What direction did you choose leading into episode 2?

Ellegaard the Redstone Engineer or Magnus the Rogue? I chose Magnus! Can't wait to see what happens!


  • I went with Ellegaard, I liked her section because I was allowed to be a typical adventure game protagonist - ruining everyone else's lives to further my goal.

  • I chose Ellegard's route, but having watched the Magnus choice on YouTube, I thought his was more interesting. In the story logic, I'd still side with Ellegard's though since I'd want brains over brawn and Magnus seems unreliable.

  • Ellegaard, because despite my attitudes towards destruction, because I thought since it was made of a command block she could shut it off or something.

  • I chose Magnus, I like explosions. With that being said, I prefer Ellegaard, Magnus is a dick.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I went with Ellegaard, as having an engineer work out a solution seemed like the best choice. Being a huge adventure game fan, and a fan of Telltale's previous puzzle games, I'm glad that I chose that route, as the choice in various adventure game puzzles on how to get the part to open the way to her fortress were my favorite part of the episode.

    I played through Boom Town after I played through my main save by starting a new save with random generated choices, and it was fun, and suitably actiony. But, being a fan of logic over brawn in adventure style games, Ellegaard's path was still my favorite. :)

  • Ellegard. I just found her section a lot more fun and it was great accidentally destroying everybody's inventions. I didn't even know you could craft in that section so I ended up just stealing it.

  • Ellegard. Because TNT Cannons need redstone anyways

  • I went with Elegaard, though I stopped her from making a command block. :v We saw how well that worked last time. I'm glad for my choice, Magnus seems like a real jerk, no wonder he and Axel hit it off so well. Elegaard seems a bit snobby, but she's a smart and busy woman it seems.

  • Magnus. I like Magnus
    Even though i kinda like Ellegard too.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    When i played the game at the London press screening i chose Magnus as i thought exploding things sounded fun, when i played my own copy at home i chose Ellegaard in my main save but chose Magnus again in my alternate save.

    After playing both in episode 2 i liked the Magnus version slightly more as it seemed to have a bit more action but i think Elegaard seems more trustworthy.

  • Chose Magnus, I love chaoses, explosions. But I prefer Elegaard, Magnus is such a dick.

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