To Petra? Or not to Petra?

What do you guys think will happen with Petra and her sickness in the upcoming Episode 3? Could it get cured? Could it cause her to transform into one of them or do you think they will kill her off? leave any comments below :)


  • Let her drink milk.

  • Seek help from the order?

  • Chances are, she's already tried milk and it didn't work. Maybe if she found some kind of super milk like they're trying to find super TNT?

    Let her drink milk.

  • I can somehow imagine the group seek for Ivor's help, thinking his potions might cure the sickness.

  • I doubt it will be resolved in episode 3. It might even drag into episode 5. Also MarPy has a good point about Ivor's potions, though getting him to help might be difficult.

  • I'm fairly certain the Order is not in the best condition at the moment

    Seek help from the order?

  • I was also thinking the same idea about getting Ivor to help. Maybe you could make a deal with Ivor that you would let him take credit for killing the witherstorm (if he does) and convince the order to let Ivor back in so that he would make a potion to cure petra or gabriel (depending on with you saved).

  • Maybe she's immune and in three weeks she will embark on a journey with a survival-hardened man with a dark past so she can save the world from the wither.

  • edited November 2015

    It would be a pretty creative turn of events if the way we treated Ivor impacted whether Petra would die or not.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    I can somehow imagine the group seek for Ivor's help, thinking his potions might cure the sickness.

  • Is that the same reference I'm thinking about? Nice job!

    hemfbg posted: »

    Maybe she's immune and in three weeks she will embark on a journey with a survival-hardened man with a dark past so she can save the world from the wither.

  • And maybe her real name is Ellie! :D

    hemfbg posted: »

    Maybe she's immune and in three weeks she will embark on a journey with a survival-hardened man with a dark past so she can save the world from the wither.

  • You know those memes that say "When you see it, don't reply. Let everyone else figure it out!" I'm fairly sure you just defied all odds!!! >:OOOO

    Smellmeh posted: »

    And maybe her real name is Ellie!

  • I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order

  • But Petra is Gabriel. Lukas is Soren, Jesse is Ivor and the other obvious two.

    I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order

  • It's cause of my theory that: Lukas, Jesse, Olivia and Axel will be the new order of the stone and seeing as there is no person with experience of potions I feel that Gabriel/Petra will get killed off

    But Petra is Gabriel. Lukas is Soren, Jesse is Ivor and the other obvious two.

  • What I think of her sickness?

    enter link description here

  • I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order

    Those damn illuminati

    they just don't know when to stop

    I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order

  • Reading your comment and looking at your avatar makes me laugh so hard

    Deltino posted: »

    I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order Those damn illuminati they just don't know when to stop

  • Ivor has exp with potions. Also, there is supposed to be 5 members in the order

    It's cause of my theory that: Lukas, Jesse, Olivia and Axel will be the new order of the stone and seeing as there is no person with experience of potions I feel that Gabriel/Petra will get killed off

  • But I thought Jesse is Soren because he is the leader of the gang.

    But Petra is Gabriel. Lukas is Soren, Jesse is Ivor and the other obvious two.

  • But the question remains...... what does the 4th episode mean by A BLOCK AND A HARD PLACE and what does the fifth episode mean by 'the next episode'?

    It's cause of my theory that: Lukas, Jesse, Olivia and Axel will be the new order of the stone and seeing as there is no person with experience of potions I feel that Gabriel/Petra will get killed off

  • Lukas is Soren because he's a builder. Also, I think Ivor used to be the leader, hence why he is at the center of the amulet, therefore Jesse takes his place as leader.

    JoeyAqua posted: »

    But I thought Jesse is Soren because he is the leader of the gang.

  • I don't feel like there will be a fifth member, why would you allow him into the new order

    Ivor has exp with potions. Also, there is supposed to be 5 members in the order

    1. I think "A BLOCK" will be the super tnt and "A HARD PLACE" will be a place where there is obsidian or our heroes make and obsidian bunker to use the super that to deal damage the the wither storm
    2. For the fifth episode Order Up I think the new world order will have just formed and the final blows will be dealt to the wither storm destroying it for good and the last half of the episode will be life after the storm
    JoeyAqua posted: »

    But the question remains...... what does the 4th episode mean by A BLOCK AND A HARD PLACE and what does the fifth episode mean by 'the next episode'?

  • But he has no experience with potions, it doesn't fit

    Lukas is Soren because he's a builder. Also, I think Ivor used to be the leader, hence why he is at the center of the amulet, therefore Jesse takes his place as leader.

  • I never really thought about that. You might be right. He was at the center in the amulet.

    Lukas is Soren because he's a builder. Also, I think Ivor used to be the leader, hence why he is at the center of the amulet, therefore Jesse takes his place as leader.

  • Illuminati is an organization trying to throw off the church, I think.

    Deltino posted: »

    I think that telltale will sadly kill off Gabriel/Petra for the new world order Those damn illuminati they just don't know when to stop

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