Who'd you save? Gab or Petra?

In the end, who did you choose to save?
Why? Any suggestions for others? Comment...


  • Gabriel, I just like him more than Petra.

  • Petra as we had moments where we could talk and interact with her, I felt more attached to her character than I did with Gabriel, so that's why I chose her.

  • I chose to save Gabriel because I felt he needed to be saved more than Petra. One of the reasons was he knew more about the Order.

  • In the moment my immediate thought was to save Petra mainly because she was the friend you already knew before Gabriel, but right after that choice the thought ran through my mind that if Gabriel died then the Order of the Stone wouldn't be able to be reformed so I thought I done goofed on the storyline at the time.

  • I picked the first one I saw, to be honest...

  • Petra because Ellie

  • Petra because our character has known her for way longer.

  • Petra. I like both Gabriel and her, even though I like a bit more Petra because she is introduced as our friend and all. (Plus I love her voice)
    But I saved her because I was tired of saving Gabriel over and over haha. I didn't really think about it while making the choice to be honest.

  • Petra, she's a friend and Gabriel is useless. (Gabriel did not help save Lukas or stop Ivor)

  • Petra. Because the gang is more close to her than Gabriel.

  • I saved Gabriel because I loved his character and his voice, one major thing that made my desicion different from others is that people saved Petra thinking we know her longer but I judged on the time frame that we are actually playing the game, not onky with Gabriel can you reassemble the order but he just fits in with the storyline more than Petra and you do need someone to the order you are close to.

  • There was not a lot of time to make the decision, so I just went with my gut feeling. Meaning - I saved Gabriel. I figured that he can help Petra and the rest who are still in trouble being a part of the Order. As in - he would be able to help more people in the long run.

  • Petra, friends are better.

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