :'O
No, the episode 4 spoilers are rampant! Someone managed to get the game early and he's posting it all over youtube, and trolls are starting to leak it here.
Porn involving characters from a specific franchise.. Like the one that was with..................... Clem..
Starts a barf-o-rama
Nah son, that's 1 word.
Ohh... OH! Oh my fucking God..... o_O I remember Elian told me about that, and I forgot what it was.
What the fuck????
Lol, sorry Markd, the "2/10 would not bang" is something that's running strong on the internet right now.. xD
You don't know what that is?
Ok then, I'll change mine to: awesome-estpersononearth
What has been seen cannot be unseen...
Pukes blueberry pie all over the place
Me too.
I do weird crap when I'm bored.
No, I remember what it is now. I just forgot.
I wish I hadn't asked
lmfao, Lardass Hogan.
Like put sugar on pizza?
Rachelle broke her ovaries.
Yeah its some disgusting stuff. Some people are just so screwed up.
Only jk about that but the amount of shirtless men is to damn high though XD
At least you didn't see it...
My face when seeing it:
Then the rest of the day I was like this:
No, weirder stuff.
lmfao, says you.
Blame ATR. She did this to me.
I don't want kids anyway.
What's weirder than destroying a great meal?
Too late.
She's the family disgrace now.
I didn't destroy it, I made it taste better. And trust me, you don't want to know what I do when I'm seriously bored.
Been gone ages, there's a shit load of troll threads and I got a death spoiled.
You're calling my husband a disgrace??!??
Ouch dat burns dayum :O
Sorry :x
u Mark
When I die I want my last words to be, " I left a million dollars in the...."
You hearin' this Rachel?
And you never told me this because.........?
I'm the Daenerys to Rachelle's Drogo.