Boom Town or Redstonia?

Where did you go? Do you regret it? Are yiu proud of? Magnus or Ellegard? I chose Ellegard and m proud of it, Magnus seems pretty.... Well, weird and annoying


  • I went to both on two separate accounts and personally I liked Boom Town faaaar better. Not to mention Redstonia shaves about 20 to 30 minutes of your game time. If you haven't already go to Boom Town on a separate account. As far as characters go I by a teensy weensy bit I like Magnus better. I feel like later in the story its going to be annoying because Ellegard will be boasting about her smartness.

  • My first choice was to go to Boom Town. No ragrets. Awesome scene there, i liked Magnus,

  • Boom Town, do not regret it at all, better intro and much better action.

    With Magnus I'm gonna say the same thing I said about axel, though he can be brash he's still a way more interesting character.

  • Can't finish episode 1 because it keeps on freezes on Xbox 360!

  • Boom Town because, well, it's Boom Town! I love myself some TNT action. xD

    Also, I do not regret it. I will, of course, play back through the episode and chose the other path to see what it is like.

  • I chose to go to Redstonia mainly because I like redstone networking myself, but also because I felt that a smart mind was needed over a tough mind for the wither storm. I have yet to go to boom town on my alternate gameplay save, although from what everyone else has said so far I really should go try it lol.

  • I went to Redstonia first and I liked that segment much better than Boom Town.

  • Boom Town because it had more actions than Redstonia but I can't stand Magnus

  • I went to Redstonia, as having an engineer work out a solution seemed like the best choice. Being a huge adventure game fan, and a fan of Telltale's previous puzzle games, I'm glad that I chose that route, as the choice in various adventure game puzzles on how to get the part to open the way to her fortress were my favorite part of the episode.

    I played through Boom Town after I played through my main save by starting a new save with random generated choices, and it was fun, and suitably actiony. But, being a fan of logic over brawn in adventure style games, Redstonia was still my favorite. :)

  • Redstonia because I loved the optional puzzles and all the interaction. Boom Town was way too linear (even for a Telltale game).

  • I went to Redstonia and I'm really happy about it. I love Ellegard more than I like Magnus (he kinda annoyed me). I didn't like Boomtown when I went there in my other playthrough.

  • I liked the redstonia Intro more. And the hole Place is just better.

  • I went Redstonia simply because Axel as annoying me.

    Jennifer posted: »

    I went to Redstonia, as having an engineer work out a solution seemed like the best choice. Being a huge adventure game fan, and a fan of Te

  • I went to boom town, and I regret it

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Heh, that seems like a popular choice. When I played the first episode at one of the Telltale events in New York City, one of the people I was talking to told me he preferred to choose Elegaard simply because all of Axel's ideas always seemed dumb.

    At the moment, Axel definitely fits the dumb jock archetype of the 80s movie vibe that Telltale is going for with this series, but it would be interesting if Telltale turned people's perceptions of Axel on its head in future episodes.

    Valebread posted: »

    I went Redstonia simply because Axel as annoying me.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    I personally love the design and overall atmosphere of Boom Town more than Redstonia

    Also, Boom Town's theme/soundtrack is perfectly fitting, and pretty damn catchy, too. Has this vaguely wild west-esque feel to it.

  • I went to Redstonia in my main save and stand by my choice from a story perspective, but from watching YouTube footage of Boom Town, I liked that choice more in terms of cinematic presentation.

  • For action/interactivity - Boom Town. I liked how you had lots of moving around during the Boom Town intro, QTEs, you moving along the wall, the nice transitions between the credits.

    For storyline advancements - Redstonia. You learn quite a bit with a few correct dialogue choices.

    Overall, I liked Boom Town better

  • Boom town. But i like Ellegaard better.

  • Wow, I'm not the only who thinks his ideas are stupid compared to Olivia's, through episode 1 I only chose Olivia's desicions up until I decided to go get Magnus with Axel

    Jennifer posted: »

    Heh, that seems like a popular choice. When I played the first episode at one of the Telltale events in New York City, one of the people I

  • I went BoomTown because I wanted to blow the wither storm sky high! The intro is way better and I liked the action but entering Ellegards dome did have some action so Redstonia seems a better way to go on your main playthrough

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