Best episode

edited July 2009 in Sam & Max
i just played episode 104 and really liked it now i have a free game and want to use it on another sam and max episode which one is the best?


  • edited July 2009
    I would Do any of the first three. Out of a hat, Episode One.

    EDIT: Also, that's what she said to "I would Do any of the first three."
  • edited July 2009
    If you plan on getting the rest of season 1 use the free game to get the first episode of season 2 (Ice Station Santa). It's not the best episode but it is the best way to save money as you can get the whole 1st season for $20 (ish) and then get a free episode of season 2 (I've suggested the 1st one because the 2nd season is more of a continuing storyline and while the later episodes are better you should really play them in order) which will enable you to season 2 upgrade option which is $26.
  • edited July 2009
    If you plan on getting the rest of season 1 use the free game to get the first episode of season 2 (Ice Station Santa). It's not the best episode but it is the best way to save money as you can get the whole 1st season for $20 (ish) and then get a free episode of season 2 (I've suggested the 1st one because the 2nd season is more of a continuing storyline and while the later episodes are better you should really play them in order) which will enable you to season 2 upgrade option which is $26.

    Do this.

    If you only want one more Episode continue the Story with 105: Reality 2.0
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