Walking Dead Season 2 carried over saves?

So, I spent a LOT of time on season 1 of the walking dead and 400 days...
What I'm wondering is how much does it actually matter if my saves aren't carried over?
I want to play The Walking Dead Season 2, as it's just been released on PS4 for free, but I have yet to play through season 1 on my PS4 and I don't want to ruin my immersion of the experience by seeing decision that they chose for me in season 1 that I would NEVER do.
Is there some kind of feature that asks what I did in season 1 so I don't have to go through the entirety of season 1 to play through season 2 with the decisions I made?
Does it even matter all that much?
Thanks in advance.


  • There will be some minor references to choices you made in Season 1, and characters you chose in 400 Days will make minor cameos. However, the choices from last Season won't influence the story of Season 2 on a large scale. You should easily be fine.

  • Thank you so much!

    There will be some minor references to choices you made in Season 1, and characters you chose in 400 Days will make minor cameos. However, the choices from last Season won't influence the story of Season 2 on a large scale. You should easily be fine.

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