This is kinda boring

I dont know why, but I played the second chapter of E2 and I dont feel like playing anymore. Maybe at the end of each ep,they dont face you with intense situations?


  • It had the same problems Cry Wolf did. A short hour with nothing exceptionally entertaining and cheesy kiddy humor. I saw a trailer on television today and face palmed

  • What was the cheesy kiddy humour in Cry Wolf..?

    Clemenem posted: »

    It had the same problems Cry Wolf did. A short hour with nothing exceptionally entertaining and cheesy kiddy humor. I saw a trailer on television today and face palmed

  • I felt the same way unfortunately, half way through I kinda came to the conclusion that this game isn't for me.

  • Should have elaborated I didn't mean to include cheesy humor in my list of reasons of why it was similar. The cheesy humor is only in Minecraft

    Flog61 posted: »

    What was the cheesy kiddy humour in Cry Wolf..?

  • Im enjoying it myself:)

  • I thought it was short, but it entertained me fine.

  • Im not complaining about the length. Maybe this game just isnt for me. I like games that are wither polictical or action. Not forced humour and drama.

  • I'm actually really enjoying it a lot better than Game of Thrones which I found kinda boring, but to each his own

  • You aren't the only one. I liked Episode 1 a lot but this one felt pretty flat. And I'm not sure length was the problem either it just felt... boring. I'm not getting into the characters much and the story isn't sucking me in.

  • edited October 2015

    Episode 2 seemed experimental, the entire first half was dependent on your last choice from episode one. So it seems like in order to get about 33% of the chapter you gotta do a different choice in Episode 1.

    Its nice that the player's choices can literally change the path to the end, but the fact that the execution led to having to restart in order to look at the other path and go through an almost identical ending half was kinda louzy.

    I think it would have been better if the entire chapter was about getting to either Magnus or Eligard, either through thier main cities, on a trip through the over-world on a different path, or heck maybe they could just make the journey through the Nether slightly different instead of encountering the same Ghast Twice before stopping at the gate.

    TL:DR version. I think either the chapter should have done more stuff with exclusively Magnus or Elligard before ending the chapter so its more re-playable, or shortened it to be enough to have more material after finding either Elegard or Magnus so the player does not feel obligated to retrace their steps to get the full material. It was an interesting experiment though.

  • edited October 2015

    In order to see the other path you can just copy your episode 1 save and just rewind to the last chapter of episode 1 which only takes like 15 minutes to complete. It's not a huge hassle. But I agree the episode was definitely an experiment and judging from the reception it's probably something they won't be trying again (at least for a while).

    Episode 2 seemed experimental, the entire first half was dependent on your last choice from episode one. So it seems like in order to get ab

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, even with the different saves there is still the ending bit, which looks even more samey with the consequences than usual when you compare the experiment with how Telltale usually does things.

    In order to see the other path you can just copy your episode 1 save and just rewind to the last chapter of episode 1 which only takes like

  • I thought the episode was enjoyable, diffirent variations and such. Yes it was incredibly short, but so was the wait time. But I get that nearly everyone's reactions in the end was: "That's it?" But overall it's a win-win. Those who don't like MCSM are happy it's going to be over pretty soon. (or not?) And those who like it will be glad to get the next part of their story so soon.

  • It was only like 60 minutes for me, but I do like that it came out pretty early and how Choices actually have a pretty big impact this time around.

  • I thought episode 2 was a bit boring but after tales from the borderlands I think we we spolt

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